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1、4. The play Prometheus Bound was written by a. Aeschylus b. Aristophanes c. Eiripides d.Sophocles5. The best writer of comedy of the ancient Greece was , who is Father ofComedy a. Euripides b Aristophanes c. Sbphocles d.Aeschylus6. Herodotus , Father of History, wrote about the war between .a. Athen

2、s and Sparta b. Athens and Syracusec. Athens and Persians d. Geeks aid Rrsians7. ever said that “ You can not step twice into the river?a. H)me b. Heracleitue c. Etmocritus d. Sbcrates8. by Plato is a book about the ideal state ruled by a philosopher but barringpoets.d.dd. Politicsa. Dialogues b. Th

3、e Apology c. The RepublicSymposium9. Dante called the master of those who know”.a. Aristotle b. Rato c. SocratesArchimedes10. Euclid is even now well-known for his .a. Elements b Poetics c. Ethics11. The theory ofis that one should endure hardshipand misfortune withcourage.A. the Epicurans b the Sto

4、ics c. the Sceptics d. he Cynics12. has been a big subject for discussion among writers and artists.a, Discus Thrower b, Venus de Milo c, Laocoon group d,Parthenon13. It is who was the founder of scientific mathematicSea. Heracleitus b. Aristotle c. Sbcrates d. Ithagoras14. Octavius took supreme pow

5、er as emperor with the title of Augustus in a. 146 B.C. b. 27B.C. c. 27 A. D. d. 30B.C.15. In the West Roman Empire ended when the last emperor of the West wasdeposed by the Goths.a. 27 B. C. b. 39516. After the 27 B. C. the Romans enjoyed a long period of peace lasting 200 years Itis known as a. th

6、e Roman Law b. the Roman roadsc. the Roman Empire d. he Bx R)mana17. by Julius Caesar are models of succinct Latin.a. The Aeneid b Poetics c. Commentaries d.Elements18. The great epic, The Aeneid, was written by a. Lucretius b. Virgil c. JQlius Caesar d. Gcero19. wrote the philosophical poem On the

7、Nature of Things to expound the ideasof Epicurus the Greek atomist.a. Lucretius b. Crassus c. Julius Caesar d.Pompey20. is not Roman architecture.a. The Colosseum b. Pont du Gard c. The Parthenon d. ThePanthenon21. is a statue which illustrates the legend of creation of Rome.a. The Colosseum b. Spoi

8、ls from the Temple in Jerusalemc. Constantine the Great d. She-Wolf22. is by far the most influential in the West.a. Buddism b Islamism c. Christianity dJudaism23. was the land promised by God to Abraham.a. Canaan b he Mddle Eist c.足ypt d. theGarden of Elen24 The word Testament means a. Jbsus Christ

9、 b. God aid Minc. the agreement between God and Man d. God and Christ25. The first five books, called , are the oldest and most important of the OldTestament of 39 booksa. Deuteronomy b Exodus c. the Pentateuch d.Genesis26. Around 1300 B. C., Moses led the Hebrews to leave Egypt. With this began .a.

10、 Genesis b. Leviticus c. Numbers d theExodus27. is a collection of 150 poetic pieces.a. Book of Psalms b. Proverb c. Book of Job d.Ecclesiastes28. In the Jews were carried away into the Babylonian Captivity(巴比伦之囚).a. 169 B. C. b. 586 B. C. c. 536 BC d, 721 BC.29. In Babylon the Hebrews formed to pra

11、ctice their religion.a. nagogues b. hws c. Paradise d. the Lawof Torah3(). In , Emperor made Christianity the official religion of the empire andoutlawed all other religions.a. b. 305, Ebcletiand. 392,Theodosius313, Constantinec. 64 A. D., Nero Caesar31. Towards the end of four accounts ( Gospels )

12、were accepted as part of theNew Testament, which tells the beginning ofb. the lsl century, Jesus Christd. 392, (Gristianitya. the 4th century, Christianityc. the 3rd century, Crucifixion32. Revelation is the last book of .Testament33. Juses went with his disciples to Jerusalem for the 、but was betra

13、yed by Judaand caught at .a. Easter, Temple b. Passover, the Last Supperc. Big Day, the Last Supper d. hgh dgj jupper34. The most important and influential of English Bible is , first published in1611.a. The Septuagint b. The Vulgatec. Wycliffs version d. Authorized version35. is the oldest extant Greek translation of the Old Testament.c. Wycliffs ersi(m d. Authorized version36. The standard American edition of the Revised Version appeared in .a. 1539 b. 1885 c. 1901 d. 197937. It is generally accepted that and Shakespeare are two great reservoirs ofModern English.a. th

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