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1、 在对外贸易中,询盘,也叫询价(inquiry或enquiry)是买方对于所要购买的商品向另卖方作出的询问。询盘是交易的起点,可以分为: 普通询盘(a general inquiry):索取普通资料,诸如:目录(a catalogue)、价目表或报价单(a price-list or quotation sheets)、样品(a sample)、图片(illustrated photo prints)等。 具体询盘(a specific inquiry):具体询问商品名称(the name of the commodity)、规格(the specifications)、数量(the quan

2、tity)、单价(the unit price FOB / CIF),装船期(the time of shipment)、付款方式(the terms of payment)等。1. 详细分析如下(框架):Opening Give a brief self-introduction简要的自我介绍 State the purpose of writing/ request表明写信的目的Body Background of the situation and reasons of inquiry背景材料和询问的原因 Details of your request询问、请求的具体内容 Reitera

3、tion on the importance of help or information强调所需信息帮助)的重要性4、 The content of the task rubric should be fully covered题目中要求的内容均应涉及(Golden rule: Give the monkey what he wants 考试的金科玉律:猴子要什么就给它什么)Ending Polite conclusion, expressing appreciation of the receivers time and consideration结尾应显得客气有礼,表达自己的谢意 Aim

4、 to gain cooperation from the receivers and attain a quick response希望得到对方的帮助和合作2.典型句型(1) Could you give us some idea about your price? 请介绍贵方的价格好吗? (2) Will you let us know what your terms of payment are? 能否告知贵方付款条件?(3) Please make us an offer within this month since we have made an inquiry for your

5、products. 我们已对你们的产品进行询价,请在本月内给予报盘(4) Do you offer FOB or CIF? 你们报船上交货价还是到岸价?(5) How long does your offer remain valid/firm/open? 你们的报价多长时间有效?常用套句1. I would like to obtain/ request /seek/inquire about some information about.2. We have seen your advertisement in the Foreign Trade and should be glad if

6、 you would send us prices and sample of good quality cottons available in stock,3. We are interested in displayed at the recent Guangzhou Fairs and should be delighted to have details of your export terms.4. If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for la

7、rge quantities ruling prices of the goods.5. I would like some detailed information on/ about 我想得到有关的详细资料6. I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain 我现写信给您, 希望能得到有关.的资料。7. I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain essential information regarding the following

8、 aspects. 如您能为我提供有关下列方面的资料,我将不胜感激。8. I would be grateful if you inform me what I have to do 如果您能告诉我如何去做,我将不胜感激。9. Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated 如能尽快给我个满意答复,我将不胜感激。10. I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.3. 实用范例Subject

9、: EnquiryDear Sirs,We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes.We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us.We used to purchase these product

10、s from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.We look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours,Tom Henry(中文大意)主题:询盘亲爱的先

11、生:本公司有意大量购买各型号钢螺钉,欲知每公斤运抵英国利物浦的成本加运费价格。如蒙惠赐上述报价单,不胜感激。如能惠寄样本和价格表,亦必感激不尽。本公司素来从其他公司购买此类货物,闻悉贵公司货物质优价廉,故欲与贵公司建立合作关系。盼复。 汤姆亨利(二)报价信(quotation or offers)写英文报价或报盘信通常应注意以下要点:1) 对询价方的感谢;2) 对价格、折扣、付款条件的详细资料;3) 详细阐述价格所包括的项目(如包装、货运和保险);4) 运送货物的日期;5) 报价单有效的期限;6) 希望以上报价能够接受。基本框架同上。常用句型1. In accordance with your

12、 request, we now quote you subject to your confirmation for the following;2. Our offer remains firm until April 30.3. We regret to say we can not accept your offer because your price is too high.4. Will you please make a reduction of 10%? If you can, we are thinking of placing a ready order with you.5. We shall be pleased to receive your order, which will have our prompt and careful attention.3

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