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1、1. In English obligation, liability , responsibility,commitment, pledge or duty in the end refer to debt( including many concealed forms), we shall develop students to be in the position to read between lines.concealed forms 隐藏形式in the position to 能力,权利到份上read between lines 读懂暗含意思2. Awaken students

2、to what a decent English might mean to their career development.Awakento 让认识到Decent 正派的,正统的3. Shed light on students appreciation of Criteria for professional English so that students can achieve the transition from general English toward professional English.Shed light on 阐明,解释4. Such professional

3、English shall greatly facilitate and benefit students in career development in international context.Facilitate 促进,帮助,减轻的困难5. Under this Clause, the client of the project is not bound to accept any or all bids he has received.Client业主 be bound to有义务1. responsibility一般意义上的责任liability法律、契约的责任to hold s

4、b liable for sth 追究某人的责任2. due to other banks同业存放 (应该是其他银行的) due from other banks存放同业 (应该从其他银行取回的)3. proceeds具体一笔业务或交易所涉及的款项 proceeds from disposal of used truck 处置旧卡车所得Your C/D (Certificate of Deposit) will not become valid unless we succeed in collecting the proceeds from that US issuing bank. 4.

5、Invitation for Bids招标offering 非竞争性报价,相对于询价而言bid 竞争性报价的总价,标价 quotation 市场价,投标价格中子项目的报价该业务没有义务接受任何一个或所有的他收到的标价(即没有义务对非中标者进行补偿)有义务拆除旧城区,有权利把成本计入标价。5. Under, in light of, according to, in accordance with, on a basis in accordance with 用于法律中,比according to更严肃 in light of(+动态变量)按实际情况 in light of local cond

6、itions 因地制宜 on a basis 按照规则+(游戏规则) Workers shall be paid on a piece basis while cleric staff shall be paid on a time basis.文员按时计酬1.Concept Check概念简述(10).C-E Translation of Specialized Terms (60 * 0.5 = 30).C-E Sentence Translation ( 4*4+9=25) .E-C Sentence Translation (10*2+5 = 15).Translate the Fol

7、lowing Statement of Cash Flows/Balance Sheet/ Letter of Credit into Chinese (20)2. positive and upbeat attitude; insightful idea organization, logic reasoning, well-woven structural paragraph and discourse organization, good facility with the language seen in variable sentences and above all, high q

8、uality diction. positive and upbeat attitude积极乐观向上的insightful 深度的good facility with 精通high quality diction 遣词3. With Chinas accession to WTO, such positions place an increasingly high premium on ones professional English. In other words, financial institutions are inclined to give priority to people

9、 with expatriate experience or professional English, which accounts for why students of our department attach importance to studying professional English.随着中国的入世,这样一些位置对专业英语能力有越来越高的要求,换言之,金融机构倾向于对有海外经历和专业英语者予以倾斜,这就解释了为何我们系的学生如此重视专业英语的学习。accession to进入place anpremium on 对有要求be inclined to 倾向于give pri

10、ority to 对予以倾斜expatriate experience 海外经历account for 解释,说明attach importance to 对重视4. Wuhan University is one of the most prestigious comprehensive universities directly under the Chinas Ministry of Education.武汉大学是中国教育部直属的最著名的综合性大学之一prestigious comprehensive 著名的综合性的directly under 直属Chinas Ministry of

11、Education中国教育部5. We attach importance to utilization of English, including business philosophy and a substantial stock of financial professional philosophy 经营理念substantial 数量相当可观的6. Once a firm is not in a position to meet is maturing obligations, its survival shall be threatene

12、d. 一旦公司不能偿还它即将到期的债务,他的生存将被威胁。 maturing obligations即将到期的债务7. The bank loan offier declined my application for the loan on the grounds that Id brought a house and a car on mortgage and I had but modest monthly income, as a result I had been heavily committed.银行信贷员以我按揭买房买车,收入微薄,还款负担沉重为由,谢绝了我的贷款申请。on th

13、e grounds that以为由be heavily committed 还款负担沉重9. Under this Clause, the payment for performing this work should be due from the contractor. 根据该合同,运行这项任务的款项应该从承包商手中拿回。10. It has posed a challenge to us, so we should forge our own core competence.打造我们的核心竞争力pose a challenge 提出挑战forge core competence 打造核心

14、竞争力11. Under this policy, the proceeds from issuing the corporate bonds should be used for capital improvement of the issuing firm in question. 根据该政策,发行企业债券的所得应该用于该发行公司的技术改造。corporate bonds企业债券capital improvement技术改造in question 放在名词后意思为“该”deregulation政策放宽accelerated depreciation 加速折旧 lift 取消(权威机构)launch of a product推出产品designated bank 指定行competitive edge竞争优势securities 证券entity实体acceptance 承兑ceiling上限Shanghai-based总部设在上海surrender business交单业务establishment(company)建立,确立registered capital注册资本paid-in capital 实收资本working capital 流动资金trade volume贸易额L/C Letter of credit信用证in com

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