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1、尊重威尼斯。若按规则行事,游客则会在威尼斯倍受欢迎;若非如此,游客也会为他们的行为付出相应的代价。Thats the message from the Venetian authorities, who have unveiled a new campaign, aimed at tourists, to encourage them to behave appropriately in a city which is struggling to cope with the influx of visitors, and where locals are at boiling point ov

2、er their home being used as a global playground.以上信息来自于威尼斯官方。由于威尼斯当地政府对游客涌入的情况焦头烂额,且当地居民也因所居城市变为世界游乐园而不堪其扰,因此,威尼斯当局面向外来游客推出了一项新运动,鼓励游客在威尼斯举止得体,行为得当。Paola Mar, the councillor responsible for tourism, announced that a campaign called Enjoy RespectVenezia will launch in time for the summer crush.负责旅游业的

3、议员葆拉马宣布,一项针对夏季旅游热潮发起的名为享受尊重威尼斯的运动即将展开。The campaign will be spearheaded across social media, shown on the city councils website, and provide reminders in the shape of posters around town and flyers at locations like the train station.该运动将率先通过社交媒体传播,出现在威尼斯市议会的网站上,之后以海报的形式张贴在城市各处或是以传单的形式在火车站等地传播。Visito

4、rs will be reminded not to swim in canals, make picnic stops out of public areas, pause too long on bridges, drop litter, ride bikes through the city or sightsee in bathing suits all apparently common phenomena.游客将会收到这样的提醒:不要在运河内游泳、不要在公共区域外野餐、不要在桥上停留过久、不要乱扔垃圾、不要骑自行车横穿城市和不要穿泳衣游览这些显然都是目前常见的现象。Transgre

5、ssors will be fined anything from 25 to 500.违规者将会被处以25欧元至500欧元不等的罚款.The message we have to get through is that were not joking, Mar told local paper La Nuova. If it gets about that people who do this kind of thing are fined, as well as it being flagged to their respective embassies, perhaps well be

6、able to stop others copying.马告诉当地报纸La Nuova:我们要告诉公众这并不是玩笑话。如果违规者被处以相应罚款,并因此被各自国家的大使馆打上标记,也许会防止该类事件再次发生。Only last weekend, a group of Belgian teenagers went viral when they posted a video of themselves jumping off the bridge designed by architect Santiago Calatrava into the Grand Canal. They have sub

7、sequently apologised for their behaviour.就在上周末,一群比利时青少年从建筑师圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦设计的桥上跳入威尼斯大运河,随后该视频被上传至网络,他们也突然走红。他们随后为此道歉。Last August, a tourist jumping from the Rialto Bridge hit a water taxi and died in hospital.2016年8月,一名游客从里亚托桥上跳下,撞上水上的士,随后在医院身亡。The new campaign has been a long time in the planning. Last m

8、onth, Mar told The Independent their behavioural campaign would have 12 golden rules both prohibitory and encouraging, too. The problem is that Venice is perceived as a beach, she said.本次新运动计划已久。今年6月,马告诉独立报,他们的行为运动有12条黄金规则其中有禁止也有鼓励。问题在于:威尼斯被当成了一片海滩,她说道。The campaign will be launched in 10 languages,

9、including English, Chinese, Arabic and Korean. It will include suggestions on how to change typical behaviour including highlighting official picnic areas and public toilets.本次运动细则将会以10种语言公布,其中包括英语、中文、阿拉伯语和韩语。而细则中包括了改变典型违规行为的建议特别列出了官方野餐场所和公共厕所。Meanwhile, the largest island in the lagoon, the Lido, i

10、s embarking on a sustainable tourism initiative.同时,泻湖上最大的岛利多岛正在着手实施一项可持续旅游倡议。空气污染所致早亡代价巨大Premature deaths from air pollution are costing the global economy 5.1tn annually, or roughly twice the economic output of the UK, with more than half of that burden falling on China and other developing economi

11、es in Asia, according to a study.根据一项研究,空气污染导致的过早死亡每年给全球经济带来5.1万亿美元的代价,大约两倍于英国的经济产出,而其中逾半负担落在中国和亚洲其他发展中经济体身上。 The estimates released yesterday by the World Bank for the first time put a welfare cost on the toll from indoor and outdoor air pollution and highlight how it has soared over the past quart

12、er of a century, as developing economies have rapidly industrialised.世界银行(World Bank)昨日公布的估计首次对室内和室外空气污染造成的人类福祉代价进行了估算,并突显出,随着发展中经济体迅速工业化,这项代价在过去四分之一个世纪出现飙升。They also illustrate the scale of the environmental challenge confronting those countries as they seek to address chronic air pollution.这些估算还展示

13、了相关国家在寻求应对长期空气污染时面对的环境挑战的艰巨性。An estimated 5.5m lives were lost to diseases associated with air pollution in 2013, the latest year for which global data are available.据估计,2013年(可获得全球数据的最近一年)有550万人死于与空气污染有关的疾病。More than 90 per cent of the premature deaths occurred in developing countries, with young c

14、hildren especially badly affected.90%以上的过早死亡病例发生在发展中国家,幼童受到特别严重的影响。Exposure to air pollution increases a persons risk of illnesses such as lung cancer, stroke, heart disease and bronchitis.暴露于空气污染会增加一个人患病(如肺癌、中风、心脏病和支气管炎)的风险。Those diseases, and deaths from them, also carry a rising economic cost acc

15、ording to the study, conducted by the World Bank and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle.由世行联手西雅图健康指标和评估研究所(Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation)进行的这项研究显示,这些疾病及其造成的死亡还导致越来越高的经济成本。In 1990 there were 2.6tn in welfare losses from air pollution globally (in 2011 dollar terms, adjusted for purchasing power parity), with east Asia accounting for about a quarter.1990年,全球空气污染造成的福祉损失达到2.6万亿美元(以2011年美元计算,经购买力平价调整),东亚占其中大约四分之一。Since then, the rise of China has contributed to a surge

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