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1、听力部分要求考生听懂有关日常生活中所熟悉话题,如:问路、修理电视机、裁剪衣袖、谈论航班时间、如何改进文章、谈论周末活动、打电话取消会议、购买摄像机、采访著名插画家、陌生人之间闲谈。 听力部分中有 10 段听力材料,其中的 5 段较短,另 5 段则较长。话题覆盖面广,对话内容逻辑清楚,话语流畅。所考查的听力微技能包括:获取事实性具体信息、对所听内容作出简单推断。问题涉及多个方面,多个角度, 采用 where-, why-, how-, who-, what- 等多种特殊疑问句。第一节M: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest supermarket?(T

2、ext 1)W: Its on Pennings Road. Go past the post office and its on your left.(词数:24;时间:9;语速:160 词/分)本段材料内容为问路。1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a supermarket. B. In the post office. C. In the street.【分析】考查考生对所听内容作出简单推断的能力。男士问女士如何到达最近超市,女士给男士指路,告诉他 Its on Pennings Road. Go past t

3、he post office and its on your left. 由此可推断,对话最可能发生在大街上。【语音知识】连读How can I get to the nearest supermarket?Go past the post office and its on your left.【答案】C I dont know how you did it, Carl. But the TV works beautifully now.You should get a medal for your work. It wasnt hard at all. It was much easier

4、 than preparing for the test.36;13;166 词/分)(Text 2)本段材料内容为修理电视机。2.What did Carl do?A.He designed a medal.B.He fixed a TV set.C.He took a test.【分析】考查考生对所听内容作出简单推断能力。女士对男士说 I dont know how you did it . 但电视现在运行得非常好,并以 You should get a medal for your work. 赞扬男士做得很好。由此可知, 男士修理了电视机。【语言知识】work vi 运行(熟词生义)b

5、eautifully adv 很好;令人满意地(熟词生义)【语音知识】不完全爆破Bu(t) the TV works beautifully now. You shoul(d) get a medal for your work.It wasn(t) hard at all.【答案】B Good morning, madam. What can I do for you? Well, the sleeves of this jacket are too long. Can you make them shorter? Let me take a look. OK. I can do it fo

6、r 20 dollars.(Text 3)本段材料内容为裁剪衣袖。3.What does the man do?A. Hes a tailor. B. Hes a waiter. C. Hes a shop assistant.女士说她的夹克袖子太长,想让男士给裁短,男士说他能做并要收取 20美元费用。由此可知,男士是裁缝。【语音知识】连读 + 弱读Well, the sleeves of this jacket are too long.(of 和 are 和前面的词连读的同时也用其弱读形式,与听者熟知的音有差别的时候,会造成听力理解障碍)【答案】A Excuse me, could you

7、 tell me what time Flight AF35 gets in? Well, its due in at 6:20 pm, but the announcement said just now that it has a 30-minute delay because of the bad weather.15;144 词/分)(Text 4)本段材料内容为谈论航班时间。4.When will the flight arrive?A. At 18:20. B. At 18:35. C. At 18:50.AF35 航班原定在 18:20 抵达,但是广播通知由于天气原因航班延误了

8、30分钟,也就是说航班将在 18:50 抵达。【点拨】本题解题重点在于 a 30-minute delay “延迟 30 分钟”。原定 18:20 抵达,延迟 30 分钟后即为 18:50。题干中的 arrive 与材料中的 get in 为同义表达。due adj 预定的;预期的【语音知识】1.单词读音due 有英美两种读音,平时练习时要多熟悉两种读音,对听力理解有帮助2.连读 + 不完全爆破Well, its due in at 6:20 pm, bu(t) the announcemen(t) sai(d) jus(t) now that it has a 30-minute delay

9、 because of the bad weather.(本句较长,另外含有多处连读和不完全爆破,易造成听力理解障碍) Miss Miller, could you tell me how I can improve this article? I got a B plus. Its quite good actually. The language use is good and the main pointsare covered. Theres just too much repetition. You could have said(Text 5)本段材料内容为如何改进文章。5.How

10、 can the man improve his article?A.By deleting unnecessary words.B.By adding a couple of points.C.By correcting grammar mistakes.男士想要改进自己的文章,女士评价他的文章语法正确,要点全面覆盖,只 是有太多重复的内容,男士本可以在两页内写完文章,言外之意就是男士把不必要的内容删除,文章便可以得到改进。【点拨】本题解题重点在于理解 You could have said everything within two pages. 男士本可以在两页内写完文章,也就是男士文章

11、中有一些不必要的内容致使文章过长。cover vt 包括;包含;涉及(熟词生义)1.同化Miss Miller, could you tell me how I can improve this article?2.单词读音repetition 不是动词 repeat 发音基础上加 tion 的读音,平时练习时需要注意由动词转化到名词时音的改变3. 弱读形式You could have said everything within two pages.(could have done 表示过去能做而没做。若听者没听到 have 会增加听者的疑虑,因为 could 后不能直接加过去式 said,

12、可能会影响听力理解)第二节听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 So, Bill, what do you usually do on the weekend? 6I often go to the movies with friends on Friday night. How about you, Sarah? Well, 7I love seeing musical plays on Broadway with my friends. Have you been to many? Not really. 7I saw one when I moved to New York and a

13、nother when my parents came to visit, but none ever since.64;26;148 词/分)(Text 6)材料内容为谈论周末活动。6.What does Bill often do on Friday night?A. Visit his parents. B. Go to the movies. C. Walk along Broadway.【分析】考查考生获取事实性具体信息的能力。根据 Bill 所说的 I often go to the movies with friends on Friday night. 可知,Bill 周五晚上

14、经常去看电影。7.Who watches musical plays most often?A. Bill. B. Sarah. C. Bills parents.根据Sarah 所说的 I love seeing musical plays on Broadway with my friends. Have you been to many? 以及男士回答的 I saw one when I moved to New York and another when my parents came to visit, but none ever since. 可知,女士喜欢和朋友去百老汇看音乐剧,而男士只看过两次,一次是搬到纽约时,另一次是父母过来时。由此可推断出最常看音乐剧的是 Sarah。go to the movies 去(电影院)看电影(= go to th

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