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1、09下儿科学练习题09下儿科学练习题一、A1型选择题 只能选择其中最正确的一项答案。1. 以下哪一项不符合新生儿肺透明膜病的肺部X线表现?A. 两肺野透亮度普遍降低B. 均匀散在的细颗粒和网状阴影C. 支气管充气征D. 部份肺泡代偿性气肿E. 严峻病例呈“白肺”2. 婴幼儿类风湿病一样不显现以下哪项表现?A.长期间歇发烧 B.心肌炎及心包炎C.对称性多关节炎 D.肝、脾及淋巴结肿大 E.一过性多形性皮疹3. 以下哪项不宜作为哮喘的预防方法? A.免疫医治 B.色甘酸钠 C.酮替芬 D.激素吸入疗法6月2年E.支气管扩张剂4. 肥达反映假阴性的缘故,以下哪一项为哪一项错误的?A.初期应用抗生素B

2、.重度营养不良C.伤寒杆菌的变异D.免疫缺点者E.归并重症肺炎5. 婴儿腹泻,等渗脱水,第一天补液时应选用哪一种含钠液最适当? 2 张液 3 张液 3张液 D. 等张液 5张液6. 苯丙酮尿症的新生儿筛查采纳的方式为:A.尿三氯化铁实验 ,4-二硝基苯肼实验 细菌生长抑制实验 D.血浆游离氨基酸分析E.尿液有机酸分析 7. 生理性体重下降的范围一样为原诞生体重的 .912% 5103935468. 小儿3岁,心前区隆起,胸骨左缘第3、4肋间闻及级全收缩期杂音,心尖区有较短舒张期隆隆样杂音,肺动瓣区第2音亢进。X线示左、右心室大。诊断可能是:A. 小型室距离缺损B. 大型室距离缺损C. 风湿性心

3、脏病D. 房距离缺损E. 动脉导管未闭9. 患儿男,8个月,平日多汗,易惊,两日来中断抽搐就医,发作时意识丧失,两眼上翻,手足紧握抽动,可自行减缓入眠,醒后精神可,最适宜的处置是A. 补钙止惊补B.止惊补钙补C.补vitD补钙止惊D.止惊补vitD补钙E.补钙补vitD止惊10.苯丙酮尿症最突出的特点是A.毛发棕黄 B.尿有“霉臭”气味 C.智力低下 D.皮肤白嫩E.锥体束受损征11. 儿童单纯性肾病综合征最多见的病理类型是: A.微小病变B.局灶节段性肾小球硬化C.系膜增生性肾炎D.膜性肾病E.膜增生性肾炎12.What is the most important clinical feat

4、ure of nephritic syndrome? A. Proteinuria B. EdemaC. Hypertension D. HypoalbuminemiaE. Hypercholesteolemia13. The range of serum natrium concentration in isonatremic dehydration should be: A. 120140mmol/L B. 130160mmol/LC. 140160mmol/L D. 140150mmol/LE. 130150mmol/L14. Which one of the following sta

5、tement isnt the general regularity of growth development in children? A.from the upper part to the lower partB.from the distal part to the proximal partC.from the gross motion to fine motion D.from lower level to higher levelE.from simple to complicated15. A pre-term baby of one month and two days o

6、ld, gestational age 35 weeks, born in winter, breast feeding, weight is increasing from 2.0kg to 3.0kg. Now which supplementary food is added to at first and why? A.rice-water, for supplementation of energyB.vegetable soup,for supplementation of mineral substancesC.rice-paste,for supplementation of

7、energyD.cod liver oil, for supplementation of Vit AE.cod liver oil, for supplementation of Vit D16. Which is main difference between dehydration of severe degree and moderate degree? A. poor skin resiliency B. orbit pitting C. oliguria or anuria D. metabolic acidosisE. peripheral circulatory failure

8、17. What time is better for weaning in breast feeding baby? A. 4-5 months of age B. 6-9 months of age C. 10-12 months of age D. 13-15 months of age E. 18 months of age 18. The ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus in breastmilk is: A. 1:2 B. :1C. 2:1 D. :1E. :2 fetal life, the earliest synthesized immunog

9、lobin is: A. IgM B. IgDC. IgG D. IgAE. IgE20. Very low birthweight infant is the newborn whose birth weight is less than: A. 2500g B. 2000gC. 1500g D. 1000gE. 800g21. The major manifestation of Tuberculous meningitis in children is: A.A tense anterior fontanealB.ConvulsionC.StuporD.Cranial nerve pal

10、siesE.Mood changes (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine), Primary immunization should be taken: A.Just one time B.Once a month, two timesC.Once a month, three timesD.Once a week, two timesE.Once a week, three times23. A healthy boy, one year and six months old, how much calorie and water should h

11、e require every day ? calorie (kj) /kg water(ml) /kgA. 418 (100 kcal) 100B. 460 (110 kcal) 100C. 418 (100 kcal) 110D. 418 (100 kcal) 125E. 925 (220 kcal) 15024. Which one of the following statement isnt the clinical finding of febrile convulsion: A.with a family history of seizuresB.often occur in n

12、eonatal periodC.associated with a rapidly rising temperatureD.less than 10 to 15 minutes episode E.typical generalized seizures25. Which one is the cyanotic type of congenital heart disease: A. ventricular septal defect B. atrial septal defectC. tetralogy of Fallot D. Patent ductus arteriosus stenos

13、is 26. The major manifestations of acute glomerulonephritis are: A.hypertension, hematuria, proteinuriaB.proteinuria, hypertensionC.edema, hypertension, hematuriaD.oliguria, edema, hypertension, hematuriaE.oliguria, edema, hematuria, hypercholesteolemia 27. If a staphylococcal pneumonia patient sudd

14、enly breath difficultly, we should consider that is because: A. high fever B. acidosisC. pneumonia developed D. pyopneumothorax E. heart failure28. Hyaline membrane disease (HMD) is a disease of prematurity. Antenatal treatment of the mother with steroids can decrease the severity and morbidity of H

15、MD. Steroids are thought to stimulate the development of: A. AlveoliB. a more adequate pulmonary capillary bedC. extracellular antioxidant systemD. pulmonary surfactantE. intracellular antioxidant system 29. The most important influencing factor of growth after 2 years of age is: A. Sex B. Race C. Endocrine D. NutritionE. Exercise30. The most commonly pathogen of sepsis in children is: A. Pneumococcus B. Escherichia ColiC. Streptococc

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