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1、 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Importance of Environmental Protection. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1. 人类面临的环境问题越来越多,如气候变化、环境污染、生态失衡等问题2但许多人仍然不懂得去保护环境3我的看法On the Importance of Environmental Protection_【正确答案】:

2、范文与解斩 1 We are faced with more and more environmental problems nowadays, such as climate change, environmental pollution, and ecological imbalance. These problems will ultimately do great harm to human beings.Serious as the situation is, many people are still ignorant of the importance of environmen

3、tal protection. 2 In my opinion, environmental protection is of great significance. 3 For one thing, the earth is the only planet suitable for human beings and other creatures to live on. If it is destroyed, we will lose our home and will have no place to go. Therefore, we should try our best to pro

4、tect the environment in order to save the earth. 4 For another, only by protecting the environment can we obtain resources such as clean water and air that are vital for our survival. Diseases caused by polluted air and water have claimed heavy casualties and will always remind us of the importance

5、of environmental protection.5 In one word, the environment is very important for all of us, and we should do everything we can to protect it.本题分数: 106.0 分 【答案解析】写作指南本文标题是“沦环境保护的重要性”,所以尽管outline中提到环境恶化、很多人不注意环境保护等内容,但这些内容似乎都不应该作为重点,而只能是不可缺少的“引子”,作文论述的重点应该还是正面阐述“重要性”。环境保护问题当然是“老生常谈”,但动笔具体写的时候,却让人为难,可能

6、总是转不出“环境保护对人类的生存至关重要”这么一条理由。如何阐述理由,使这些理由相互关联却又截然不同,显得层次分明,是考生写作思路训练的重点。Analysis1 第一段可以把outline中相应内容简要介绍一下。2 前一句中的让步结构(serious as the situation is)运用巧妙,而这一句就给出主题句。3 4 关于环保的重要性,能够给出什么理由呢?这里只列了两条:环保可以拯救地球我们生存的家园;只有环保才能让我们拥有健康生存所需要的资源。理由只列两条时,可以使用for one thing for another的套话引出。注意,这里的两条理由之间没有重复交叉。如果举出四五条

7、理由,只不过分别说环保使我们得到干净的水、空气、土壤、粮食等等,虽然不算错,但内容上是重复的,说服力就不够。5 结尾段重复一遍主题是必要的,注意语言上要有变化。本文用到important,im portance,significant和vital等不同的词表示“重要”,所以语言就富有变化。二、Cloze(共20小题,共60.0分)There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right side of the pape

8、r. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. The Curies had hoped that the Nobel Prize would finally bring the opportunity for a chair at the French Academy and the laboratory that went with

9、it. 1, it brought unwanted publicity and more responsibility. Therefore, both Curies were 2to share their knowledge and teach classes: Pierre Curie at the Sorbonne, and Marie Curie at Sevres.Marie Curie was the first female professor at Sevres, a college for girls who wanted to teach higher educatio

10、n. These twenty-year-olds would 3become professors. Marie was not liked by her pupils during her first year as a professor. 4her second year, the students loved her. One student reported that the courses taught by Marie were the 5reference during the entire length of my 6. She didnt dazzle us, she 7

11、us, attracted us, held us with her simplicity, her 8to be useful to us, the sense she had of both our ignorance and our 9 She was the first to take her students into the laboratory to 10manipulate their newly-learned theories. She also taught by example, and invited the physics class to hear the 11o

12、f her dissertation. Marie argued for the 12of additional, difficult tests given only to the female students. She also 13the dean to provide calculus classes to the female students. Marie wanted the girls to have the 14to succeed in academia and fought tooth and nail to provide every 15.This woman is

13、 known for her scientific discoveries and the progress 16from them. Of course her scientific discoveries are 17and useful. It is also important to understand the kind of woman that she was. She was stubborn, 18she hated to lose, but it was her goal to use science to help the world in whatever way po

14、ssible. Her stubbornness led to persistence and 19. These qualities promoted the use of her brilliance. The love and support of her family taught Marie to never question the possibilities that stood 20her.A ThenB InsteadC LikewiseD MoreoverB【本题分数】:3.0分逻辑关系题。根据后面的unwanted publicity和more responsibility可知这与居里夫妇的希望有些出入,故空格处应填表转折对比的词instead“相反”。第2题 A forcedB obligedC terminatedD expectedD语义逻辑题。填空处为被动语态,由后面的share knowledge和teach classes可知,这是人们所“期望”的结果。force“强迫”、oblige“迫使”不合理,人们不大可能强迫诺贝尔得主做事;terminate终止”不符合文意。第3题 A eventuallyB actuallyC rarely

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