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翻译材料参考译文 注释.docx

1、翻译材料参考译文 注释2013级快班翻译材料参考译文+注释(一)节日练习1农历的正月初一是春节,即农历的新年。据说春节是由冬天的祭拜活动(Sacrifice)发展而来的。在远古社会,冬祭是人们的一种习俗。在所有的节日当中,春节对我们来说是最重要的。在春节到来的前几天,我们便把房子打扫得干干净净并装饰一新(spring-clean:大扫除)。老人们说必须干干净净过春节,这样来年才会幸福、交好运。根据中国的传统,中国人年年过春节,家家都要贴春联(Spring Festival couplet),以表达对新年的祝愿。(167字)参考译文:The first day of the first luna

2、r month is the Spring Festival, the Lunar New Years Day in China. It is said that the Spring Festival evolved from Winter Sacrifice, a custom practiced by the people in the primitive society. Of all the festivals, the Spring Festival is the most important to the Chinese. Several days before the Spri

3、ng Festival, we spring-clean our houses and decorate them. Old folk say that everything must be clean for the Spring Festival celebration so that the New Year will bring happiness and good luck. According to Chinese traditions, every year the Chinese people celebratethe Spring Festival, every family

4、 hangs up Spring Festival couplets, conveying ones best wishes for the year.单词与词组:由.发展而来:evolve from 原始的:primitive 庆祝:celebration习俗:custom 装饰:decorate 表达:convey句型:It is said that so that According to sth. , 注释:合并。原文两个句子,可整合成一句,用同位语。参考译文:It is said that the Spring Festival evolved from Winter Sacrifi

5、ce, a custom practiced by the people in the primitive society.注意翻译成英文时so that 目的状语从句中主语和谓语的选择。原文意思其实是“新年会(给人们)带来幸福和好运”翻译时主语是New Year, 谓语是will bring。参考译文:Old folk say that everything must be clean for the Spring Festival celebration so that the New Year will bring happiness and good luck. 练习2农历正月十五是灯

6、节(Lantern Festival),也叫元宵节。元宵节与春节紧紧相连。过去,人们大约用20天的时间为春节做准备。然而,元宵节却标志着春节喜庆的结束。元宵节过后,一切又恢复正常。灯节活动热闹(bustling)非凡,人们充满无比的喜悦。在灯节这天整个夜晚花灯充满整个街道,人们载歌载舞,形成了一个群众性的娱乐活动。长期以来,人们不断(continuously)制造各种精美、奇异的花灯以及各种爆竹和烟花来增添灯节的热闹气氛。(178字)参考译文:The Lantern Festival,also the Yuanxiao Festival, falls on the 15th day of th

7、e first Chinese lunar month. It is closely related to the Spring Festival. In the past, people spent about 20 days for the Spring Festival celebrations. However, the Lantern Festival marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations. And after the Lantern Festival, everything returns to normal. The

8、Lantern Festival is bustling with activity. People are filled with incomparable joy. On that day, festive lanterns fill the whole street and people sing and dance throughout the whole night. This forms a mass recreational activity. For a long time, people have continuously produced various kinds of

9、elegant and strange lanterns. Various kinds of firecrackers and fireworks make the Yuanxiao Festival even more alive.单词与词组:标志:mark 恢复正常: return to normal 无比的:incomparable 娱乐活动:recreational activity 各种各样的:various kinds of爆竹和烟花:firecrackers and fireworks句型:与紧紧相连:be closely related to注释:分译。原文中一个句子,两个主语

10、,即“灯节”和“人们”,所以译文中被拆分成了两个句子。参考译文:The Lantern Festival is bustling with activity. People are filled with incomparable joy.练习3当公历到了6月份,我们发觉一年的时间已经过去了一半。然而,农历(lunar calendar)五月份才刚刚开始,在中国,人们正准备欢度一个传统节日端午节。几千年以来,端午节的标志是吃粽子(Zongzi)和划龙舟(dragon boat)。在中国古代,人们认为龙是掌管水的神,而水对日常生活和农业生产至关重要。端午节那天,人们划龙船是为了用粽子款待水神,使

11、他快乐。目的是期望神保佑人们一年四季风调雨顺。(163字)参考译文:As we enter the month of June, we find ourselves already in the middle of the year. However, according to the Chinese lunar calendar, the fifth month is just beginning and the Chinese people are preparing to celebrate a traditional festivalDuanwu Festival. For thous

12、ands of years, it has been marked with eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats. In ancient China, people believed that the dragon was the god in charge of water, which was vitally important to daily life and agricultural production. On the day of the Duanwu Festival, people raced dragon boats to enter

13、tain the god in charge of water and offered him Zongzi as a treat. The purpose was to please the god to ensure a year of favorable weather.单词与词组:古代的:ancient 负责:in charge of 农业生产:agricultural production 取悦:entertain 款待:treat 确保:ensure句型:As 引导的时间状语从句Sth. be marked with注释:此处考查非限制性定语从句。参考译文:In ancient C

14、hina, people believed that the dragon was the god in charge of water, which was vitally important to daily life and agricultural production.练习4每年除夕这一天,家家户户门上贴着红色春联(Spring Festival couplet)。晚上全家欢聚一堂共进晚餐。人们无论离家多远,都总是想法设法赶回家分享这顿团圆饭。家庭聚餐之后,全家人围坐在一起,观看中央电视台的春节联欢晚会。父母或祖父母给孩子们压岁钱,鼓励他们来年学习更好。当孩子睡着之后,有的父母把压岁

15、钱放在他们的枕头下。作为新年礼物的压岁钱象征两件事:一是希望孩子在新的一年里平平安安成长,二是增加节日气氛。(191字)参考译文:On the eve of the Lunar New Years Day, each family puts up red Spring Festival couplets on the doorframes. When the family happily gathers together the celebration begins. No matter how far away a person is, he would always try to get

16、home in time for this big dinner. After the family dinner, the whole family sits around, watching the evening programs for celebrating the Spring Festival from CCTV. Parents or grandparents offer the children money as Lunar New Year gift and encourage them to do better in the coming new year. Some parents put the money gifts under the

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