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1、互动交流 主动引导交谈 通过提问获取更多信息,依据考官的回答进一步扩展深入 请考官发表评论、阐述观点,使讨论深入进行 灵活运用本级别所列的语言功能第三部分:对话 听懂考官的谈话内容并切题应答 更主动地与考官对话交流 对考官的评论或见解作出反应,使对话深入展开 若交流不畅停顿时,应变换方式或更换词语使对话继续不停顿新增对话题目 梦和梦魇 犯罪和惩罚 技术 习惯和对事物的迷恋 全球环境问题 设计(如:服装、建筑、汽车、家具等)语言功能 表达抽象的思想、观点 表达遗憾、愿望和希望 表达设想、假定 变换词语表达相同的意思 权衡各种选择 假设 评论往事或事情发生的过程新增语法项目 带动名词和/或不定式的

2、动词,如:forget, stop, go on, remember 带情态动词的被动语态 should/must/might/could 现在完成时 wish 和hope后正确的动词用法词汇 与自选话题相关的词语 与第三部分对话话题相关的词汇 用于引回到原话题的用语, 如:As I was saying, Anyway 用于表示犹豫的用语, 如:I mean, you know, 为赢得思考时间继续自己谈话的常用语,如:Well, let me think 语音 词语发音正确 运用升调和降调,表示继续或中止自己的谈话 运用重读和节奏,突出强调谈话重点 运用语调、音的高低表明态度GESE-9F

3、ormat Candidate-led discussion of a prepared topic(up to 5 min) An interactive task (up to 4 min) Conversation (up to 5 min)Candidate performance Understand complex and extended speech Communicate with spontanity Initiate, maintain and end the discourse with effective turn-taking Use complex express

4、ionsFunctionsGive adviceMaking suggestionsDiscribingGrammatical itemsSecond conditional/third conditionalForgert, stop, go on, rememberMore complex forms of the passiveShould/must/might/could+ present perfectWish/hopeSubject Area 1 Dreams and NightmaresVocabularynightmare, elaborated, physical, frus

5、tration, panic, grief, confusion , proportion, abstract, physiological, psychological, paralysis ,be associated with, laboratory, motivation, phenomenon, significant, self-awareness unscientific, speculation, denial, explosion, integrity Definition What are dreams?Dreams are a form of mental activit

6、y that occurs during sleep. Dreaming activity can vary from very simple thoughts or images, to elaborated stories with ivid colour images and intense physical activity. What is a nightmare?Any strongly unpleasant dream may be a nightmare. Its the feeling, not the content that turns a dream into a ni

7、ghtmare. Fear, shame, guilt, frustration, pain, panic, anger, grief, confusion, or any other negative emotion may reach nightmare proportions. My mother had a horrible nightmare: she was in a huge white room with hundreds of plants. Sounded lovely to me but to her it was (unconsciously) the afterwor

8、ld, and she wasnt ready to die. It was a terrifying nightmare!Type of dreams: terrible dreams (nightmares) and sweet ones. Qs related to this aspect: describe your dream( the most impressive or recent dream) and give an example since an abstract subject can usually be illustrated by examples (Think

9、of a dream and describe it) Recurring ThemesThere are many common recurrent dream themes in our culture: earthquakes, tidal waves, fires, being stalked or attacked, trying to lock doors against an intruder, teeth crumbling, lost toilets, test taking, no-pants in public, etc. When do we dream?Two dif

10、ferent schools of thought exist as to why we dream: the physiological school and the psychological school. Both, however, agree that we dream during the REM, or rapid eye movement, phase of sleep. During this phase of sleep, our closed eyes dart rapidly about, our brain activity peaks, and our muscl

11、es suffer temporary paralysis. In dreams, we can recall things happened decades ago, it may be associated with early memories or state of mind at a certain period. Dream recallMany people do not remember their dreams. However research in the laboratory has demonstrated that almost everybody experien

12、ces dreams but, for a number of reasons, many people do not recall their dreams upon awakening. Dream recall can be improved by some simple measures such as changing wake-up times, paying attention to dreams immediately upon awakening and writing them down, or telling them to a partner. Simple inter

13、est in dreams and motivation to remember them have also been found to increase dream recall.Are dreams useful?Dreams are a natural phenomenon and there is no harm in recalling them. In fact, the distorted representation that dreams use can be useful because sometimes they lead to very creative image

14、s and associations. Many artists and writers use dream images and stories to inspire them in their work. However, since most dreams are unpleasant to the dreamer, they can sometimes have a negative impact on mood at wake-up time. A number of scientists have made significant insight and discoveries following dreams. Because dreams can reflect in one form or another our waking state of mind or our concerns, they are used in psychotherapy. There are also many techniques that have been developed for the use of dreams in everyday life. Paying attention to dre

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