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1、In the United States, we are making progress in repairing the damage from the financial crisis and putting in place a stronger foundation for future economic growth. We are putting in place a comprehensive program of economic reforms to improve education, increase investments in scientific research

2、and innovation, improve incentives for private investment, and reform the financial system. And we are working to legislate a comprehensive program of reforms to restore fiscal sustainability, building on tough, 10-year spending cuts we put in place last summer. While there is still a long way to go

3、 to recover from the financial crisis, the economic expansion in the United States is now more broad based and resilient, and we are significantly more advanced than are the other major developed economics in addressing the imbalances that helped cause our crisis.In China, you are in the process of

4、exploring the next frontier of economic reforms, recognizing as your predecessors did more than 30 years ago, that future economic growth will require another fundamental shift in economic policy. These new reforms recognize the new reality that China must rely more on domestic consumption rather th

5、an exports, and more on innovation by private companies rather than capacity expansion by state owned enterprises, with an economy more open to competition from foreign firms, and with a more modern financial system.我们在全球经济面临风险与挑战的时刻举行会议,两国也都面临着严峻的国内经济挑战。在美国,我们正在努力修复金融危机造成的破坏,为未来经济发展建立更坚实的基础,现在已经取得了


7、赖国内消费,而不是依赖出口;更多地依赖民营企业的创新,而不是依赖国有企业扩大产能;中国经济应更加开放地接受来自外国企业的竞争、建立更加现代化的金融体系。 展望可持续发展自工业革命以来,人类社会创造了超过以往所有时代的物质财富,同时也面临人口膨胀、发展失衡、资源枯竭、环境恶化等重大挑战。20年前,在这里举行的联合国环境与发展大会,开启了人类可持续发展的新纪元。20年来,可持续发展理念深入人心,实现千年发展目标取得重大进展。对此,我们深受鼓舞!但是全球化可持续发展并不平衡,南北差距不断扩大,资料环境问题并未缓解,全球危机、气候变化、能源和粮食安全、地区冲突等因素给可持续发展带来新的严峻挑战。今天的

8、世界,已经没有新的大陆和绿洲可被发现,保护资源环境、实现永续发展是我们唯一的选择。展望未来,我们期待一个绿色繁荣的世界,这个世界没有贫困和愚昧,没有歧视和压迫,没有对自然的过度索取和人为破坏,而是达到经济发展、社会公平、环境友好的平衡和谐,让现代文明成果惠及全人类、泽被子孙后代。我认为,这应当是我们携手推进全球可持续发展的长期愿景。Since the Industrial Revolution, mankind has created more material wealth than in several thousand years before it. But we also face

9、major challenges such as population explosion, imbalances in development, resource depletion and environmental deterioration. The UN Conference on Environment and Development held here 20 years ago ushered in a new era of sustainable development for mankind. We are heartened to see that in the past

10、20 years, the concept of sustainable development has been widely accepted, and major progress has been made in meeting the Millennium Development Goals. On the other hand, the global sustainable development is not balanced. The gap between the North and the South is widening. Resources and environme

11、nt related issues remain acute. Sustainable development faces new and grave challenges posed by the international financial crisis, climate change, energy and food security and local conflicts. In the world today, with no new continent or oasis to be discovered, preserving resources and the environm

12、ent to achieve sustainable development is the only choice we have. Looking ahead, what we expect is a green and prosperous world. In this world, there is no poverty or ignorance, no discrimination or oppression, and no excessive exploitation or human destruction of nature. In this world, there is a

13、balance among economic development, social equity and sound environment. In this world, the progress of modern civilization benefits all the people and their posterity. Such a world should be the ultimate goal we will pursue as we work together for the global sustainable development. 丝绸之路丝绸之路,是指西汉(公


15、过各种方式传播到其他国家,并接纳相当数量的遣唐使及留学生,让他们学习中国文化。The Silk Road refers to the road opened up by Zhang Qian through his diplomatic mission to Xiyu in the West Han Dynasty (202B.C.-8A.D.), starting from Changan (Todays Xian) through Gansu and Xinjiang to Central Asia and West Asia and even the countries around t

16、he Mediterranean. Since silk was the main product transported westward on it, it was named the Silk Road.Zhang Qians mission ushered in a new era for Sino-foreign exchanges. Through centuries effort, it was extended to the Mediterranean and in a broad sense, to the Korean Peninsula and Japan in the east and to France and Ho

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