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1、A European phenomenon during the middle of the 19th century that had its chief headquarters in France. This movement was introduced to late Victorian England mainly Walter Pater as a reaction against the materialism and commercialism of an industrialized society. It was also a reaction against the V

2、ictorian convention of art for moralitys sake, or art for moneys sake. The major tenets of this movement include the belief in the autonomy of a work of art, the emphasis on craft and artistry-the theory of “art for arts sake”. The most outstanding Victorian representatives of this movement included

3、 Oscar Wilde.2. Allegory(寓言) 6. American Puritanism (美国清教主义)Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. The American puritans, like their English brothers, are idealists. They accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a spec

4、ial infusion of grace form God. But due to the grim struggle for living in the new continent, they become more and more practical. American puritanism is so much a part of the national atmosphere rather that a set of tenets.美国清教主义:他们相信宿命论、原罪说、全体堕落和有限的赎罪。7. American Realism (美国现实主义)In American litera

5、ture, the Civil War brought the Romantic Period to an end. The Age of Realism came into existence. George Eliot introduce realism into England, and William Dean Howells introduced it into the United States. It came as a reaction against the lie of romanticism and sentimentalism. Realism turned from

6、an emphasis on the strange toward a faithful rendering of the ordinary, a slice of life as it is really lived. It has been chiefly concerned with the commonplaces of everyday life among the middle and lower classes, and it offers an objective rather than an idealistic view of human nature and human

7、experience. Realistic literature finds the drama and tension beneath the surface of ordinary life. Later, many writers, notably Henry James, turned to psychological realism that closely examined the complex workings of the mind.美国现实主义:在美国文学史上,内战宣告了浪漫主义的终结和现实主义的开始。现实主义反对浪漫主义和感伤主义的谎言,它从一个陌生的世界转向了普通人的真

8、实生活的描写。它所关心的是普通的下层劳动人民而非理想中的人类本性和现实经历。8. American Romanticism (美国浪漫主义)The Romantic Period covers the first half of the 19th century. A rising America with its ideals of democracy and equality, the booming economy, the flourishing publications, and a variety of foreign influences made its literary ex

9、pansion possible and inevitable. Romantics shared some characteristics: moral enthusiasm, individuality and intuitive perception. Irving played an important role in inspiring American romanticism with his masterpieces Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. American romanticism culminated ar

10、ound the 1840s, which can be called “Transcendentalism or American Renaissance”. One of the major figure in this period was Emerson. His Nature had been called “the manifesto of American Transcendentalism”. In the poetry aspect, Whitman and Dickson were two major American poets in this period. In th

11、e novel aspect, Hawthorne and Melville belonged to another type of romanticism. They placed increasing value on the free expression on emotion and the psychic states of their characters. The New England poets, such as Longfellow and Bryant formed a different school from Whitman, Dickson, Thoreau and

12、 Poe.9. Angry Young Men (愤怒的青年)The Angry Young Men is a journalistic catchphrase applied to a number of British playwrights and novelists from the mid-1950s. Their works mainly express the bitterness of the lower classes towards the established sociopolitical system and towards the mediocrity and hy

13、pocrisy of the middle and upper classes. The playwright John Osborne was the archetypal example of these angry young men with his signature play Look Back in Anger in 1956.10. Antagonist (反面人物): A person or force opposing the protagonist in a narrative; a rival of the hero or heroine.反面人物:一个故事中和主人公相

14、对立的人物或一种力量,是男女主人公的对手。11. American Transcendentalism (美国超验主义)American Transcendentalism is more than an attitude of transcendentalists. To “transcend” something is to rise above it, to pass beyond its limits. The transcendentalists speak for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of Americ

15、an society. The major features of American Transcendentalism are: 1. Transcendentalists place emphasis on spirit, or the Oversoul, as the most important thing in the Universe. 2. They stress the importance of the individual. To them, the individual was the most important element of society. 3. They

16、offer a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God. Nature was, to them, alive, filled with Gods overwhelming presence. 12. Aphorism (警句)A concise, pointed statement expressing a wise or clever observation about life.警句:蕴含关于人生真理的明智的看法的精练的语句。13. Aside (旁白)In drama, lines spoken by a character in an underto

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