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1、Where does he study?Whose former pupil studies in Leeds?(3) Daily expressions in communicationsCould you help me?Id love/ be glad to.May I speak to Mr. Li?This is Ben speaking.(4) To reinforce the simple present tense.(5) To raise the awareness of the letter-sound correspondence.(6) Sub-topicUnit 1:

2、 What Does Sue Do on Weekdays?Unit 2: What Should Jiamin Do?Unit 3: Lets Go Further3 Affects(1) To reinforce the idea of being a good student.(2) To develop the confidence in decoding new words, and to provide sense of success of extensive reading.(3) To encourage pupils to think.(4) To challenge mo

3、re able learners.4 Learning strategy(1) Cognitive strategy.(2) Regulating strategy.(3) Communicative resource strategy.5 Cultural Consciousness(1) To raise the pupils, awareness of cultural differences between countries.(2) To provide pupils with more information about British culture.(3) To prepare

4、 pupils for appropriate behavior when meeting British people.Difficult points1 He looks thinner now than before.2 He should get up early.3 She shouldnt play computer games too much.Schedule: 6 long-periods.Materials:Textbook, Activity book, tape, Teachers book, cards, computer, TVUnit 1 What Does Su

5、e Do on Weekdays?1、 教学目标1、语言技能与语言知识:(1)四会掌握单词:hour,always,underground,early,Leeds,study。(2)初步询问他人的生活习惯及介绍自己的生活习惯。(3)能用第三人称询问他人的生活习惯。2、情感目标:团队的合作学习精神,充分展示学习任务2、 教学重点和难点1 重点:1 询问别人生活习惯的句子;介绍自己生活习惯的句子。2 四会单词的记忆2 难点:用第三人称单数讲出他人的生活习惯。3、 教学策略合作学习和自主学习4、 教学媒体图片,电脑课件、句子卡片等五教学过程1 组织教学a. 教师导入语(talk about the

6、routine)b. 热身运动的带动唱I will rock you、come on in and join the func. 投影图片,快速说出图片内容TPR(go to school、go to bed、get up、go to the park等)d. 团康活动(同桌用What do you usually do?和Do you usually ?)体现学习乐趣和团结合作精神。(通过热身活动,为新课做好铺垫。)2 呈现和学习阶段电脑出示文章第一幅图片和关键词:homework,after dinnerT: Look at this picture .What is in the pic

7、ture?S1: There is a boy.S2: A clock.S3: A desk. OK, now use your own words to talk about the picture.(小组探究学习)学生会用给出的句子,根据学过的知识说出:What time is it ? He is doing his homework. He does his homework after dinner.等句子,(老师应该鼓励不同学生说出不同层次的句子,有助于慢慢的投入到文章的学习中去。最后老师说出完整的句子He does his homeworkafter dinner.并教授新单词h

8、our连起来读He does his homework for an hour after dinner.学习新单词always,引导学生把这个单词加进句子里(用usually提示)He always does his homework for an hour after dinner.T:Now lets make a dialogue,What does he usually do after dinner?S:完成图片1的教学。出示课文的第二幅图片。Now,use “go to school”,“by bus”to make a sentence.She go to school by

9、bus.教授underground替换练习把by bus 换成by underground老师出示“What does he do on weekdays?”“He always does his homework for an hour after dinner.”“What does she do on weekdays?“She goes to school by underground .”四个句子,按句子的顺序贴在黑板上,引导学生把它们连成一个chant。What does he do on weekdays?He always does his homework for an ho

10、ur after dinner,after dinner.What does she do on weekdays?She goes to school by underground,by underground.出示第三幅图片的电脑动画界面。 Students,look at the screen,and try to make a sentence.S: He gets up at six oclock.老师教授early,并引导学生把它放到句子里去。He gets up early.Now,lets play a game.(看谁反应快)做一个TPR,即加深知识的学习,又能让学生在轻松的

11、学习气氛中学习。Use the CAI to present the story.学习新单词study(其实是旧单词),Leeds学习He studies at Rose School in Leeds.朗读完整的chant,并配上音乐伴奏He gets up early, gets up early.He studies at Rose School in Leeds, n Leeds.自学剩下的图片(先学习begin)3 巩固发展1 全班读chant。2 play a game.电脑出示图片,学生快速用所给的句子回答图片内容。3 拓展出示一些新的图片,小组讨论,合演对话。4 归纳总结5 作

12、业布置必做:背诵本节课的单词;选做:找一幅你喜欢的图片说话给你的家长听;预习Unit One。板书 Module 1 Our LifeWhat do you usually do? homeworkDo you usually ? after dinner hour our underground Leeds early begin1语言技能与语言知识:(1) 能与人谈论平日所做的事情。(2) 单词:former, practice, piano, older, e-mail(3) 句子:Shes one year older than me.(比较级)2情感目标:采用图片呈现、听录音呈现、阅读呈现、情境呈现等不同的呈现方式进行课文学习,并与不同的合作方式进行操练,调动学生的学习积极性及帮助学生理解课文。3学习策略在老师的引导下,运用听及阅读的策略进行学习。2、 教学重难点:1 对课文的理解。2 对比教级的初步理解。3 本课生词的学习。3、 教学媒体:电脑软件、录音机、图片四 教学过程1、 热身与复习(Warming up & Revision)1、 小诗:

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