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1、“伯安入小学,颖悟非凡貌,属句有夙性,说字惊老师。”于是看,宋元时期小学教师被称为“老师”有案可稽。清代称主考官也为“老师”,而一般学堂里的先生则称为“教师”或“教习”。可见,“教师”一说是比较晚的事了。如今体会,“教师”的含义比之“老师”一说,具有资历和学识程度上较低一些的差别。辛亥革命后,教师与其他官员一样依法令任命,故又称“教师”为“教员”。 Have s grasp the new words and phrases.2. Let s know the achievement of Jane Goodall.3. Improve s reading ability.4. Have s

2、know the importance of hard-working.Teaching key point:1. Have s know about the new words.2. Improve s reading ability.Teaching difficulty:Improve s extensive reading ability.Teaching step:step 1: learn new words.A: learn about the key words.1. n. achievement v. achieve2.lead lead to(介)导致Eg:

3、I am leading a happy life./ He has led a rich life since he came to China.3.intend: intend to do sth. I intended to date you.behave vi. vt. 举动,表现 behave oneself 规矩点,行为得体4.crowd in; inspire; come across; look down upon/look up on;observe; by chance=by accident; campaign; shade B: practiceMatch the wo

4、rds and the explanation.1. by chance a. a series of planned activities2. campaign b. to watch carefully; to obey3. move off c. by accident4. observe d. to plan ; to mean5. intend e. to start; to set out6. behave f. to admire someone7. crowd g. sth. important that you succeed in doing8. inspire h. to

5、 encourage someone.9. achievement i. a large group of people in public place10. respect do sth. In a particular wayStep 2: warming up1. Show the six pictures in page 1, and read the introduction.Questions: who are they? What do you know about Song Qingling?2. After reading, have s discuss the q

6、uestions: What do they have in common?What makes them great? Give your reasons.How many women are there in the list? Why so few?What qualities do you think a great woman should have?Possible answers: unselfish; kind; generous; modest ; confident; considerate; helpful; hard-working; active; intellige

7、nt; warm-heartedStep 3: pre -reading 1. Recall the life of Jane Goodall. 2. Introduce the information about the chimp. 3. Read the title, predict the main idea of the passage. Clue: student ; wildlife 4. Discussion: After a glance of the title, what do you think the passage is about? Where do you th

8、ink the photos were taken? What do you think of when you see the pictures?Step 4: readingWho is the student? Jane GoodallWhat animals were observed? Chimps2. Skim: skim each paragraph, find the topic sentence and the main idea. Topic: Following Janes way of studing chimps, our gr

9、oup Para 1: are going to visit them in the forest. Main idea: How our group studied chimps in the forest. Nobody before Jane understood chimp behavior.Para 2: What Jane discovered about chimps.Topic: For forty years Jane Goodall.of these animals.Para 3: Main : What Jane is doing now to help chimps.P

10、ara 4: topic: She has achieved everything she wanted to do. Main: Janes achievement.3. Intensive reading:a. What was the writer doing in the forest? Observe chimpsb. What did Jane observe about the chimps? She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat. She observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey

11、and then eating it. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other.c. What is Janes achievement? Working with animals in their own environment. Gaining a doctors degree. Showing that women can live in the forest as men can.4.practice:A. Choose the right answer.1) When are they going to v

12、isit the chimps?A. in the early morning. B. in the late morningC. In the afternoon D. in the evening.2) How do the chimps show their love to each other most of time?A. They run after each other.B. They play tricks each other.C. They either clean or feed each other.D. They shout at each other.3) From

13、 the passage we know the bond between the members of a chomp very strong a little weak.C.doesnt xist the strongest of all the animals4) Why was Jane not allowed to begin her project at first?A. Because her project was not meaningful.B. Because she was an African.C. Because her

14、 project was bad for the chimps.D. Because women seldom lived in the forest.5) According to the passage, Jane probably agrees to_.A.let animals live in the wild. B.put wild animals in the laboratoriesC.make fun of animals to make money. D.hunt animals for entertainmentAnswers:ACADAB. Fill in the blanks wi

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