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2、,在界定学习型社区、数字化学习、数字化学习型社区相关概念的基础上,结合国内外研究的实践,从中提炼出具有借鉴意义的经验启示,分析当前我国构建数字化学习型社区的现状,讨论构建过程中6大着重点,同时,对构建数字化学习型社区关键性问题上,提出了3大构建领域,并提出了相应的解决方案,最终突显构建数字化学习型社区的重要性。 关键词:数字化学习型社区 学习型社区 数字化学习Countermeasures for digitallearningcommunity constructionAbstractCommunity refers to the social life community consisti

3、ng of people living in a certain geographical area. As an important component of human life, community is closely related to our daily life. China is now in a crucial period of economic development and social transformation. With the deepening of community education, the continuous strengthening of

4、construction and management dynamics and the speeding up of urban integration process, the construction and management of modern communities have been profoundly influenced. Mean while, with the extensive application of information and technology, profound changes have taken place in humans way of l

5、earning and digital learning emerges timely. As a more quick, efficient and durable way of learning, digital learning combines digital learning resources, mode and environment to help people achieve lifelong learning, which makes the construction of digital learning community practically significant

6、. Therefore, the construction of digital learning community is not only urgently needed for our country to enter a new stage of development in community construction, but also inevitably required to keep up with international development trend in learning society.SBBBBBStarting from theoretical and

7、practical background, the paper discussed the time background of the emergence of digital learning community. Based on the definition of learning community, digital learning, digital learning community, along with the research practice both at home and abroad, we then acquired useful implications. T

8、he paper also analyzed the current condition of the construction of digital leaning community, discussed the six key points in the construction process, and proposed three construction regions aiming at the critical problem of the construction of digital leaning community. At last, the paper propose

9、d solution plans, which highlighted the significance of constructing the digital leaning community. Key words: Digital learning community Learning community Digital learning 目 录一、序论-1.1数字化学习型社区提出的理论背景- 1.1.1基于教育学的理论基础- 1.1.2基于管理学的理论基础- 1.2数字化学习型社区提出的现实背景- 1.2.1现代信息技术的发展- 1.2.2社区教育的不断深化发展- 1.2.3城镇一体化进程的加快-二、数字化学习型社区的相关概念- 2.1学习型社区- 2.2数字化学习- 2.3数字化学习型社区-三、国内外研究的实践-3.1国外研究的实践- 3.1.1 美国和日本- 3.1.2 其他国家的实践- 3.2国内研究的实践- 3.2.1第一阶段:项目试验- 3.2.2第二阶段:标准出台- 3.2.3第三阶段:实践推广-四、数字化学习型社区的建设-4.1数字化学习型社区建设的现状-4.1.1服务社会的有效性不高-4.1.2激励学习者参与的力度不强-4.1.3深度推向社会的广泛性不够-4.2数字化学习型社区建设的着重点-

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