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1、Its no use / no good / a waste of time doing sth. 。如:Its no help crying for what has been done.为已做过的事哭泣是于事无补的。考点例析:Fishing is his favourite hobby, and _ . (2001 上海) A. hed like to collect coins as well B. he feels like collecting coins, too C. to collect coins is also his hobby D. collecting coins a

2、lso gives him great pleasure 解析:选D。句意为“钓鱼是他最大的爱好,收集硬币也给了他很大的乐趣。”V-ing形式和不定式都可以做主语,一般可以互换,但有时又略有区别。动词V-ing形式做主语往往表示一般或抽象的多次行为,不定式做主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。考点纠错:吸烟是一个很难克服的习惯。误:To smoke is a very difficult habit to give up. 正:Smoking is a very difficult habit to give up. 考点提醒:注意分析动名词和不定式做主语的区别。2. 考点出处:This mea

3、ns I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. (P2) mean的用法。mean用做动词,表示“指的是,意思是”,后常接V-ing或that引导的从句;当表示“想要”时,后常接动词不定式,相当于want to do sth.。Waiting outside means wasting useful time. 在外面等就是浪费有用的时间。I mean to go tomorrow. 我想明天走。mean sth. by sth. / doing sth. 意思是;mean s

4、b. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事。By study I mean the study of science. 我说的学习,指的是学习科学。I didnt mean you to read the letter. 我并没有打算让你读那封信。You should have thanked her before you left( I meant _ , but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere. (2000上海春季) A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing so 选B。mean作为“打算,想要”,后接

5、动词不定式。另外,本题还考查动词不定式的省略结构。你那样说是什么意思, What do you mean to say that?What do you mean by saying that?by doing sth. 中的by表示抽象的方式。3. 考点出处:We also had different students in some classes, so it was difficult to remember all the faces and names. (P2) 句中it是形式主语。用it作形式主语,it代替不定式、主语从句等。Its nice to be with you. 和

6、你在一起真好。Its important that we study English. 我们学习英语是重要的。it可指代if或when从句的内容。I hate it when people talk with their mouths full of food. 我讨厌人们满嘴含着食物说话。The Foreign Minister said, “ _ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.” (2004 北京) A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is 当句子中的主语是动词不定式或从句

7、时,通常将it用做形式主语放在句首而把真正的主语不定式或从句放在后面。完成那项工作费了我们两天的时间。That took us two days to finish that work. It took us two days to finish that work. 英语中只有it可作形式主语或形式宾语。牛津高一英语 Module 1 1.former, past, old 虽然都和过去有关,但 侧重点不同。 former:“过去曾经是.的、 前任.”, past: “过去的” old“老的、从前的”。例如: former president前总统,past experience以往的经验,

8、my old school我的母校。2. earn, achieve和gain 这三个单词的基本意思都是“get”但含义不尽相同, earn :get as the reward of work(挣,得到作为工作的回报), achieve :get what you want by effort(成就,通过努力达到某个目标), gain和“get”的用法最接近,它对得到的方法和内容都没有具体要求。常见搭配:earn money/ a living/ ones respect/ ones bread, achieve a gaol/ success/ purpose/ high grade, g

9、ain experience/ weight/ an advantage over/ time/ the upper hand( 占上风)/ ground(取得进步). 3.动名词作主语时,常用以下的结构:Its no use / no good / a waste of time doing sth. 。 The Foreign Minister said, “ _ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.” (2004 北京) A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is You sho

10、uld have thanked her before you left( A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing so Smoking is a very difficult habit to give up. 【阅读技巧】 Skimming & Scanning Skimming略读,skim原意是轻轻掠过表面,作为阅读技巧是指通过浏览文章标题,主题句,插图和图表等方法了解文章的大意。 Skan, 本意是扫描,这里指用眼光快速扫视书报等材料寻找我们想要的信息。他们的区别在于Skimming是为了了解文章的大意,而Scanning是为了寻找某些具体信息。 Scann

11、ing都是快速阅读的重要策略,也是信息时代我们必备的技能。尤其是在阅读英语时,注重练习Skimming & Scanning可以帮助克服逐字逐句的阅读习惯(如finger-point reading, lip reading),提高阅读速度。【同步练习之一】 一、 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空:1(I still remember the time _ I first became a high school student. 2. There are many places in London _ you can buy a cup of coffee. 3. That is the re

12、ason _ he is so keen on school activities. 4. China is a country_ history can be dated back to 3000 BC. 5. He is driving a car _ can travel at 150 mile per hour. 6. He has to fly to all the major cities of the world _ his company has set up offices. 7. The lady _ we met in the bar is eyeing us from

13、the corner . 8.We are facing the same problem _ we did years ago. 参考答案 一、 1. when 2. where/in which 3. why 4. whose 5. which/that 6. where 7. whom/who 教学要求:1(掌握和校园生活有关的常用单词、词组与句型。2(学会描述校园生活和学校设施。High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!高中是探索、学习和辛勤劳动的时期 Huge campus and low-rise building 学校面积大,没有高层建筑。Twelve laboratories are available for different experiments.12个实验室可供不同试验使用。Each room comes with its own bothroom and Internet access.每个房间都有自己的卫生间和英特网接口。school facilities设施 ?词汇和句式 1、 We have for我们有一个用来作的 如:We have over 50 classrooms for different lessons.

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