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1、普通语言学 General LinguisticsThe study of Ian guage as a whole is ofte n called Gen eral lin guistics.The study of soun ds, which are used in lin guistic com muni cati on, is called phon etics.(语音学)The study of how sounds are put together and used in com muni cati on is called phono logy.(音位学)The study

2、of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology .(形态学)The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax (句法 学)The study of meaning in Ian guage is called sema ntics.(语义学)The study of meaning in con text of use is called pragmatics.(语用

3、学)1.1.3 Some important distinctions in linguistics 成对的概念辨析差异 必考 P3(1) Prescriptive and descriptive 规定与描写If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the Ianguage people actually use, it is said to be descriptive, if it aims to lay down rules to tell people what they should say and what they should n

4、ot say, it is said to be prescriptive.Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar. Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive. The task of linguists is supposed to describe the Ianguage people actually use, whether it is “ correct ” or not.规定性 PrescriptiveIt

5、aims to lay down rules for ” correct ” behavior, to tell people what they should say and what should not say.描述性 DescriptiveA linguistic study describes and analyzes the Ianguage people actually use.(2) Synchronic and diachronic 共时和历时The description of a Ianguage at some point in time is a synchroni

6、c study; the description of a Ian guage as it cha nges through time is a diachr onic study .In moder n lin guistics, synchronic study is more importa nt.历时语言学 Diachronic linguisticsThe study of Ianguage change through time. a diachronic study of Ianguage is a historical study, which studies the hist

7、orical development of Ianguage over a period of time .共时语言学 Synchronical linguisticsThe study of a give n Ian guage at a give n time.(3) Speech and writing 口头语与书面语Speech and writi ng are the two major media of com muni cati on. Moder n lin guistics regards the spoke n form of Ian guage as primary, b

8、ut not the writte n form. Reas ons are: 1. Speech precedes writi ng; 2. There are still many Ian guages that have only the spoke n form; 3. In terms of function, the spoken Ianguage is used for a wider range of purposes than the written, and carries a larger load of com muni cati on tha n the writte

9、 n.(4) Langue and parole语言和言语 必考名解P4The Swiss linguist F. de Saussure made the distinction between Iangue and parole early 20th cen tury.Lan gue refers to the abstract li nguistic system shared by all the members of a speech com mun ity, and parole refers to the realizati on of Ian gue in actual use

10、. Saussure made the dist inction in order to sin gle out one aspect of Ian guage for serious study. He believes what lin guists should do is to abstract Ian gue from parole, to discover the regularities gover ning the actual use of Ian guage and make them the subjects of study of lin guistics.语言Iang

11、ue (抽象)The abstract lin guistic system shared by all members of a speech com muni ty.言语parole (具体The realizati on of Ian gue in actual use.(5) Compete nee and performa nee 语言能力和语言运用Proposed by American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950 s.He defi nes compete nee as the ideal user knowledge of the

12、rules of his Ian guage, and performa nce the actual realizati on of this kno wledge in lin guistic com muni cati on. He believes the task of the lin guists is to discover and specify the Ian guage rules.语言能力Competence (抽象)Competence is the ideal user s knowledge of the rules of his Ianguage.语言运用 per

13、formance (具体)Performa nce is the actual realizati on of this kno wledge in lin guistic com muni cati on.语言运用是所掌握的规则在语言交际中的具体体现。(6) Traditional grammar and modern linguistics 传统语法和现代语法It is gen erally believed that the begi nning of modern lin guistics was marked by the publicati on ofF de Saussures

14、book Course in Gen eral Lin guistics in the early 20 th cen tury. Before that is traditi onal grammar.Differences betwee n traditi onal grammar and moder n lin guistics:Modern linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive.Modern linguistics regards the spoken Ianguage as prima

15、ry, not the written.Moder n lin guistics differs from traditi onal grammar also in that it does not force Ian guages into a Lat in-based framework.(Modern linguistics is descriptive, its investigations are based on authentic and mainly spokenIan guage date.现代语言学是描述性的, 其研究以确实可靠的、主要以口语形式的资料为基础。traditional grammar is prescriptive. it is based on high written Ianguage. 传统语法是规定性 的,研究高级书面语。 )1.2什么是语言1.2.1定义语言 Ian guage: Lan guage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used fo

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