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礼仪用词《泰坦尼克号》英文台词 精品文档格式.docx

1、t do it. Im so cold. Youre going to get out of this. youre going to go on and youre going to make babies and watch them grow and youre going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me?ROSE :I cant feel my body. JACK: Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that

2、ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And Im thankful, Rose.Im thankful. You must do me this honor. promise me you will survive. that you will never give up. no matter what happens. no matter how hopeless. promise me now, and never let go of that promise ROSE:I pr

3、omise. Never let go. I promise. I will never let go, Jack. Ill never let go.-Lewis: Give me my hands, man. All right.等我打开机械臂,伙计。好了。-Brock: Take it easy. It might e apart. Okay. Okay, go. Flip it over. Go. Turn over. Keep going. take it easy: 小心,仔细 apart: 成碎片 flip over: 翻过来 turn over: 翻转 轻点。可能会碎掉。好了,

4、好,继续。掀开。继续。翻过来。继续,Go. Okay, drop it.drop: 丢掉行了,扔掉。 Oh, baby. Are you seeing this, boss?哦,天啊。头儿,你看见了么? Its payday, boys. payday: 发薪日伙计们,今天收获可大了。 Cha-ching!万岁! We did it, Bobby. We brought it back.bring back: 带回我们成功了,Bobby。我们把它带回来了。-Bobby: Oh, yeah! You the man!太好了!你真厉害! Whos the best, baby? Say it. S

5、ay it. Say it.谁最棒?说呀。说呀,说呀。 You are, Lewis. Bobby, my cigar.cigar: 雪茄你最棒,Lewis。Bobby,给我雪茄。 Right here. Okay, crack her open. crack open: 用力敲破,啪的一声打开这儿有。好,把它打开。-Man A: Let me get around.Hang on.hang on: 等一下别挡住我。等一下。 Shit.shit: 【见鬼,该死】见鬼。-Sub Pilot : No diamond. diamond: 钻石没有钻石。 You know, boss, this s

6、ame thing happened to Geraldoand his career never recovered.happen: 发生 career: 职业 recover: 恢复我说头儿,同样的事情也在Geraldo身上发生过然后他就一蹶不振。 Turn the camera off. turn off: 关闭 camera: 摄影机把摄影机关上。 Brock. The partners would like to know how its going.partner: 合伙人Brock,合伙人想知道现在的情况。 Hey, Dave. Barry, hi. Look, it wasnt

7、 in the safe. Dont worry about it. safe: 保险箱,保险柜 worry about: 担忧 嗨,Dave。Barry,嗨。要找的东西不在保险柜里。不用担心。There are still plenty of places it could be.plenty of: 很多可能在别的地方,有很多可能性。Hell, yes. The floor debris in the suite, the mothers room The pursers safe on C deck.debris: 碎片 suite: 房间 purser: 乘务长 deck: 层面当然可

8、能了。房间的破地板缝,他母亲的卧室C层的乘务长保险箱。 Jimmy Hoffas briefcase. briefcase: 公文包还有Jimmy Hoffa的公文包。 A dozen other places. Guys, look, you just got to trust my instincts. I know were close.dozen: 很多,许多 instinct: 直觉 close: 接近的还有很多地方要找。伙计,你得相信我的直觉。我觉得我们已经很接近了。We just got to go through a little process of elimination.

9、 Hang on a second. Let me seethat.go through: 经历 process: 过程 elimination: 排除 hang on:我们得慢慢排除。让我看看。 We might have something here, guys.guy: (男)人,伙计我们好像有新发现,伙计们。 Wheres the photograph of the necklace?photograph: 照片 necklace: 项链项链的照片呢? Well call you right back: 回电话 right: 立即,马上我会再打给你。 Ill be

10、goddamned. goddamned: 诅咒的,讨厌的,(表达强烈感情)天啊我的上帝啊。-Announcer: Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold.treasure: 财宝 hunter: 猎人 be known for: 因而众所周知 Spanish: 西班牙的 gold: 黄金寻宝专家Brock Lovett以找到沉船里的西班牙黄金而闻名。-Lizzy:s okay, Ill feed you in a minute. feed: 为提供食物 in a minute:别着急,马上就喂你。

11、 He has chartered Russian subs to reach the most famous shipwreck of all the Titanic. chartered: 包租 Russian: 俄国的 sub: 潜水艇 famous: 著名的 shipwreck: 失事船(的残骸)他租了艘俄国潜艇,在大西洋底搜寻著名的泰坦尼克号的残骸。Hes with us live via satellite, from the research ship Keldyshin the North 实况转播的 via: 通过 satellite: 卫星 r

12、esearch: 研究 Atlantic: 大西洋现在我们通过卫星,对正在北大西洋凯尔迪希号上的他进行独家采访Hello, Brock,你好,Brock。 Hello, Tracy. Of course, everyone knows the familiar stories ofTitanic.of course: 当然 familiar: 熟悉的 story: 故事你好,Tracy。泰坦尼克号的事已经是家喻户晓。You know, the nobility of the band playing to the very end and all that.nobility: 高尚的精神 ba

13、nd: 乐团,乐队比如尽职的乐队不停的奏乐直到沉入大海,还有类似的事。But what Im interested in are the untold storiesthe secrets locked deep inside the hullof interested in: 对感兴趣 untold: 未透露的 secret: 秘密 lock: 隐藏 hull: 船身可我感兴趣的是那些不为人知的故事那些深藏在泰坦尼克号船舱里的故事。And were out here using robot technology to go further into the wreckthan anybodyhas ever done before.robot: 机器人 technology: 科技 wreck: 沉船所以我们使用

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