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1、1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 5th period Pre-reading(theWhile-reading(languWhile-reading(languPost-reading( Listening me related age points, main age points, main homework check; practice discussion; idea, writing style) idea, writing style) practice; writing structure) practice) Lead-

2、in Task About the author Eudora Welty (1909-2001) received her bachelor of arts degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1929. She won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction with Optimists Daughter in 1969. One Writers Beginnings was nominated for the 1983 National Book Critics Circle Award(全国图书评论奖).

3、Frankenstein a character in the novel Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus (1818) by Mary Shelley. Baron Frankenstein is a scientist who creates and brings to life a manlike monster which eventually turns on him and destroys him; Frankenstein is not the name of the monster itself, as is often assu

4、med 弗兰肯斯坦(玛丽雪莱的小说弗兰肯斯坦,又名现代普罗米修斯1818中的一个角色;科学家弗兰肯斯坦男爵创造了一个人形怪物,并赋之以生命,最终却遭怪物袭击并为其所害;弗兰肯斯坦不是怪物的名字,但常被如此误认) Moses (fl. c.14th13th centuries bc), Hebrew prophet and lawgiver, brother of Aaron. According to the biblical account, he was born in Egypt and led the Israelites away from servitude there, acro

5、ss the desert towards the Promised Land. During the journey he was inspired by God on Mount Sinai to write down the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone (Exod. 20) 摩西(约生活于公元前14世纪前13世纪,希伯来先知、法典制订者,亚伦之弟;据圣经记述,他出生于埃及,带领以色列人逃出埃及摆脱奴役,穿越沙漠,到达乐土,途中在上帝启示下于西奈山在石板上刻下十诫,出埃及记20) Sentence Patterns To both my par

6、ents I owe my early acquaintance with a beloved Mark Twain. They must have sacrificed to give me the ten-volume set of Our Wonder World. The Book of Knowledge could not hold a candle to it. My parents could not give me books enough. I live in gratitude to my parents for initiating me into knowledge

7、of the world, into reading and spelling by way of the alphabet. Word Study 1. secondary: 1. of the second rank; not primary. 2. inferior. 3. minor; lesser. e.g. a secondary source 间接来源;a secondary infection 继发感染 secondary education 中等教育 Another name for secondary school is high school. 中学又叫高级中学。seco

8、ndary product 副产品 secondary organ 附属机构 a secondary cause 次要原因 The need for secrecy is secondary to the need to take immediate action. 马上行动比保密重要。Our priority is to have an efficient transport system, and the clean air is a secondary consideration. 当务之急是要有高效的运输系统,清新的空气是次要的考虑因素。2. moral: (1) concerning

9、 principles of right and wrong, good and virtuous e.g. a moral act 合乎道德的行为 moral standards 道德标准 the moral sense 是非感 (2) other meanings a moral teaching 教训 moral support 道义上的支持 moral outlook 人生观 moral principles 道义 corrupt moral 败坏道德 3. allot: v. to use a particular amount of time for something, or g

10、ive a particular share of money, space etc to someone or something allot something to something/somebody allot somebody something e.g. You should try and allot 2 or 3 hours a day to revision. Each speaker is allotted 20 minutes at the meeting. allotment n. 4. respective: relating to two or more pers

11、ons or things regarded individually分别的, 各自的 e.g. They are successful in their respective fields. 在他们各自的领域都取得成功 to visit our respective mothers各自去看自己的母亲 CF. respectful: showing respect e.g. His followers kept at a respectful distance. 他的追随者与他保持一定距离以示对推他的尊。respectable: meriting respect or esteem e.g.

12、He is a respectable young man. 5. flank: (1) n. a lateral part or side:e.g. the flank of a mountain. 山的侧面 launch an attack on both flanks.对两侧翼的攻击 (2) v. to be placed or situated at the side of:or to put (something) on each side of:e.g. Two stone lions flanked the entrance. 两头石狮位于入口处两侧 Tien An Men Sq

13、uare is flanked by the Great Hall of the People and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution. 天安门广场两侧是人民大会堂和中国革命博物馆。The president was flanked on both sides by senior ministers. 总统的两边跟着资深的部长。6. initiate: (1) cause to begin:e.g. That country has initiated trade with developing nations. 开始与发展中国家的贸易 (2) tel

14、l someone about something or show them how to do something initiate somebody into something 把某事教给传授某人 e.g. Those kids were initiated into heroin use at a young age. initiate pupils into the principles of grammar把初步语法规则教给学生 (3) introduce someone into an organization, club, group etc, usually with a special ceremony initiate somebody into something 准许(介绍)某人加入某团体

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