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1、t see that we have a choice.看来我们别无选择10.I gotta ask you something.我有事情要问你11.Is all out fault? Were we bad parents?这是我们的错吗,没把小孩教好12.How are you supposed to eat this?怎么来吃啊13.Forget it. Tliat s off.算了吧 当我没说14.Its doesnt count 不算15.Im sorry things arent working out 抱歉事情竟然会出问题16.Shell get over tliis.她不会放在

2、心上的17.It didnt mean anything. Its a mistake根本就没什么,只是一个无心之过18.tow the line, thread the needle 听天由命,努力争取19.think outside the box 不要死心眼20.If you doift realize that, I cant help you 如果你还不懂,我也没法 了21.It could be better. It41 be okay, right?22.If I screanr Yippee Just ignore mco如果我叫好耶,就当没听到23.But I dont th

3、ink that means anything 我知道,他是无心的24.he sees me in a two-piece for the first time.他头一次看见我穿两件式25.I saw you go in with Monica我看见你和莫妮卡进去了26.They arent going to use it 他们反正也用不着27You didn t find her?你还没找到她28.I ve looked everywhere.我到处都找不到29.Its getting late. Were going to go.时间太晚 了,我们要走了30.Do you guys min

4、d staying here for a while 你们在待一会如何?31.I really appreciate this, but you dont need to rub my butt.但也不用摸我屁股32.They look pretty soundproof, dont yon think?隔音效果似乎很好33.Weve come for her things我们是来拿她的东西的34.Shes in hiding. Shes lnuiiiliated. She doesnt want to see you again.彳也躲,也来来 了, 因为她很丢脸,她这辈子都不想见你了35.

5、Please, promise me that youll tell her that 请保证你们一泄会转告她36.All right. Til tell her37.You think Ill ever get there?你认为我能够跟他一样优秀吗38.Who knows what science will come up with in the future 谁知道科学会发展成什么样39.Good thing we have.好我们40.That night meant a lot to me那对我来说意义非凡41 1066 ten sixty- six42.Am I a complet

6、er idiot for tlmigkmg she d actually show up?我是不是白痴,竟然以为他会来43.Same difference 那还不一样44.I get it 听到了45.I could use a friend 我需要一个朋友1you look cute你很可爱2.Yoifre just all liquored up 你喝太多眼花了吧3.Fm coming in 我进来了4.Fve had a very long hard day 我今天上班累死了 date threw up 约会吹 了6.he kept asking me 11 wanted chi

7、cken他非缠着我问要不要炸鸡7.What was that pub he took us to?他带我们去的酒馆叫什么? I dont want to talk about it 我不想说 了9.Shouldnt Rachel be back?她不是应该回来了啊10.Did she sound mad?她很生气吗11You abandoned her on a plane to Greece你丢下她独自飞到希腊12.Its not too shabby for me 对我来说可不差13.That should get her talking 那会让她感动14.make out the car

8、d 写卡片15.Why are you cry?为什么哭16.Do you sound like very good decisions to you?你们觉得这些决泄正确吗17.I like your little braid 你的辫子很好看18.I shouldve never gone to London 我根本不应该去伦敦19.Fm not comfortable having that power over someone s life 我不喜欢主宰别人的生活 just have to accept it看来只好接受事实21.I know that you7e very

9、upset right now 我知道你心情低落22.Thats the guy you flirted with at the counter fls:t 你以前跟他打情骂俏过23.we got our pictures back from London我们在伦敦照的相片洗出来了24.Theres Ross and Joey and you and me25.It bums me out烦都快烦死了26.It sounds like a little comykDrni 陈词滥调27.but sometimes when Im bummed out, I just close my eyes

10、 and think about what a wonderful gift life is当我心情不好时、,想想人生实在很美好28.A little of this, a little of that 闲扯29.What took you so long?怎么去那么久?30.I got caught up at work 公事耽搁 了31.So thanks for having me over 谢谢你邀请我过来32.Probably some European goodbye thing he picked up in London 可能是在伦敦学到的再见 礼仪33.It felt Fre

11、nch感觉像是法式的34.Doing her laundrjr 她在洗衣服35.I think Fm going to go wander out in the rain for a while 我要去淋淋雨散散心36.I need to take a rain check./can I take a rain check.a 可不可以改期,可不可以给我闻 -1 帐存根37.Do you want to fall into the trap?你又想惹麻烦吗38.He said you blew him off.他说你把他打发走了39.Fni calling the shots 由我做主40.Y

12、ou cannot tell him that!你可不能那样说41.Wasnt that nice?不是很好吗42.Having some trouble?怎么 了43.Fl! kick that door我会把门撞开44.You want me to get that?要不要我去。45.Just let her do her thing.别理他46.Can I talk to you outside for a sec 我们能到外而谈谈吗47.I bet you cant48.You were feeling left out?觉得自己被大家遗弃49.we thought we could

13、all go to a picnic 我们可以一起去野餐50.That sucks 太差了51.Whafll we high-five about at the stupid park?去公园有什么好兴奋52.It makes me want to puke 我都快吐 了 blew 吹了,取消了54.Why doift we all meet upstairs in an hou匚大家一小时后楼上见55 Im gonna grab some coffee56.Do you know how painful it is to tell someone you love them.and

14、 not have them say it back?57.I caift watch我看不下去58.what you reading?你在看什么59.Events from around the globe60.Fm so dead serious. Fm totally serious.我很正经,非常正经61.Why are you laughing?你为什么笑62.When I said it, I sort of floated up out of my body.我说话时似乎灵魂岀窍63.Thats not funny.64.Actually, it kind of is其实还是蛮好笑的65.Hey, Ross! Where is missusmiSIZ?你老婆了66.That is what the thing is.事实正是如此67.If s always great when someone tells you they love you.听到有人说爱你还是很开心68.lefs roll s

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