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1、7.outcome n. 结果;后果 8.profession n. 职业9.reckon v. 认为 v. 寻找;寻求11.subject n. (绘画,摄影等的)主题二、阅读单词1.dull adj. 枯燥的;沉闷的2.passion n. 激情,热爱 3.anecdote n. 趣闻,轶事4.behalf n. 方面;利益5.calculate v. 计算 6.circulate v. 流传;传播7.confidential adj. 秘密的,机密的 8.antique adj. 古时制造的,古董的9.authentic adj. (书画、文件、书籍等)原作的10.lib

2、erty n. 自由;自由权11.substitute n. 代替物;代替品12.dash v. 猛冲 13.flee v. 逃跑,逃掉 n. 新领域三、拓展单词1.disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的disturbed adj.被打扰的;不安的;心理失常的disturb v.打扰;扰乱;打乱2.effect n.效果;作用effective adj.有效的;实际的3.skilled adj.有技巧的,熟练的skill n.技能,技巧skillful adj.灵巧的4.official n.官员;高级职员office n.办公室;政府机关 officer

3、 n.警官;军官 5.motivate v.激发,激励motivation n.动机,刺激;推动6.inspire v.鼓舞;激励inspiration n.灵感,启示;鼓舞7.basically adv.基本上,本质上,大致说来basic adj.& n.基本的;基本,要素base n.基础v.以为基础 8.gifted adj.有天赋的;有才华的gift n.天赋;天才;礼物9.suspect n.(犯罪)嫌疑人;可疑分子v.怀疑suspicious adj.可疑的会积累1.“吸引人的”形容词集锦appealing有吸引力的attractive 吸引人的charming 迷人的absorb

4、ing 吸引人的fascinating 吸引人的eyecatching 引人注目的2.由blame想到的accuse vt. 控告,指控 charge vt. 指责forgive vt. 原谅 pardon vt. 原谅;赦免excuse vt. 原谅scold vt. 责骂3.“认为”动词大盘点reckon 认为consider 考虑;认为count 计算;think 认为;思考believe 相信,认为regard 认为;看待4.“聪明”词汇一览gifted adj. 有天赋的talent n. 才能;天赋wisdom n. 智慧brilliant adj. 卓越的intelligent

5、adj. 聪明的smart adj. 机敏的 会应用用所给词的适当形式填空1.The disturbing news made people present at the meeting disturbed.(disturb) 2.The expert said relievers are a safe and effective medicine and have very few side effects on your body.(effect) 3.Roses father is a skilled mechanic so she has become skil(l)ful at re

6、pairing bicycles too.(skill) 4.Most people think a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life and it is generally accepted that people are motivated by success.(motivate)5.Basically,_his income only meets basic living expenses.So he only chooses a simple lifesty

7、le based on his limited salary.(base)6.The police suspected that two of the suspects caught yesterday were connected with another case.They were more suspicious.(suspect).核心短语识记1.up_to到(某个数量)2.take_up 从事,开始做(某项工作) 3.contrast_with 与形成对照,与形成对比 4.in_short_ 总之;简言之 5.lead_to_ 导致,通向,通往6.depend_on 依靠,依赖;取决

8、于(条件、情况)7.get tired of (doing) sth 厌倦(做)某事;厌烦(做)某事8.leave for 出发去某地 9.leave sth behind 把抛在后面,遗留,留下,丢弃10.on behalf of 代表 history 历史上 liberty 获得自由的1.聚焦“v.with”短语contrast with与形成对照deal/do with 处理;对付meet with 偶然遇见agree with 同意2.“inn.”结构荟萃in case 以防万一in danger 处于危险中in short/brief 总而言之in vain 徒劳

9、的in particular 特别in relief 如释重负会应用选用上表左栏短语填空1.If you ask the fastest runner to make the pace, then most of them will be left_behind.2.He was pleased to speak on_behalf_of his classmates at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting.3.People have got_tired_of him because hes always blowing his own ho

10、rn.4.After retirement, Mike took_up drawing, which he had always loved but had not had time for.5.Fortunately, what the witness reported to the police on the phone led_to the suspects being captured.6.Some comedians feel like telling jokes depending_on the reaction of the audience.经典句式分析背诵仿写句型公式1:“特

11、殊疑问词不定式”结构在句中作宾语。教材原句 Painters discovered how to use perspective and the effects of light.画家们发现了如何使用透视法和光线的效果 句型仿写 I wonder if you could give me some advice on/about_how_to_learnEnglish.我想知道您是否能给我一些如何学习英语的建议。句型公式2:fromwhere引导的从句。教材原句 So you can walk along a street for half an hour or so and end up f

12、ive minutes from where you started.那么你有可能沿街走了半个小时左右,结果离你出发的地点实际仅有五分钟的路程。句型仿写 She climbed up to the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower, from_where_shecould_have_a_good_view of the whole city.她爬到东方明珠塔的最顶部,从那里可以饱览全市风光。句型公式3:Sb/Sth is believed to be/do.“某人/事被认为是/做”。教材原句 It is believed to be the best exampl

13、e of a new lifelike style of painting that amazed people when it was first used.它被认为是一种新的形象逼真型绘画风格的最好代表作,这种风格一经使用就使人们惊叹不已。句型仿写 Papercutting is_believed_to_have a history of more than 1,500 years.(2017全国卷满分作文)人们认为剪纸已有1 500多年的历史了。.语篇填空回顾补全热诵根据课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Renaissance,a French word

14、,which 1.means(mean) “rebirth”,appeared in the English language in 2.the 19th century.The word was used 3.to_describe (describe) a period in European history which began with the 4.arrival (arrive)of the first Europeans in America,an age of exploration,and the 5.beginning (begin) of the modern world.From Italy,it spread all over Europe where artists found new ideas for their work in 6.classical(class) Greece and Rome.They also opened new frontiers in the art

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