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1、(相当于How many of us who will attend.)(2)过去分词与被修饰词之间具有被动意义。如:Good news was sometimes released prematurely, with the British recapture of the port announced half a day before the defenders actually surrendered.(相当于…recapture of the port which had been announced&)Just as the value of a telephone n

2、etwork increases with each new phone added to the system, so does the value of a computer system increase with each program that turns out.(相当于&each new phone which is added to&)The author gave a detailed description based on his personal observation of nature.(相当于&description which was based on&)(3

3、)下列不及物动词也以过去分词形式做定语或表语,但不具有被动意义:deceased, departed, elapsed, faded, fallen, gone, grown-up, retired, returned, risen, set, vanished, much-travelled, newly arrived, recently come。an escaped prisoner一个逃犯 a retired worker一位退休工人a faded curtain一个褪了色的窗帘 a newly arrived student一个新来的学生2.分词做状语,注意区分分词的一般式与完成式

4、(1)表示时间,多置于句首,注意如果分词表示的动作的时间先于谓语动词,要用完成式。Having completed one task, we started on another one. (complete先于start之前发生)(2)表示原因,置于句首句尾均可,根据情况有时要用完成式,有时用一般式。He wasn’t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, being considered insufficiently popular with all members.There seemed little hope

5、that the explorer, having been deserted in the tropical forest, would find his way through it.(3)表示伴随、方式,置于句尾,用分词的一般式。Helen borrowed my dictionary the other day saying that she would return it soon.Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely lost to the outside world.(4)表示结果,置于句尾,用分词的一般式

6、。The city found itself in a crisis situation last summer when the air conditioning on dozens of the new buses broke down, them unusable.(5)表示补充说明(同位),置于句尾,用分词的一般式。The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each making one major point in contrast with the other.Ford tried div

7、iding the labor, each worker assigned a separate task.3.分词的独立主格结构分词的逻辑主语一般为句子的主语,否则分词短语要有自己的逻辑主语,称为分词独立主格结构。分词独立主格结构只是句子的一个部分,但在翻译时经常译成独立的句子,考生要注意英汉两种语言在结构上的区别。All flights having been canceled because of the snowstorm, we decided to take the train.Darkness setting in, the young couple lingered on me

8、rrymaking.4.分词做表语和补语,尤应注意由使役动词变来的分词的形式(1)现在分词表示主语或宾语的特征,多以事物做(逻辑)主语。His victory in the final was no more convincing than I had expected.(2)过去分词表示主语或宾语所处的状态或对某事的心理反应和感受,多以人做(逻辑)主语。These students are quick at learning. We&ll have them trained in new methods.People cannot but feel puzzled. For they sim

9、ply cannot understand how he could have made such a stupid mistake.五、非谓语动词的其他考点1.接不定式或动名词做宾语都可以,但在意思上有区别的动词的用法mean to do想要(做某事) propose to do 打算(做某事)mean doing意味(做某事) propose doing建议(做某事)forget to do忘记(要做的事) remember to do记得(要做某事)forget doing忘记(已做的事) remember doing记得(已做过的事)go on to do继而(做另一件事) stop

10、to do停下来去做另一件事go on doing继续(做原来的事) stop doing停止正在做的事regret to do(对将要做的事)遗憾 regret doing(对已做过的事)后悔如:Mr. Jankin regretted having blamed his secretary for the mistake, for he later discovered it was his own fault.The boy is constantly being told not to scratch the paint off the wall, but he goes on doi

11、ng it all the same.2.不定式的习惯用法句型:cannot help but do cannot but docannot choose but do can do nothing but dohave no choice/alternative but to do上述句型的意思接近,即“不得不做”、&不禁做&不由自主地做&不能不做&只能做&。其共同的特点是都有一个否定词和but。Nobody can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by the science fi

12、ction.When I consider how talented he is as a painter, I cannot help but believe that the public will appreciate his gift.3.动名词的习惯用法句型:be busy/active doing sth. have difficulty/trouble/problem doing sth.It&s no good/use/picnic doing sth. have a good/great/wonderful time doing sth.spend/waste time do

13、ing sth. There is no point/sense/harm/ use doing sth.cannot help doing sth. There is no doing sth.I know it isn&t important but I can&t help thinking about it.Alice was having trouble controlling the children because there were so many of them.There is no use crying over spilt milk.4.there be 非谓语动词的

14、用法(1)做宾语时取决于谓语动词的持续要求。The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the final exams.(expect要求接不定式做宾语)(2)做目的状语或程度状语时用for there to be,做其他状语用there being。For there to be successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present. (for there to be&在句中做目的状语)It isn&t cold enough for there to be a frost tonight, so I can leave Jim&s car out quite safely.(for there to be&在句中做程度状语)There being no further questions, we&ll stop here today. (there being&做原因状语)(3)引导主语用for there

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