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1、63. truly 64. have shown65. there 66. It67. practicing 68. difficult69. larger 70. to remember 短文改错71. . washing car. car cars 72. . how his working . how what 73. . all time. time前加the 74. . I asked him . asked ask 75. My answer is . My His 76. . never looks tiring. tiring tired 77. . while paid hi

2、m . paid paying 78. . realise about it . 去掉about 79. . ran to catching . catching catch80. . what showed his . what which 书面表达One possible version:Notice In order to help students learn more about Chinese culture, our school will hold a Winter Camp. The Winter Camp will be held in Beijing from Novem

3、ber 5 to November 10. Fifty students, including Chinese students as well as international students, are expected to take part in it. There will be a variety of activities for you to enjoy. You will visit famous places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer P

4、alace. Meanwhile, you will also have the chance to taste traditional food and watch Beijing Opera. Those who are interested should sign up for it at the Student Council before November 1. All are welcome! Student Council 部分解析阅读理解第一节A篇 主题语境:人与社会文学 本文是应用文。文章简要介绍了6本书的作者、内容及价格。21. C。推理判断题。根据The Dangerou

5、s Book for Boys部分中的It helps to get boys and fathers outside to explore the world可知,这本书有助于父亲和儿子之间开展亲子活动。22. A。根据Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food部分中的offers delicious alternatives for parents和she has developed a months worth of meals for kids of all ages可知,Jessica

6、 Seinfeld为家长写了一本为孩子们准备健康、营养、可口的饭菜的食谱。23. B。细节理解题。根据A Thousand Splendid Suns和The Kite Runner部分中的By Khaled Hosseini可知,这两本书是同一作家写的。B篇人与自我生活 本文是记叙文。Bailey在父亲去世五年后的第21个生日收到父亲生前写下的卡片和预定的鲜花。24. A。由第一段中的Bailey Sellers has been given pre-paid flowers from her dad since his death and received her last purple

7、bouquet on Friday可知,鲜花是她父亲预定的。25. C。词义猜测题。由第三段中的Ive hated my birthday 以及I was not looking forward to my 21st because I knew it would be the last year可知,Bailey“不想”过生日。26. A。由最后一段中的gave her clear instructions to respect her mother and be as authentic as possible可知,父亲希望她做真实的自己。27. B。写作目的题。文章报道了Bailey在1

8、6岁父亲去世后,连续五年每次生日都收到父亲的礼物的感人故事。C篇人与社会科学与技术 本文是说明文。随着人们对汽车功能的需求不断增加,汽车制造商制造出了拥有各种功能的汽车,因而汽车的舒适性与安全性都得到了不断的提高,但是并不是所有顾客都对拥有新功能的汽车趋之若鹜,不同客户群体对汽车的附加功能有着不同的需求。28. D。根据第一段中的She is looking for a car that will allow her to work while shes on the road可知,Susan King想买一辆多功能汽车,这辆车需满足她在驾驶时也能处理工作的需求。29. C。根据第二段中的Bu

9、t the features that are most in demand are those that help busy commuters stay in touch with their work可知,汽车用户最需要的功能是便于他们在车上处理工作。30. D。根据第三段中的Comfort is as much a problem for many drivers as safety is. So car manufacturers have designed systems that deliver heat and cooling可知,为了使汽车舒适,制造商为汽车设计了空调系统。3

10、1. C。根据末段中的trying to interest American manufacturers in a seat that turns into a bed . Some people like the idea of driving without being bothered可知,不同的客户群体对汽车功能的需求也不尽相同。D篇人与自我学习文章通过一个网络语法测试结果阐明了不同年龄语法的学习能力各不相同,能力最强的人群为儿童。32. A。根据第三段中的The findings, in the journal Cognition, come from an online gramm

11、ar test可知答案。33. A。根据第三段中的an online grammar test taken by nearly 670,000 people of different ages and nationalities以及倒数第三段中的About 246,000 of the people . while the rest were bi- or multi-lingual可知,大多数受试者都是会讲两种或多种语言的人。34. D。根据末段中的The researchers suggest it could be because the brain becomes less chang

12、eable or adaptable in adulthood可知,儿童的适应能力比成年人强,故学习能力强,易于接受新鲜事物。35. D。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了学习语言的最佳年龄或机会之窗。第二节人与自我做人与做事文章介绍了父亲教给“我”的人生哲理:生活需要付出。36. G。根据第二段中举的例子If completed, we could do . If not completed, fun was taken away and that person stayed home to complete the chore可知,生活中的两种选择为:完成工作,然后享受与家人一起的时

13、光;或者,不完成工作,那么必须继续工作,而且不能享受休息时光,故G项符合语境。37. A。根据第三段中的there is no such thing as a “free lunch”可知,生活中没有免费的午餐,生活是需要付出的,故A项符合语境。38. E。根据设空处下文中的I only had to miss my deadline可知,父亲给我们安排了家务,并告知我们完成家务的截止日期,故E项符合语境。39. C。根据设空处下文中的Im teaching it to my children, Elizabeth and Joel. I want them to realize that .

14、可知,父亲教给“我”的人生哲理对“我”来说很重要,因此“我”把它教给“我”的孩子,故C项符合此处语境。40. B。根据设空处下文中的My friend often reminds me that “when we pay later, the price is greater!”可知,推迟付出,代价会变得更加昂贵,故B项符合此处语境。语言知识运用人与社会体育文章主要介绍了参加集体锻炼的优势既可以免受竞技性团体运动中的竞争压力,又可以和别人一起锻炼从而保持积极性,而且集体锻炼的种类也很多,人们总能找到适合自己的锻炼项目。41. C。根据本段中的keep fit可知,人们选择运动是为了“改善(improve)”健康状况。42. A。43. B。根据本段中的Although及the pressure of competitive sports可知,作者虽然也“参加(took part in)”曲棍球、无挡板篮球一类的运动,但是他并“不喜欢(disliked)”竞技运动中的那种压力。44. D。45. A。根据本段中的Although the

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