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1、请找一下大副? Excuse me, where is chief officer?大副,我是码头调度,我需要船舶配载图和装船顺序。Chief officer, Im foreman. I need stowage plan and the loading sequence.大副,我接到通知,货物需要分三轮装货,第一轮5000吨,第二轮6000吨,第三轮5000吨,不包括用调水尺的货物。陆桥一公司生产调度部制作Chief officer, We are informed that the cargo will be shipped by three times. The first is 50

2、00MT, the second is 6000MT, and the third is 5000MT, not including the cargo for trimming.请问完货吃水是多少?Whats the departure (sailing) draft?前吃水、中吃水、尾吃水The foredraft is x m, the middraft is x m, the afterdraft is x m.请问压舱水排放多长时间?How long will you need for deballasting ?大约5小时30分。About five hours and 30 mi

3、nutes.请问再装多少吨,停机排水。How many tons can we load before we stop to deballast?大约需要再装1万五千吨后排水。(或:装完顺序6后停机排水)Its about 15 thousand metric tons, then we stop and deballast.We can stop after the no.6 cargo is completed.我能用两台装船机同时作业吗?Can we use two loaders at the same time?可以。(不可以)Yes. (or No).请打开四舱舱盖。(或请把所有舱

4、盖打开。)Please open the hatch cover of hold no.4. (Please open all the hatch covers.)因为我们考核装船效率,请船方停机调整吃水一次即可。Because of our requirement of loading efficiency, please ask the ship to stop loading for adjusting draft only once.(船方:)码头停船在低潮时为多少米,高潮时为多少米?What is the low tide (or high tide) when ship is al

5、ongside the berth?A(B、5#)泊在高潮时深17米,低潮时深10米。Its 17 meters in high tide and 10 meters in low tide.请问船方是否可以装货?Captain, can we start to load cargo now?)可以。(不可以,因为舱里有水)Yes, (No, because there are some water in the hold)为什么还不开始作业。Why not start loading?我们还没有接到货主的装船通知单。We have not received the shippers load

6、ing notice yet.请把吊杆调整好。Please adjust your derricks properly.请把百吨吃水变化表给我。Please give me the TPC and trimming table.请问船上哪个位置的倾斜仪准确?Where is the clinometer klanmt(r)? Which one is accurate?)大副办公室的 Chief officers货物资料请问货主,我们不清楚。Please ask shipper for cargo details(货物详细) , which we dont know clearly.指导作业过

7、程:第一票货完工后需要商检看水尺,请做好准备。It is required for surveyor(商检) to check draft(看水尺) after completion of first batch of cargo(第一票货).现在的船体太高,装船机的悬臂皮带只能在零度以下工作。因此这个舱无法装货,能不能调整一下装舱顺序。The loaders(装船机) arm belt can work only under zero degree(零下). Now the free board is too high to load in this hold(船舱). Can you ad

8、just your loading sequence(装船顺序)?我先装三舱,对你的船体有没有影响?If we load hold No.3 first, is it safe enough for you?)为什么停止作业?why was the loading work stopped?现在机器有故障,须停止作业。Theres something wrong with the loader, so we have to suspend and wait.因港方停电。Power is cut off. 堆场货少,需停装推垛。There is not much cargo at yard(堆场

9、), so it is required to stop loading to pile(堆垛). 煤不够,需等火车卸煤。Coal is not enough , so we have to wait for more coal to be discharged from train.海况、天气不好,需暂停作业Sea condition and weather become bad, so we need stop working.)大约多长时间能恢复作业How long do you need to resume(恢复) work?大约2小时后。 About in two hours. 请把

10、悬梯固定一下。 please fasten the accommodation ladder(悬梯)。请紧一下横缆。Please fasten breast line(横揽)。对不起,我们只负责装船,其他的事情跟代理联系!Sorry, we are in charge of(负责) loading only, if theres anything else, please contact your agent.)有事的话,请到大付的办公室找我。If anything concerned, please come to find me in chief officers room.有事的话,请到

11、码头值班室找我。If anything concerned, please look for me in our office at dock(码头值班室).如果按您要求的数量装货,恐怕前后的吃水差要超过50公分。If we load cargo in full compliance with yours, we worry that trim of draft would exceed 50 centimeters.请不要担心,虽然现在船体有点偏,但这个舱完货前,我会保持船体平衡。Dont worry, although the ship is not upright(垂直) now, we

12、 can manage to make it all right before completion of loading this hold(装完舱).请给我一个确切的排水时间,因为我需要提前检查设备。Please give me the exact deballasting time(排压载水时间), since we need to inspect equipments(检查设备).)电子称显示多少吨,准确吗?How many tons is it by shore scale(电子称,electronic scale)? Is that figure accurate?我们的电子称比较

13、准确,误差不会超过0.25%。About xxxx MT. Our shore scale works precisely , the error never exceed 0.25%.中间的水尺无法看到,请向前(向后)调整一下位置。We can not see the middle draft clearly, please change your position.)装船速度是多少?What is the loading rate(装船速度)?我们的装船速度是每小时4000吨。The loading rate is four thousand metric tons(吨) per hour

14、.货不足,因此无法达到您的配载要求。Cargo is not enough ,so we can not meet your stowage plan.因为双线作业,需调整装舱顺序。Due to two loaders(两条线) at work, we need to adjust loading sequence.海况、天气不好,请船方加缆并随时做好离泊准备。Sea condition and weather is not good, please inform ship to take more lines(加揽) and be ready for unberthing(离泊) at any time. 请把左舷或右舷、船中处,提前放好软梯以便看水尺。Please put down soft ladders(软梯) before hand at portsi

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