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1、To get up early does good to one s health早起对身体有好处。 (作主语)To get up early, one must go to bed earl为了早起,必须早睡。(作目的状语)(2)动词不定式(短语)作宾语I will leave it to you to make the final decision.我将由你来做最后的决定。(it作形式宾语) She decided to quit her job at last.最后,她决定辞职。*疑问词+动词不定式短语作宾语:I dont know what to do.我不知道该怎么办。The chi

2、ldre n are learni ng how to play the game .孩子们在学做游戏。例如(NMET2000): I ve worked with children before, so I know what in my new job.A. expected B. to expect C. to be expect ing D. expects (答案:B)(what to expect在句中作know的宾语,而 what作不定式to expect的逻辑宾语。)(四川 09) He told us whether a picnic was still under disc

3、ussion.A. to have B. having C. have D. had (答案:A)又如:It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows .A. it what to do with B. what to do it withC. what to do with it D. to do what with it答案是 Co what to do with it 作 knows 的宾语。*注意:有些动词后面必须跟动名词作宾语,平时要注意区别,讲行区分。*forget, remembe

4、r, try, regret, mean, stop等动词后既可跟不定式又可跟动名词 ,须根据 其习惯用法和语境进行取舍。例如(MET91 ): The light in the office is still on. Oh, I forgot .A. tur ning it off B. tur n it off C. to tur n it off D. hav ing tur ned it off答案是Co forget to do意为“忘了做(某事)” forget doing“忘了做过(某事)” remember 有类似的区别。类似的还有:try to do “尽力做”,try do

5、ing “试着做” ;regret to say /tell“很遗憾地说”,regret doing “后悔做了 ” ; mean to do“意欲 / 想要做”,mean doing“意味着做” ;stop to do “停下来做另外的事情”,stop doing “停止正在做的事情”。(3)动词不定式(短语)作表语The most importa nt thing for the Un ited States to do now is to rescue the woun ded.现在,对美国来说,最重要的是抢救伤员。*注意:在 形容词+不定式”结构作表语、宾补和定语时,其中形容词多为表示

6、性质的 词,如:easy, hard, good, difficult, interesting等,常常是主动式表被动。例如:These apples are good to eat这些苹果很好吃。 (作表语)I find it difficult to understand.我发现这很难懂。 (作宾补)He is a man easy to get on with.他是一个容易相处的人。(作定语)The box is light enough to carry.这盒子轻得可带走。(作表语)The future is hard to tell.未来很难预测。All you have to do

7、 is (to) finish the job quickly.如果主语部分有个表示不定式内容 的do,用作表语的不定式可省略 to。We had no thi ng to do but (watch) TV yesterday. (答案:watch)We did nothi ng but (watch) TV yesterday. (答案:(4) 动词不定式(短语)作宾语补足语。She asked me to stay here. She en couraged me to work hard.Wed love you to give us a hand.我们想让你帮个忙。1)在一些动词后,

8、用作宾语补语的动词不定式符号 to要省略掉。这类动词包括感官动词以及使役动词,如 feel, spot, look at, listen to, observe, see, hear, watch, notice, have, make, let, get等。但如果句子为被动语态,动词不定式(短语)为主补时,要带 to。I had John fix my bike.我让约翰修理我的自行车。They saw the boy fallsudde nly from the tree. The boy was seen to falbudde nly from the tree.Paul doesn

9、t have to be made . He always works hard答案:A. learn B. to lear n C. learned D. learni ng辨析:I heard her singa song in the next room yesterday.强调听歌的整个过程 )(=She was heard to singa song in the next room yesterday.I heard her sinninga song when I passed by强调动作正在发生 )(=She was heard singinga song when I pa

10、ssed by.)*see, hear, notice等的宾语后还可跟现在分词作补语,变成被动语态时仍保留分词的形 式,表示正在发生的动作。The missing boys were last seen near the river.(答案: A)A. playi ng B. to be playi ng C. play D. to play(5)动词不定式(短语)作定语: 动词不定式(短语)作定语需后置。*动词不定式作定语与分词作定语的区别:过去分词表示动作已经完成,现在分词表示动作正在发生当中,而不定式则表示将要 发生的动作或状态。辨析:The meeting held is import

11、ant.(表示动作已经完成)The meeting being held is important.(表示动作正在进行当中 )The meeting to be held is important.(表示动作将要发生)1) 当被修饰的是不定代词女口 everything, anything, much, little等,或被修饰的名词前被形 容词最高级,序数词,the only等强调结构修饰时,非谓语动词作定语则用动词不定式。Do you have anything to say?你有什么要说的吗?I am afraid I cannot atte nd your party, for I h

12、ave too many thi ngs to do.He is the only person to kn ow the truth.他是唯一了解真相的人。When the question was out, he was the first one to raise his hand.他第一个举起手。He was the last to realize the importance of this problem.2) 如被修饰的名词或代词是动词不定式的逻辑宾语,且动词不定式的动词是不及物动词, 则后面需跟成为搭配的介词。Who is the man to talk to?要谈话的人是谁?

13、He is a tough teacher to deal with.他是个很难对付的老师。I need a pen to write with.我需要一支笔写字例女口:To fetch water before breakfast seemed to me a rule .上海高考题 98):A. to n ever break B. n ever to be broke n C. n ever to have broke n D. n ever to bebreak ing答案是B,在句中作定语;由于a rule是不定式的逻辑宾语,所以不定式用了被动结构。 又如:There are fiv

14、e pairs , but I m at a loss whic(上 海高考题 99)A. to be chose n B. to choose from C. to choose D. for choos ing答案是B,这是“不定式+介词”作定语。题意是“从五双中选一双”,故须在choose 后加上介词 from。类似的女口 a chair to sit in, a pen to write with, a topic to talk abou等。(6)动词不定式(短语)作状语动词不定式(短语)作状语可以表示目的,结果,原因等。目的状语The whole family came out to see my performa nce.全家人出来看我表演。He called to say goodbye.他打电话来道别。结果状语We rushed to the railway stationonly to find (表示出乎意料)the train had just left.我们匆匆赶到火车站,结果发现火车刚刚离开了。He studied hard only to fail.他学习很努力,但却没及格。She went to South Chi

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