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1、这种收音机体积非常小,只有一本书大小。收音机自身可以发电,用户打开发电手柄摇转2分钟,就能提供40分钟的收听时间。Ears to Our World is supported by private donations and partners including Eton, the company that makes the Eton Grundig radios.“聆听世界”由私人捐助的支持,其合作伙伴包括制造根德(Grundig)收音机的伊顿公司。Thomas Witherspoon started Ears to Our World in two thousand eight.托马斯威

2、瑟斯朋2008年创办了“聆听世界”组织。THOMAS WITHERSPOON: Our radios are going to people who have no other source of international news and information. Its hard for them to learn new languages and be connected to the bigger world.威瑟斯朋:“我们的收音机提供给了没有渠道获取国际新闻资讯的人们。对他们而言,学习新语言并和世界保持联系非常困难。In fact, in a lot of these comm

3、unities, the feedback we get is before they had their radio, most of their news and information came word of mouth, from other people. So this way theyre getting more accurate information. And teachers use this information in the classroom to enhance a students learning ability about the world aroun

4、d them.“事实上,我们从大部分社区得到的反馈信息是,在他们得到收音机以前,他们大部分新闻资讯是通过他人之口传来的。因此通过收音机他们能得到更多确切信息。而老师们也能在课堂上利用这些信息,增强学生们对周边世界的学习能力。”Ears to Our World works with local organizations to get the radios to where they are needed most. Mr. Witherspoon says the radios are now in eleven communities, most of them in Africa.“聆听

5、世界”组织与当地组织合作将收音机送到最需要的地方。威瑟斯朋先生说,这些收音机现在提供给了11个社区,这些社区大部分在非洲。He says many of these communities are unable to get information any other way.他说,这些社区中的大多数无法通过其他方式获得信息。We take our radios to parts of the world that lack access to the Internet, to a national power grid of any sort. Were talking about plac

6、es maybe in South Sudan that are very, very remote. No one in the community or the village has power in their homes.“我们把收音机送到了世界上部分没有互联网和任何电力网的地区。我们提到的也许就在南苏丹非常、非常遥远的地区。这些社区或村庄的人们家里都没有电。Thomas Witherspoon says information is the most important tool to improve the lives of poor people.威瑟斯朋表示,信息是改善穷人生

7、活最重要的工具。In this economy, information is sort of the lifeline for all of us to function and get along. Especially if youre living in a place where you have no information, information is your way out of poverty.“在当今经济环境中,信息是我们所有人工作与生活的生命线。特别是在缺乏信息的地区,信息是人们的脱贫途径。The self-powered radios are also useful

8、 in emergencies. Teachers in Haiti used them to get information after last years earthquake.这种自供电收音机在紧急情况下也非常有用。海地的老师们在去年的地震后就使用这种收音机获取信息。Mr. Witherspoon says Ears to Our World has sent out about one thousand two hundred radios. More than half have gone to earthquake victims, mostly in Haiti. About

9、five hundred have gone to individual teachers and schools.威瑟斯朋先生说,“聆听世界”组织已经发放了大约1200台收音机。一半以上的收音机提供给了海地的地震灾民,其他约500台提供给了老师和学校。More recently, Ears to Our World worked to bring the radios to children with vision problems in Belize.最近, “聆听世界”组织在伯利兹(中美洲国家)为存在视觉缺陷的儿童送去了收音机。Having a radio that they can c

10、ontrol and listen to, and search around on, it just opens a world of information to them.“有一台他们可以操作的收音机收听、搜索周边信息,将为他们打开一个信息世界。出自 VOA Special English Technology Report新闻体常见词语1. 表示信息来源出处quote .as引用.话; whospoke on condition of anonymity以.匿名为条件; a spokes2man says发言人说officials / sources/ critics/ analyst

11、s/ob2servers / skep tics say政府官员们/有关人士/评论家/分析家/观察家/怀疑者说; declined to comment on / elaborateon /give oneps name /be named谢绝评论/提供祥细情况/披露本人姓名; Witnesses said.目击者说; Reports from .say来自.的报道说; op inion polls show民意调查显示;studies show研究显示。 2. 表示信息状况confirmed /unconfirmed / conflictingreports/ accounts已证实的/未经

12、证实的/相互矛盾的报道/说法; Further detailswere not immediately available. 进一步的详情眼下不得而知(有待随时报道) 。Details of whathappened are still unclear. 事件的详情仍不清楚。Details of.are still coming in. 详情正.送来本台。Details have e2merged of.详情已浮现出来。It was not immediately clearwhether.目前尚不清楚。So far there is no word on.迄今尚无关于的消息。3. 表示背景对

13、照following随着; ( shortly) before / af2ter就在.之前/之后on the sidelines of在.背景下; a2gainst the backdrop of在.背景下; The move follows.此举是随着; was part of作为.一部分; in an apparent referenceto显然是指; . comes as随着; .comes after随着; as itcomes as.随着。4. 表示意图、预定、推测(暗含评论分析) aim at/aimed at旨在, in an apparent attemp t to显然是想, in an ef2fort to / in a bid to 试图set, slated 预定, expected 预计,feared担心,恐怕; It appears that.似乎; itwas p resumed.据推测; fall short of缺乏,达不到; likely be seen as很可能被视为; describe it as描绘为。5. 表示态度、行为过程accuse 指责; condemn 谴责; blast激烈抨击; hail称赞; dismiss驳斥; lash严厉斥责;laud称赞; abuse滥用; aid援助;

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