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高中英语 Unit 4《Earthquakes》教案17 新人教版必修1Word下载.docx

1、What happened next?What was it like?Useful phrases:The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more then it was in 1906.The number of people who lost homes reached as many as 250000.Grammar:The usage of pronouns in the Attributive sentences.Who/ whom/ which/ that教学建议能力训练:运用所学的语言,围绕地震

2、这个题材,开展听说写的活动;阅读课文“Earthquake,了解有关地震的基本知识,完成有关课文内容的练习。并进一步练习间接引语的用法。师生互动活动:Lesson 25: 口头练习,对话交际功能-日常生活用语的练习。Lesson 26-27: 听力和阅读相结合,理解全文的意思。Lesson 28: 口头和笔头练习相结合,写一篇关于地震的文章。教材分析本单元对话引出地震这个话题。对话中提到了地震的时候的现象和人的感受。本单元的阅读课文是了解发生在San Francisco地区的严重地震场景和有关地震发生时的基本常识。同时在文章里有一些重要的语法知识,如定语从句的使用:A wide and bus

3、y road which was built like a bridge over another road fell onto the one below. etc.重点知识讲解:1.What does quake means , as in the word earthquake?像 earthquake 这个词中的quake是什么意思?As in the word 是个省略结构,完整的说法为:as it does in the word . as 在此为连词,表示“如“的意思。It sounded like a train that was going under my house. 那

4、声音听起来就像有一列火车在我的房子底下开过似的。sound 为系动词,后接名词、介词短语做表语,意思是“听起来”。Your idea sounds (like ) a good one.你的注意听起来不错。What he said sounded like a fairy-tale.他所说的话听起来就像神话故事。表示“听起来像什么”的时候,用sound like.。like 在此是介词表示“像”的意思。类似于sound的常用系动词还有:feel, taste, smell, look.例如:Cotton feels very soft. 棉花摸起来很柔软。It looks like a bea

5、utiful picture. 那看上去就像一幅美丽的画。2I was in the kitchen cooking something and I felt the floor move. 我当时正在厨房里作饭,我觉得地板动了一下。cooking something 在本句中为现在分词短语做伴随状语。句中的move是省略了to 的不定式,做宾语补足语。动词feel的宾语补足语可以是动词原形,也可以是动词的ing形式或过去分词形式。When I heard his words, I felt my heart beating faster.听了他的话,我感到心跳加快了。He felt some

6、one knock at the door. 他感到有人敲了一下门。he boy felt his back patted by someone. 那个男孩子感到有人拍了他的脊背。3 And then I watched all the glasses on the table fall off onto the floor. 后来我观察到桌子上所有玻璃杯子掉到了地板上。辨析:fall off / fall downfall off 表示“从。上落下或掉下”。off为介词或副词。fall down的意思是“倒塌、掉下”,不强调落物的来处。I saw him fall off his horse

7、.我看到他从马上掉了下来。Flowers fell off to the ground. 花儿凋谢了,落到了地上。Autumn comes and leaves are falling off the trees. 秋天到了,落叶纷纷。A stone fell down in the earthquake. 一块石头落了下来,砸中了他。The old house fell down in the earthquake. 老房子在地震中倒塌了。4A great part of the city was destroyed and a large number of buildings were

8、burnt.城市的大部分地区被摧毁,许许多多建筑物被火吞噬。A number of 相当于many.意思为“许多”,后跟可数名词的复数形式。短语中的number前可以由large / small来修饰,构成a large / great / small number of 短语。1)A number of people were killed in the traffic accident. 有许多人在那场车祸中丧生。2)A large number of students went to see Mr. Zhang when he was ill.张老师生病的时候有许多的学生去看望他。Onl

9、y a small number of people are against this plan.只有少数人反对这个计划。a number of / the number of a number of 意思为“许多”。中心词为of后面的复数形式。the number of 的意思为 “的数量”,中心词为number,因此,“the number of +复数名词”,做主语时谓语动词为单数第三人称形式。The number of books in our library is going up.我们图书馆里的藏书数量正在上升。The number of the students in our c

10、lass is 57. 我们班的学生人数为57人。A number of students are playing football on the playground. 许多的学生在操场上踢足球。5The number of people who lost homes reached as many as 250000. 无家可归的人数达到25万。短语“as many as” 意思为“和一样多,多达”,修饰可数名词;as much as 与as many as 意思相同,但是修饰不可数名词。类似的表达法还有:as long as 长达 as high as 高达 as wide as 宽达

11、The great fire burned down as many as twenty buildings. 那场大火烧毁的房屋达到20之多。He lost as much as 1000 yuan . 他丢的钱多达1000元。The film lasts as long as two hours. 这部电影长达2个小时。The mountain reaches as high as 2000 metres. 那座山高达2000米。The road is as wide as 10 metres. 这条路宽达10米。6.辨析:as / when / while这三个词都有“当的时候”的意思。

12、但用法稍有不同。as强调“一边一边”或是“与同时,侧重表示主句的动作同时发生。when既可以表示时间地点也可以表示时间段。while只表示时间段,不表示时间点。它后面必须是延续性的动词,而且多为进行时态。当从句的谓语的动词为延续性动词时三者都可以替换使用。When I got home, he was having supper. 我到家的时候,他正在吃晚饭。I liked dancing when I was young. 我年轻时喜欢跳舞。They talked as they walked. 他们边走边谈。A thief broke in as / while / when I was

13、sleeping.在我睡觉的时候小偷闯了进来。While / When/ As we were still laughing, the teacher came in. 当我们仍还在大笑,老师进来了。Strike the iron while it is hot. 趁热打铁。8A wide and busy road which was built like a bridge over another road fell into the one below,. Many people were killed in their cars, but a few lucky ones were n

14、ot hurt.一座以立交桥车辆川流不息的马路塌陷到桥下面的路面上。很多人被压死在自己的车里,但是也有少数幸运的人没有受伤。这两个句子中one(s)是代词,用来代替或是避免重复上文提到的名词。one只可替代可数名词,其复数形式为ones. 第一句中的one代替road,第二句中的ones代替people。If the earthquake is a big one, a great part of the city will be destroyed. 如果那是个大地震的话,城市的大部分地区将要被毁掉。I would like a pound of apples, the red ones. 我要一英镑苹果,红苹果。He had no excuse for his being late, but he had to fine one. 他迟到找不着借口,但是

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