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1、What are we going to do? We are going to 新语言点:cloudy、rainy、fine、windy句型:Its aday. Im going to.三、 教学目标 (一)知识与技能 1、能够听懂、会说描述关于天气的词汇:fine、sunny、rainy、windy、cloudy、snowy。 2、能够运用句型“Its a day.” “Im going to” 进行对话。(二)过程与方法1、通过复习故事,观看动画片,呈现关键词等多种方式引入新单词。并通过联想记忆帮助学生记忆词形。Do and Guess帮助学生内化理解新词汇。Listen to this

2、帮助学生检测对新单词的理解。 2、通过观赏教师的自制短片呈现“在不同的天气做不同的事情”,帮助学生进一步理解“be going to”句型。 3、通过读句子、图文匹配的活动来深化理解本节课的重点句型和词汇。 (三)情感态度与价值观 1、通过参与丰富的学习活动,帮助学生继续保持对英语学习的兴趣,进一步养成善于听说、勇于表达的学习习惯。 2、培养学生热爱生活的情感。四、 教学过程Procedures and purposesProcedures(教学过程)Teachers activities(教师活动)Students activities(学生活动)Teaching purposes(目的)L

3、ead-in(2 mins)Sing a song andask one question.Answer the question.以一首关于天气的歌曲引入新课,激发兴趣,明确学习目标。Presentation(10 mins)(一)词汇呈现1. sunnyReview the story to elicit the word.2. fine, rainy, windyWatch the cartoon to elicit the words.3. cloudyShow the picture to elicit the word.4. snowyPresent the key wordsto

4、 elicit the word.(二)词形记忆1. Lead students to find other words in sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy.2. Put the six words into three groups and ask the reason. rainy sunny finecloudysnowywindyCheck the answers.Think over the questions.Answer the questions.Read the words in different ways.Do the action

5、s.sunny-sunrainy-rainwindy-wind -win -incloudy-cloud -loudsnowy-snow -now -noListen to the explanation.运用不同方式呈现新词汇,丰富课堂内容的输入。学生通过不同方式跟读,并且根据自己的理解做有关天气的动作,调动学生的多种感官感受、内化新词汇。引导学生运用联想记忆的方法,在新词汇中找出学过的单词,从而记忆词形。充分给学生思考的空间,发挥学生的主观能动性。之后,教师将新授词汇进行分组,渗透语法知识。Practice(15 mins)1.Do and Guess Encourage students

6、 toguess the words by doing some actions orsaying some easy sentences.2Listen to thisAsk students to open their books at page 52 to do the practice.3Lead students to observe the clothes ofWinne, pleasant goat, and Hello kitty. Then guess the weather.4Lead students to use the structure-be going to.Do

7、 some actions and say some sentences.Guess the words.Do the listening comprehension.Observe the clothes ofWinne, pleasant goat, and Hello kitty.Guess the weather.Answer the questions by using be going to.引导一部分学生通过动作及简单的句子描述天气,鼓励另一部分学生猜单词。运用信息差操练单词,在可以认读单词的基础上运用词汇。通过书上的听力练习操练新授词汇,同时检测掌握情况。引导学生通过观察这些卡

8、通人物的穿着,猜测天气。进一步操练新授词汇,“在这样的天气他们将要做什么呢?”同时,自然引出be going to.句型。Production(12 mins)1. Make a dialogueHave students to make a dialogue in pairs.2. Have students to enjoy a video.3. Lead students to dothe practice.4Check the answers.Make the dialogue in pairs.Enjoy the video.Do the practice-match the sen

9、tences with the pictures.Check the anwers and read the sentences loudly.产出分为听说和阅读两部分。首先,学生俩人一组根据ppt提示创编对话,在情景中操练新授句型。然后观看教师自制短篇,为之后的阅读练习搭建平台。最后,学生自己阅读句子并且进行图文匹配。Homework(1 min)Assign homework.Write a passage -My beautiful days.Try to use the language which weve learned today.Listen and remember.复习并且

10、巩固新知。附件(一) Worksheet附件(二) Homework附件(三) AssessmentSelf-evaluation Form: (在你认为的自评等级下面打V)附注:评价等级: A-best B -better C-good D-not bad生词:sentence句子 basic patterns:基本句型 easily容易地 hard 困难的姓名: 组别:阶段任务 A BCD总评及问题Listening( I can understand all the contents)( I can understand most .(I can understand Half( I c

11、an understand a little.Speaking(I can speak very well)(I can speak well)(I can say the basic patterns)(I can say one or two sentences)Reading(I can master all the messagesI canunderstandthe meaningI can knowsomeI can know a little.【附:课堂小组学生互评价表】 (用百分制)小组组员姓名活动参与互帮互助表达能力方法掌握总结提升完成任务教学流程图:设计意图 师生生生互动活动 媒体的使用 导入 通过歌曲:导入本课话题 电脑词汇呈现学生调动多种感官学习

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