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1、他们绕道避开了市中心They made a detour to avoid the town center,witness:1)to be present at or have personalknowledge of.出席或知道Eg:他亲眼看见那个意外事故。He witnessed the accident.2)To provide or serve as evidence of.提供或作为的证据Eg:他的眼泪说明他感到羞愧。His tears witnessed the shame he felt.,utilize:to put to use,especially to find a pr

2、ofitable or practical use for.利用,尤指为找到一,种有益或实用的用途harmonize:to bring or come into agreement or harmony.使谐调或一致 wear(something)away by or as if by abrasion:腐蚀,侵蚀被磨擦损掉:,set a stage for:to prepare for or make,ossible 为做准备,促成monumental:1)of,resembling,or serving as a monument.纪念碑的、象纪念碑的、用作 纪念

3、碑的2)of outstanding significance:有重大意义的:,on the strength of:On the basis of:,在基础上:依凭;因可能Eg:基于她的计算机能力,她被录用了She was hired on the strength of her computerSskigilnlsa.tory:adj.1)bound by signed agreement:签约的,受签署协议约束的:Eg:the signatory powers 签约的大国2)one that has signed a treaty or otherdocument.签约者已签署一个条约或

4、其 它文件的人,full-fledged:having reached full development;,mature.成熟的接近充分发展的;成熟的allocate:(常与to/for连用)to set apart for a special purpose;designate:分配,配给,分派为特定目的而拨出;指定:分配职务给某人 allocate duties to opinion,doctrine,or principle held as being true by a person or especially by anorganization.宗旨一个人

5、尤指一个组织所坚信 的信念、理念或原则,secretariat:the department administered by a,governmental secretary,especially foran,部,门的书记管辖的一个处,尤指国际组织的,auxiliaryin:tgerivniantgioansaslisotargnacneiozartsiounp.p秘or书t;处he由lp政in府g.,辅助的给予帮助或支持的;帮助的,cartel:a combination of independent business,organizations formed to regulate pro

6、duction,pricing,and marketing of goods by themembers.卡特尔为协调生产、价格和商品市场而组 成的独立的商业组织联合体,envisage:to conceive an image or a picture of,especially as a future possibility:想象构想一个形象或图画,特别是一种未来 的可能性:设想一个光明的未来envisage a bright futureSay n.The right or power to influence or make a decision:发言权:影响或做出决定的权利或权力:C

7、itizens have a say in the councils of government.All I want is some say in the matter.市民在政府议会中有发言权。我只想在这件事上有些决定权.empower:to invest with power,especially legalpower or official authority.授权,尤指法律权力或官方权力,major objectives(para.1),examples(para.8-16),four levels(para.2-7)EU(para.8-12),APEC(para.13-15)OPE

8、C(para.16),free trade area,samecustomsutrnaidoenpolicy,factors omfove pfrreoedlyuction,common marketharmonize taxation,gmoevnetrne-xpenditure,ipnodluicsytr;ysame currency,political union,economic union same foreign policynational defence,free trade area,members:remove barriers,outsiders:different po

9、licy,Non-member countries enter from member countries with the lowest barrier,Customs Union(Para 4),further,more integrative than FTAfeatures:Among members,no trade barriersTo outsiders,all members adopt the same policy.Non-members cant enter the market in a detour.examples:Mercosur,Common market(Pa

10、ra 5),Further up the scale of REI,More integrative than customs unionFeatures:Among members:goods,service,adoption of common external trade policy and factors of production are free to move.Advantage:the overall benefit enjoyed by all the members as a whole is obvious.Disadvantage:individual members

11、 may not enjoy the advantage of factor mobility to the same degree.Examples:European Community,Economic union(Para 67),Highest form,the most integrativeFeatures:Among membersabsence of trade barriers,practice of common external policy and free production factor mobilityintegration of the domestic po

12、licies in respect of economy,finance etcHarmonize taxation,government expenditure,industry policiesUse the same currencyExamples:European UnionTrend:Economic integration+harmonization of foreign policy and national defence=political union,EU,by the Single European Act 1994The European Union,European

13、 Union(Para,812),History,ECSC(1952)+EEC(1957)+EURATOM=EC(1967)On Jan 1st 1994,EU was established5 expansions in 1973,1981,1986,1995 and 20056(France,West Germany,Italy,Netherlands,Belgium,Luxemburg)+3+1+2+3+10=25,European Commission(executive body),Council of Ministers(most powerful institution),Eur

14、opean Parliament(advisory body),EU,five-layer organizational structure of APEC,Informal Meeting of Economic leadersDual-Ministerial MeetingMeeting for Ministers Responsible for TradeSenior Official Meeting(SOM)four subordinate committees under SOM,Commodity cartel(Para 16),Definition:Combination of countries to control the production,pricing and sale of particular goodsPurpose:To seek higher and more stable prices for the relevant goodsExample:Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries,

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