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1、a family full of strengtha family full of lovea family no one can touchthat, s why I love my family so much.成为一个像我一样的家庭是如此神圣在爱的地方伤害是共享的我们对彼此的爱从未受损我们的谈话我们笑我们哭泣但我们是一个家庭我们一起做这一切作为一个家庭我们做这一切作为一个你伤害了一个你伤害了所有作为一个家庭单位我们都会站得高高的因为我们是家人一个充满力量的家庭一个充满爱的家庭一个家庭没有人可以触摸这就是为什么我如此爱我的家人。 关于亲情的英文诗:To my mother致母亲Most n

2、ear, most dear, most loved and most far,Under the window there I often found herSitting as huge as asia, seismic with laughter,Gin and chicken helpless in her irish hand,Irresistible as Rabelais but most tender forThe lame dogs and hurt birds that surround her,-She is procession no one can follow af

3、terBut be like a little dog following a brass band.She will not glance up at the bomber or condescendTo drop her gin and scuttle to a cellar,But lean on the mahogany table like a mountainWhom only faith can move, and so I sendO all my faith and all my love to tell herThat she will move from mourning

4、 into morning.最接近也最亲切,最敬爱也最遥远,常常见她坐在窗前爽朗地笑,浑身颤动,真像庞大的亚细亚,杜松子酒和小鸡到她手里就成为佳肴。她那爱尔兰式的魅力犹如拉伯雷,却很疼爱瘸腿的狗和受伤的鸟儿它们老是围着她,让人没法相随除非像只小狗跟着铜管乐队乱跑。她不屑于抬头看一眼天上的轰炸机,也不放下手中的杜松子酒逃入地窖,而像山一般靠在红木桌旁只有自己愿意她才会起身;我只好竭尽全力和爱劝母亲:这是离开悲伤境地,走向黎明。The Hand that Rocks the Cradle摇摇篮的手blessing on the hand of women!angels guard its stre

5、ngth and grace,in the palace, cottage, hovel,oh, no matter where the place;would that never storms assailed it,rainbows ever gently curled;for the hand that rocks the cradleis the hand that rules the world.infancys the tender fountain,power may with beauty flow,mothers first to guide the streamletsf

6、rom them souls unresting grow-grow on for the good or evil,sunshine streamed or evil hurled;赐福妇女的手!天使护引它的力量和恩爱,在王宫,村舍,茅屋,啊,不论甚么所在,有彩虹温和的悬挂,不受风暴的侵害,因为那推动摇篮的手,那手也掌管着世界。婴孩是幼弱的泉源,流出权力和美丽,是母亲,首先引导那小溪,活泼的灵魂从那里长起长成善,或长成恶,流送阳光或流出暴力,what rules the world?世界有什么规则?they say that man is mighty,都说人力无穷,he governs l

7、and and sea;支配着陆地与大海,he wields a mighty scepter行使着至高无上的王权,oer lesser powers that be;统治着弱小的生灵。but a mightier power and stronger,然而还有更强大的力量,man from his throne has hurled,将人从宝座上掀起,and the hand that rocks the cradle是那双轻推着摇篮的手,is the hand that rules the world主宰着整个世界。mother machree慈母颂theres a spot in my

8、heartwhich no colleen may own;theres a depth in my soulnever sounded or known;在我心中有那么一隅,任何少女也不能占据。它埋在我灵魂的深处,我从不声张从不表露。theres a place in my memorymy life that you fill;no other can take itno one ever will;在我的记忆里,生活充满着你。别人不能替代,永远也无例外。every sorrow or carein the dear days gone by;was made bright by the

9、lightof the smile in your eye;逝去的欢乐日子里,也曾有烦恼和忧伤。但你眸中微笑的光,总可以把一切照亮。A blessing to my mothe献给妈妈的祝福when you feel you are alone in the crowd,熙熙攘攘之中,你若感觉孤独when you think no one can understand you,没人能了解你心中的痛苦when your love is rejected by others,当你付出的爱得不到回应and when you hate your life,当你憎恨生活just close your e

10、yes, and see, her face who loves you闭上双眼,你会看到那爱你之人的容颜more than any one else,她爱你胜过世上所有who care for you in loneliness,在孤独中抚慰你and dies when you cry.因你的哭泣而伤心欲绝she is no one, but your sweet loving mother.她不是别人,正是你亲爱的母亲love your mom first and always.请将你的爱回报给她The Watcher守望中的妈妈She always leaned to watch for

11、 us .她总在那儿把我们守望,Anxious if we were late ,我们晚归会使她发慌,In winter by the window ,冬天里守在窗前In summer by the gate ;夏日里靠在门前。And though we mocked her tenderly ,我们曾善意地将她嘲弄Who had such foonich care ,这般呵护似乎超出正常The long way home would seem more safe ,可漫长的归途却平添了安全Because she waited there .因为有她在殷切地翘望。Her thoughts we

12、re all so full of us她心里盛下的却是我们,She never could forget !却不曾有一刻的遗忘!And so I think that where she is我欣然感到她的那番期待She must be watching yet,无论她身处什么地方。Waiting till we come home to her守望,一直到我们远回到她身旁Anxious if we are late若晚归,会使她发慌,Watching from Heavens window守望,在天庭之窗,Leaning from Heavens gate.伫立,在天庭的门廊。Everything Mom献给无所不能的妈妈How did you find the energy,

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