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PEP人教版小学英语三年级下册《Unit2 My family A Lets talk》教学设计Word下载.docx

1、3.在实际情境中运用句型Whos that .?4.树立“关爱与帮助他人”的思想意识。教学需求分 析学习者起点水平分析三年级学生大部分活泼好动,以直观思维为主,喜欢模仿表演活动,乐于与他人分享交流观点和看法。已经学了两年半英语,可以听懂教学指令,在教师的帮助和图片的提示下能听懂简单的话语和配图的小故事,并进行简单的对话。本单元的话题贴近真实生活,学生也很感兴趣,教师应尽量设计形象逼真的生活情境让学生综合运用语言。学习内容分析义务教育英语课程标准要求学生能就熟悉的个人和家庭情况进行简短的对话。本单元话题是My family, 主要学习询问某人是谁和向他人介绍自己家人的英语表达。本课是单元的第一课

2、时,在上一单元里面已经涉及了介绍人物以及he、she的用法,所以本课时首先是对这些知识的复习与回顾,然后再对本课词语和功能句型进行学习、巩固和拓展。教学目标分析通过本课时学习,学生能够在语篇中感知核心词句father,mother,Whos that .?并尝试在实际情境中运用。设计理念与特色本微课是以学生喜爱的卡通人物“大雄”为主人公,整节课的教学内容在“大雄”为了救出同伴而进行闯关的游戏情景中展开,通过层层递进的活动,把语言学习的感知、体验、内化和运用的环节灵活的放在故事与游戏情境中进行,结合有效的教学评价,以任务型的活动促使学生有效预习核心语言,为新课的教授垫定坚实的基础。教学过程教学步

3、骤画面呈现文字说明上课教师知识点讲解词时间安排1. (Learning objectives)学习目标Hello, boys and girls! Tomorrow we will learn Unit 2 My family. A .Lets talk. Now, lets preview this lesson. 10秒2. (Warm-up)导入First, lets enjoy a cartoon show.4. (Presentation)故事呈现Hello,everyone. My names Da Xiong. Im a lucky boy. I like singing. I

4、can play basketball. Lets be friends. Miss White: Hello,Da Xiong.Da Xiong: Hi, Miss White. Look at this photo. They are my parents and friends. Where are you? Here.This is me. Whos that boy?Hes Pang Hu.20秒 Hes very strong.Whos that girl? She Jing Xiang. Shes so nice.Whos that man? Hes my father. Who

5、s that woman? Shes my mother. The boy is very cute. Who is he? Hes Doraemon. Hes my best friend.And they are my friends,too. We always play basketball together.We always sing and dance together.15秒One day,Da Xiong is worried. Because his friends are dangerous.Look, there are 4 tasks.Can you help Da

6、Xiong to rescue his friends. And find out whos the bad guy? Yes!30秒5. (Practice)操练Task 1Now,lets go to task 1.35秒Shoot the balls.She,he,she,he.Good job!You can get the first tips.Look! Do you know the bad guy?No problem. Lets go to task 2.Task 2Make a chant. Please choose the answers.B. hes my fathe

7、r.D. shes my mother.Now, lets chant together.Man, man, whos that man?Father, father, hes my father. Woman, woman, whos that woman?Mother, mother, shes my mother.Very good! Now, you can get the second tips.Do you know the bad guy now?Sorry, I dont know.Lets go to task 3. 55秒Task 3Look and say.T:Who,

8、who, whos that boy? S: Hes Pang Hu.Who, who, whos that girl? Shes Jing Xiang.Who, who, whos that man? Hes Da Xiongs father.Who, who, whos that woman? Shes Da Xiongs mother.50秒You did a good job.Now, you can get the third tips.Lets go to the last task.Task 4Make new friends.T: Wow, there are many car

9、toon friends. You can choose one, and visit his family. Ok. I choose Xiao Huihui.Hello, Xiao Huihui. Glad to see you.Xiao Huihui: Glad to see you ,too. This is Xiao Huihuis home. They are talking about Xiao Huihuis family. Please think and complete the dialogue.73秒Listen and check.Now, lets make a s

10、ummary.When we ask, we can say “Whos that?”When we answer, we should say “Hesor Shes”.Pay attention. Whos that boy? And whos that man? We should answer“Hes”. And whos that woman? We should answer “Shes”. Do you understand? Yes. Very good!Now, you can get the last tips. Are you excited?Lets see toget

11、her. Whos that man? Hes 玫瑰王子. Yes. The bad guy is Prince Rose.But he was sad. Because he was caught by the policemen.And Da Xiongs friends were rescued at the end.They are very happy.105秒6. (Moral education)思想教育Boys and girls, let me tell you:Please cherish and protect the person whom love you. Just

12、 like your parents and your friends.7. (Homework)作业Here is the homework for you. You can choose one between them.1. Act out Da Xiong and Xiao Huihuis dialogue in groups.2. If Da Xiong is invited to Chen Jies house, please imagine the dialogue and act it out. Lets check next class. 25秒Thats all for today. Goodbye!5秒微反思学生使用后反馈,比较喜欢这种有趣的故事型预习,从语言的感知、体验、内化到运用,很好的调动了学生学习兴趣,有效的预习核心语言,在新课教授的课堂上学生学习效率得到很好的提高。微点评尹老师设计的这节微课以趣味故事促有效预习核心语言Whos that? 使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中感知预习核心语言,各环节之间衔接连贯自然,层层递进,实用高效。 微练习

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