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1、2012年,中国政府宣布重大节假日期间全国高速公路免收通行费,其中就包括春节和国庆两个7天假期,这一政策从某种程度上又导致了出行车辆和人数的增加。参考翻译:The Golden Week refers to a consecutive seven-day national holiday. In 1999, China started to carry out the Golden Week policy. Since then, the Golden Week has enriched peoples daily life and promoted the development of so

2、cial economy by encouraging people to travel and spend. Nevertheless, there is no denying that the problems caused by the Golden Week are getting obvious, such as the traffic jams, overcrowded tourist spots and rising prices. In 2012,the Chinese government announced that expressways nationwide would

3、 be toll-free during important holidays, including the two seven-day holidays around the Spring Festival and the National Day, which, to some degree led to the highly increased number of vehicles and people going out.1.“从那以后社会经济的发展”,主语是“黄金周”,后跟并列谓语“丰富了”和“促进了”,可译为has enrich and Promoted;“通过的方式”直接用介词短

4、语by.更加简洁。2.第四句“然而不可否认,黄金周带来的问题”中的“不可否认”可使用句型there is no denying that. 来连接整个句子;“黄金周所带来的”可使用句型词短语作定语译为caused by the Golden Week修饰 “问题(the problems)”。3.最后一句话是一个长句,“中国政府宣布重大节假日期间全国高速公路免收通行费”可处理为that引导的宾语从句,翻译为the Chinese government announced that.。“其中就包括春节和国庆两个7天假期可使用现在分词短语作状语including.作进一步说明。“这一政策从某种程度

5、上又导致了出行车辆和人数的增加”可使用which引导的非限制性定语从句,补充说明主句所说的免收通行费政策带来的影响。中国国家博物馆(the National Museum of China)位于天安门广场东部和东长安街以南,在人民大会堂(the Great Hall of the People)对面。国家博物馆的前身是两个博物馆:中国历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆,二者均在一个建筑群中。国家博物馆和人民大会堂同时完工,都在中国 10周岁国庆献礼的“十大建设”之列。中国历史博物馆主要呈现了三个重要时期的中国历史。中国革命博物馆重点关注过去150年的历史,特别是中国共产党的历史。国家博物馆经常更新,以

6、反映现代政治史的发展。The National Museum of China sits to the east of Tiananmen Square and south of East Changan Street, opposite to the Great Hall of the People.The predecessors of the National Museum are two museums the Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of Chinese Revolution, which shared the same bu

7、ilding complex.Finished at the same time, The National Museum of China and The Great Hall of the People were both among the “Ten Great Constructions” completed for the 10th birthday of the PRC.The Museum of Chinese History displays three critical periods of Chinese history.The Museum of Chinese Revo

8、lution focuses on the history of the past 150 years,in particular the histoiy of the Communist Party of China.The National Museum is frequently updated to reflect the developments of modern political histoiy.翻译讲解:1.位于:可译为sit to,还可译为lie to。2.在.对面:可译为opposite to.3.的前身:可译为the predecessor of.4.二者均在一个建筑群

9、中:可译为定语从句which shared the same building complex。5.过去150年的历史:可译为 the histoiy of the past 150 years。6.特别是:可译为in particular,还可以用especially来表达。中国农业农业是中国的重要产业。中国的农业产居世界首位,主要出产大米、小麦、土豆、花生、茶叶和棉花。尽管中国的可耕地(arable land)仅占世界的10%,但是中国却为世界上20%的人口提供粮食。由于中国是发展中国家且可耕地严重匮乏,中国的农业一直是劳动密集型(labor-intensive)。中国政府密切关注农业,加

10、大投资力度,积极开展灌溉和水资源保护,以提髙农业生产的现代化水平,使得中国各类农产品的产品迅速增加。然而,由于人口众多,人均农产品产量很低。Agriculture is an important industry in China.Chinaranks first in agricultural output worldwide,primarilyproducing rice,wheat,potatoes,peanuts,tea,andcotton.Although accounting for only 10 percent ofarable land worldwide,China pro

11、duces food for 20percent of the worlds population.Due to Chinas status as a developing country and itssevere shortage of arable land,farming in China has always been the labor-intensiveindustry.Chinese government has been paying close attention to agriculture,increasing theinvestment and actively ca

12、rrying out irrigation and water conservancy to improve themodernization of agricultural production,which leads to a high growth rate in Chinas outputof various agricultural products.However,due to the large population,the amount of theagricultural products per capita is small.1.重要产业:可译为important ind

13、ustry。其中industry除了表示“产业”,还可表示“工业,例如heavy industry意为“重工业”。2.仅占的10%:可译为accounting for only 10 percentof.其中account for意为“占比例”。3.可耕地:可译为arable land。4.密切关注:可译为pay close attention to。参考译文中用了现在完成进行时。5.灌溉和水资源保护:可译为irrigation and water conservancy。6.人均:可译为per capita。北京烤鸭中国有句说法:不去长城看一看或没有品尝北京烤鸭(Beijing Roast

14、Duck)都不算来过北京。如果你想更多地了解中国菜系、文化和习俗,北京烤鸭作为著名的、拥有悠久历史的美食是绝佳的选择。供应烤鸭的两大最著名的餐厅是便宜坊 (Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant)和全聚德。这两家餐厅都有100多年的历史了。 品尝烤鸭的真正方式是这样的:首先拿起一片小薄饼,抹上甜面酱(sweet bean sauce),加点葱段,再加几片鸭肉,最后将饼卷起来,咬上一口。你会为这种美味而感到惊奇的。参考译文:According to a Chinese saying, no visit to Beijing is complete if you miss

15、 seeing the Great Wall or dining on Beijing Roast Duck. As a famous and delicious food with a very long history, Beijing Roast Duck is an excellent choice if you want to know more about Chinese cuisine,culture and customs. The two most famous restaurants that serve Beijing Roast Duck are Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant and Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. Both have a history of over one hundred years.The way to really enjoy the Roast Duck is as follows: first take on

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