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1、指导教师 年 月 日 摘 要绩效考核作为人力资源管理的核心环节,它是企业人事决策的重要参考指标,为企业的薪酬决策和激励机制提供依据,并影响企业战略目标的实现。但绩效考核由于具有多因、多维、动态的特点,使得绩效考核长期以来难以科学地量化、规范化。目前,国内对中小型私营企业绩效考核的研究和实践都很不足,许多企业的绩效考核要么考核标准不科学,要么就是考核主体单一且考核方式僵化,大多数停留在定性考核的阶段,缺乏科学量化的考核体系,不能规范化评价员工的工作绩效。因此,建立一套科学的绩效考核体系,对绩效考核的规范化管理是我国中小型私营企业有效实现战略目标,增强自身竞争力的关键环节。本文从绩效考核的基本内涵

2、出发,介绍了绩效考评理论的目的、意义和发展趋势,通过分析中小型私营企业绩效考核规范化管理的必要性,结合部分中小型私营企业的例子,针对中小型私营企业绩效考核中存在的问题,对其进行原因分析,提出规范化解决的措施,使中小型私营企业绩效考核得到规范化。关键词:规范化,绩效考核,中小型私营企业AbstractPerformance evaluation is the key link of human resources management, it is not merely concerns directly enterprises choosing talents validly, and off

3、er the basis for the salary systems of enterprises, thus influence the setting-up of enterprises incentive mechanism, influence the realization of enterprises strategic objective finally. But it has more, multidimensional, dynamic characteristic that make examining of performance very difficult for

4、a long time, so as to quantize scientifically and standardization. At present, the domestic research and practice that performance evaluation are very insufficient, the performances of a lot of small and middle scaled enterprises are not scientific of the performance standard, or the performance cor

5、pus one and performance ways to come to a deadlock, sometimes, it becomes a mere formality just. Many enterprises cant work out from the stage of the examination of determining the nature, lack the examination system that can quantizes performance scientifically all the time, cant appraise the staff

6、 work performance objectively. So, setting up the performance appraisal system and the standardization management of performance evaluation is very important, it is the enterprises of our country that have realized the strategic objective effectively, strengthen the key link of ones own key competit

7、iveness.The thesis starts from the basic connotation of performance evaluation and it introduces the goal, the significance and the development trend of performance evaluation theory. In the thesis, we will analyses the necessity of the standardization management of performance evaluation in the mid

8、dle and small-scaled private enterprises and take some examples of the middle and small -scaled enterprises. Targeting at the problems existing in the performance evaluation, we will analyses the reasons and propose the solution of standardization to standardize the performance evaluation in the mid

9、dle and small -scaled private enterprises.Key words: Standardization, Performance evaluation, Small and middle scaled enterprises目 录摘要.IAbstract.II1 绪论.11.1 题目背景及目的.11.1.1 题目背景.11.1.2 研究目的.21.2 研究现状.21.3 题目研究方法.31.4 论文的构成内容.32 绩效考核的基本内涵.42.1 绩效考核的原则.42.1.1 公开的原则.42.1.2 客观性原则.42.1.3 重视反馈的原则.42.1.4 以工

10、作为重点的原则.42.1.5 重视时效性原则.42.2 绩效考核的内容.52.2.1 工作态度.52.2.2 工作行为.52.2.3 工作结果.52.3 绩效考核的目的和意义.52.3.1 绩效考核的目的.52.3.2 绩效考核的意义.62.4 绩效考核的发展趋势.72.4.1 绩效考核纳入企业整体战略管理的全过程.72.4.2 绩效考核进一步实现财务与非财务指标的有机结合.82.4.3 更加重视创新绩效考核.82.4.4 将知识与智力资本纳入绩效考核指标体系.82.4.5 考核方法度量化.82.4.6 绩效考核要求运用现代信息技术手段.93 中小型私企绩效考核规范化管理的必要性.103.1

11、绩效考核规范化管理是企业快速发展的保障.103.2 绩效考核规范化管理是员工准确升迁调离的重要依据.103.3 绩效考核规范化管理能系统地为薪酬奖励制度提供信息.103.4 绩效考核规范化管理是改善员工关系的重要途径.113.5 绩效考核规范化管理明确了员工的工作方向.114 中小型私企绩效考核存在的问题及原因分析.124.1 中小型私营企业发展及现状分析.124.2 中小型私营企业人力资源发展现状.124.3 中小型私营企业的绩效考核中存在的问题.134.3.1 以考核代管理.134.3.2 绩效考核标准不科学.144.3.3 考核主体单一且考核方式僵化.154.3.4 评价者易出现主观误差.164.3.5 绩效考核方法不合理.164.3.6 重视奖惩而忽视发展.174.3.7 企业考核质量不高.174.3.8 考核频率不规范.174.3.9 缺乏完善的考核面谈反馈机制.184.3.10 缺乏绩效改进这一重要环节.184.4 中小型私营企业的绩效考核的问题产生原因分析.184.4.1 外部因素.184.4.2 内部因素

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