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仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit2 Topic32 教案Word下载.docx

1、第三课时:Section B- 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 5 Section C-5a,5b第四课时:Section C-1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3,4第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1, 2, Project, Section C-3第二课时 (Section A-2, 3, 4a, 4b Section B-3, 4)教学设计思路: 本课时继续学习形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词hers, ours, theirs, our,their等以及复习指示代词this, that, these, those。首先老师邀请家庭作业完成得比较好

2、的同学上台分享他们的对话,树立良好的榜样的同时复习名词性物主代词mine, yours, whose 等,并顺利导入借助图片学习bike,banana, baby, hers, ours, theirs等词。完成 Section A Task 2。老师带领学生复习完those,these之后完成Section B Task 4,练习形容词性无主代词和名词性物主代词之间的转换。掌握形容词性无主代词和名词性物主代词之间的转换方法之后Section A 3and Section B 3就可以直接留给学生独立填空集体核对答案。语音方面:首先通过音标卡或者图片复习/ /,之后老师呈现学生学过的带有/ /

3、ts/ /ds/发音的单词。老师播放/ /ts/ /ds/的正确发音,学生模仿并完成4b的读音练习。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1) 学习新词bike, hers, ours, theirs。(2) 学习“These/Those are our/their/ her.” “Whose. Are these/ those?” “They are .等句型。(3) 学习语音 / /2. Skill aims:(1)能够识别不同句子的语调如陈述句和疑问句。(2)能够读准所学音标,并能借助音标拼读简单的词汇。(3)能运用所学句型表达物品所属。(4)能够正确朗读对

4、话,注意语音语调。3. Emotional aims: 培养学生勇于尝试不怕犯错的习惯。4. Culture awareness: . The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)Words and expressions : bike,banana, baby, hers, ours, theirs(2)Sentences: These/Those are my/ your/ his/ her. Whose. are these/those? They are .(3)学习语音:/ / /ts/ /ds/2. Difficult p

5、oints: 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之间自由转换。. Learning strategies1. 学会倾听,学习他人的优点。2. 逐渐养成归纳总结的习惯。. Teaching aids录音机/多媒体/小黑板/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(8mins):Finish Task 2StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greet and warm up. T:Good morning, boys and girls!T: Most of you did

6、your homework carefully. Especially, Owen, Boy, Tracy, Bonnie. They used some sentences we learned before and their handwriting is beautiful. Bonnie, show your homework to us. You can invite your partner to help you. Good? We should learn from her. Boy, can you share your conversation?Greet and warm

7、 up.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li!B: Hi, Owen!O: Hi, Bonnie! Owen, is this yellow coat yours? It is not mine. I dont have a yellow coat. Whose coat is it, then? It is Peters. Hi, Peter! Is this coat yours?P: Oh, it is not mine. My coat is black. It is Jims. Hi, Jim!J: Yes, it is. Here you are! Thank you

8、! Yes.通过家庭作业复习所学的形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。2.(Class activity)Teach new words with the help of pictures and objects. Look at the picture. This is a /baik/ Whose bike is this? Yes, good. Its mine. Its my bike. Whose erasers are these? Yes, they are hers. Whose blackboard is this? They are our blackboard. They

9、are ours. Whose desks are these? Yes, they are their desks. They are theirs. Look, so many bananas. Whose bananas are these?Learn new words. bike, bike, bike Its yours. Its your bike. They are her erasers. They are Sallys and Bonnies. They are hers. They are her bananas.3.(Individual work)Guide stud

10、ents to fill in the blanks in 2 and find some rules. Look at 2 and fill in the blanks. You can choose the words in the orange table. Good. Try to find some rules. Yes. Only his bike =his? Yes. We can add many nouns.So, we can say. How to use “my”? Yes, good. Can you find out 2 special words? Yes, ot

11、her words are all have an“s” . But look at these words carefully. You can find a special word. Yes, good.Finish 2 and fin out some rules.his, hers, ours, theirs, yours his bike=his her cat =hers our shoes=ours their bananas=theirs your toys=yours His coat, pencil, pen/T-shirt.=his his + noun=his her

12、+n.=hers our+n.=ours their+n.=theirs your+n.=yours my+n.=mine mine his+n.=hisRemark:老师逐步引导学生自己总结出形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词的用法。Stage 2(7mins): Finish Section B Task 4Teacher activity Student activity 1 (Class activity)Guide students to review demonstrative pronouns. Whose book is this? Whose book are these? Whose pens are these? Whose book is that? Whose books are those? Whose pictures are those?Review this-these, that- those. Its hers. They are hers. They are theirs. Its yours. They are Pandas. They are ours.2.(Individual work)Ask students to r

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