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1、施心远主编听力教程2第2版Unit1答案施心远主编听力教程 2-(第 2版)Un it-1答案Unit 1Sectio n One Tactics for Liste ningPart 1 Phon etics-Stress, Inton ati on and Acce nt1.We haven t got any indark blue.2.We can t make it at ninetomorrow.3.My telephone number is not 65031609.4.I don t like the blacjumper.5.He won t come by the 7:3

2、0train.(The word or digit in bold has the most stress)Exercise:1.a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. bPart 2 Liste ning and Note-talki ngDriving CarefullyDrive carefully and slowly when pedestrians are about, particularly in crowded shopp ing streets, whe n you see a bus stopped, or n ear a parked mobile shop. Watc

3、h out for pedestria ns coming from beh ind parked or stopped vehicles, or from other places where you might not be able to see them.Three out of four pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either under fiftee n or over sixty. The young and elderly may not judge speeds very well, and may step in

4、to the road whe n you do not expect them. Give them, and the in firm, or bli nd, or disabled people, ple nty of time to cross the road.Drive slowly n ear schools, and look out for childre n gett ing on or off schoolbuses. Stop whe n sig n aled to do so by a school cross ing patrol show ing a Stop- C

5、hildre n sig n. Be careful n ear a parked ice-cream van childre n are morein terested in ice-cream the n in traffic.Whe n coming to a zebra cross ing. be ready to slow dow n or stop to let people cross. You must give way once they have stepped on to a cross ing. Sig nal to other drivers that you mea

6、n to slow down or stop. Give yourself more time to slow dow n or stop on wet or icy roads. Never overtake just before a zebra cross ing.Exercise A:1.Drive carefully and slowly when pedestrians are about.2.Three out of four pedestrians killed are either under fifteen or over sixty.3.Be careful near a

7、 parked ice-cream van children are more interested in ic _ cream tha n in traffic.4.When coming to a zebra crossing, be ready to slow down or stop to let people cross.5.You must give way once they have stepped onto a crossing.Exercise B:Drivi ng CarefullyI.Look out for pedestria nsA.Drive carefully

8、at crowded shopping streets.B.Drive carefully near a bus stop.C.Drive carefully near a parked mobile shop.II.Look out for the young, the old and the disabledA.Three out of four pedestrians killed or seriously injured are either un der fiftee n or over sixty.B.The young and the elderly may not judge

9、speeds very well.C.Give them, and the in firm, or blind, or disabled people, ple nty of time to cross the road.III.Look out for childre nA.Stop at a Stop Children signB.Drive slowly near a parked ice-cream vanIV.Comi ng to a zebra cross ingA.Slow down or stop to let people cross.B.Signal to other dr

10、ivers that you mean to slow down or stop.C.Never overtake just before a zebra crossing.Sectio n Two Liste ning Comprehe nsiongeme nts for your party are going?Mum:Tessa:Mum:Tessa:Mum:Tessa:Yes. That s right. You know, it s really good of you and Dad to the arra ngeme nts while I m away. I really don

11、 t know what I without you! Oh, there is not that much to do really. I n fact, your father and I are quite enjoying itGood. So how are thi ng going?Well, let s see. I ve already hired the hall, so thatHave you found anyone to do the disco yet?No, not yet, dear.Well, do you thi nk you could do that s

12、oon, Mum? It might not be easy. What about the equipme nt?Mum:Well, we re having the sound system and records delivered by a local compa ny n ext week.Tessa:Mum:Good. That should be all right. What about the bar?That s all under control. We re having the drinkEe deliiext week.Tessa: Great! Have you

13、orga ni zed the food? Are you cook ing it?Mum: What, for 70 people? You must be jok ing! No, I thi nk I ll have it done bythe caterers in the village.Tessa: You ll do that soon, won t you? They II n eed of no ticMum: Mmm. Of course. Now, I had the invitations printed last week. Thestationer s

14、did them, but I haven t had time to send them yet ?Tessa: Oh, Mum, but the party s in ten days! Send them soon, will you, or we llhave no guests!Mum: Yes, I m sordear. Look, I ll pho ne every one too. I ve bee n so busywith all the arra n geme nts Exercise:DoneTo be doneReleva nt in formatio nThepla

15、ceVThe hall has bee n hired.ThediscoVTo find some one to do it.Theequipme ntThe sound system and records will be delivered by a local compa ny n ext week.ThebarThe drinks will be deliveredn ext week.ThefoodTo have it done by the caterersin the village.Thein vitations7They are prin ted and will besent soon.Dialogue 2 Fast Food SurveyA: Excuse me, do you mind an sweri ng a few questi ons?B: No.A: Um firstly, do you ever eat fast food.B: Yes, yes, I do.A: What

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