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酒店管理财务信贷政策Credit policyWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、Appendixes 附件A.Application for Credit Facility 信贷申请B.Credit Application-Approval Letter信贷申请回复函-同意C.Credit Application-Rejection Letter信贷申请回复函-不同意D.Payment Authorization Form第三方付款授权书E.Skipper Report逃账报告F.Instant Check Out Authorization Form快速结账授权书G.1st Reminder Letter第一封催款信H.2nd Reminder Letter第二封催款信

2、I.Final Reminder Letter最终催款信J.Write Off Form坏账冲销申请Procedure 程序:Credit Committee & Credit Meeting 信贷委员会及信贷会议Credit Committee信贷委员会The Hotel Credit Committee consists of: 酒店信贷委员会由以下人员组成:A) General Manager总经理B ) Financial Controller 财务总监C) Director of Sales & Marketing 市场销售总监D) Director of F&B 餐饮部总监 E)

3、Assistant Financial Controller 财务副总监F) Front Office Manager 前厅经理F) Credit Manager 信贷经理 The General Manger is generally responsible for the establishment of the hotels credit policies and procedures. The responsibility to carry out this function is delegated by him to the Credit Manager under the dir

4、ect supervision of the Financial Controller. Extra care and caution should be exercised in the performance of such functions and are carried out in accordance with the policy and procedures herein outlined.总经理主要负责建立有关信贷的规章制度. 在总经理的授权,在财务总监的指导下,由信贷经理负责监督具体的实施. 在具体的工作中,要特别注意遵守本政策中的规章制度。Monthly Credit

5、Meeting信贷会议A Credit Meeting will be held on monthly basis. Time and venue of meeting should be advised at least one (1) week prior to meeting. 信贷会议每月召开一次,时间及地点要提前一周通知有关的参会人员。Main objective of the meeting is to review the Accounts Receivable Aging Report, special accounts above 30 days and known prob

6、lem accounts. Certain attendees will be allocated specific follow-up responsibilities, when necessary. 会议的主要内容是察看应收账龄分析报告, 超过30天未付款的账户及其他问题账户。 如有需要,以下参会人员将负责跟踪解决问题。 Attendees at the meeting should be参会人员: General Manager 总经理 Financial Controller财务总监 Assistant Financial Controller财务副总监Director of Sal

7、es & Marketing市场销售总监Director of F & B餐饮部总监Front Office Manager前厅部经理Credit Manager信贷经理An A/R Aging report will be distributed and accounts over 60 days will be discussed. Decisions to take legal actions, request assistance from other parties, hotel etc., black list clients and refuse acceptance of tr

8、avel agents vouchers, amongst other, would normally be taken at these meetings. Exceptions, due to timing needs, would be handled by the Credit Manager, through the Financial Controller, as required.应收账龄分析报告将在会上分发并具体讨论超过60天的未付款账户。会议将做出是否采取法律手段追讨欠款,是否需要其他酒店或公司的协助,是否将客人列入黑名单,是否拒收旅行社订单等有关决议。有些决定,因时间关系,

9、将由财务总监根据实际情况,直接吩咐信贷经理去实施完成。Any other matters causing collection difficulties are also discussed and course of action, to correct the situation before it becomes a major problem, is agreed upon.任何其他情况导致收账困难的问题,也在会上提出,以便管理层及时做出决定,采取相应的措施,以防止问题进一步恶化。The Credit Policy may also be reviewed periodically d

10、uring the Credit Meeting and any procedural deficiency should be addressed immediately.信贷会议上也要对信贷政策进行定期的核查,任何与实际操作有悖的条款要及时讨论。The Minutes of the credit meeting will be taken by the Credit Manager. It should contain information related to various functional areas including a list of specific problems

11、discussed, corrective action taken and follow up actions required by the various departments.信贷经理负责会议记录。会议记录包括会议讨论的问题,采取的措施以及负责跟踪解决问题的部门及个人。The minutes must be distributed promptly to all attendees. These minutes are also reviewed at the following meeting to ensure agreed steps have been correctly f

12、ollowed up by those given the responsibility.会议纪录将在会后及时分发给所有参会人员。每次信贷会议将回顾上次的会议记录,核查有关责任人是否跟踪解决问题。Credit Applications 信贷申请All companies, individuals, and travel agents requesting Credit facilities within the Hotel for Banquets, Conferences, Restaurant Outlets or regular accommodation must complete a

13、n Application for Credit Facility (Ref. Appendix A) if local Credit facilities are not held. The Crdiet Manager will then access the application and inform the applicant in writing the status of the application.所有公司, 个人, 旅行社提出在酒店内部的宴会,会议,餐饮消费及客房消费挂账由公司支付的,如果没有信贷协议,都需要事先填写信贷申请(附件A)。 信贷经理将负责有关调查并通知申请人

14、结果。The client will be advised of Credit facility approval or denial within 72 hours or 3 days of receipt of application.客人将在提出申请的72小时或3天后被告知结果。When Credit is requested, the PMS A/R system will be checked as to whether the client has already been issued with a Credit facility. If the client does have Credit facility, the Application for Credit Facility is not required. 客人提出挂账申请后,要先在系统中检查该公司是否已经有信贷协议。若客人已经有信贷协议,则不需要再填写信贷申请。If the client does not have Credit facility, then an Application for Credit Facility is t

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