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1、在重商主义时期,这一差值通过转移黄金弥补,但是在今天是通过持有贸易 赤字国家的货币或以该国货币表示的投资来弥补。实质上,盈余国家在给予赤字国家信贷。 如果此种信贷最终不能买回足够的货物和服务,所谓的贸易顺差结果实际上可能对盈余国家 不利I. Give the Chin ese equivale nts for the followi ng En glish terms:1)绝对优势理论 2)比较优势理论 3)国际劳动分工 4)要素禀赋理论 5) 土地密集型产品 6)劳动密集型产品 7)资本密集新产品 8)获得优势 9 )天然优势 10)文化要素差异II. (p18-19) Tran slate

2、 the followi ng sen ten ces into Chin ese accordi ng to the patterns:1. 即使所有产品都具有绝对优势 的国家,因其必须放弃产出效率低的产品转而生产产出效率 高的产品,也会从贸易中获益。2. 尽管美国产茶与产麦均有绝对优势,可它只在麦子生产上具有相对优势,因其产麦的优势 较其产茶的优势更大。3. 要素禀赋理论认为,较丰富的生产要素比相对稀缺的要素更加廉价 。4. 为了做好国际贸易,公司经理除需要掌握业务经营知识,还需要掌握基本的社会科学知识Unit TwoI. (p27) Find out the whole forms of

3、 the following short forms:MTO Multilateral TradingGSP Gen eralized System of Prefere neeUNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentWTO World Trade OrganizationMFN Most Favored NationLDC less developed eoun triesGATT Gen eral Agreeme nt on Tariffs and TradeEC Europea n Commu nityII . F

4、ill in the blanks with proper words:1) policies; discourage 2) governme nt 3) 117; 36%; 24% 4) negotiatio ns; to; trade5) free; would accept/permitI. value added tax ad valorem tariff dutiable price retail price wholesale price licen secla ndest inenon-tariff barriers(p35-36) Identify in the text th

5、e English equivalents for the following:prohibitive tariff regulatory tariff protective tariff retaliatory tariff countervailing tariff pun itive taxSpecial Drawing Right reve nue tariffgover nment procureme nt coord in atio ninfant in dustry customs valuati onII. (p36) Tran slate the followi ng int

6、o Chin ese:大多数国家目前就估价的程序达成了一致。海关官员首先必须采用发票金额。若没有发 票金额或其真实性可疑的情况下,必须以同类商品价值为基础估价。若找不到同类商品,就 必须以基本同时期进海关的相似产品为基础进行估价。III. Complete the follow ing senten ces:1. the customs; import/export goods2. Tariff or duty; under3. dump in g; lev ying an ti-dump ing tariff4. duty; value5. increasing; imported; gai

7、nIV. Fill in the bla nks with proper prepositi ons:of; on; with; from; for; at; by; atI. (p44) Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:foreig n curre ncy rete nti ontariff exempti onprefere ntial con diti onmon itorexport creditcertificatedirect con sig nmentGen eralized System of

8、 Prefere neetariff unionprefere nce-gi ving countryecono mic unionprefere nce-recei ving countrycom mon marketsig natory n ati onprin ciple of the place of origi n tariff regi onfree trade zoneregi onal econo mic in tegrati oninternational financial market National Commercial Inspection Bureau and i

9、tssubord in atesII. (p44-45) Tran slate the followi ng into Chin ese:进出口数量限制最常见的形式是配额(制度)。从进口角度讲,配额频频使用的目的是为 了限制某一特定年份所允许进口产品的数量。这一数量常常反映出国内生产厂商在特定年份 拥有国内市场中一定份额的保障(额度)。很多年来,美国进口糖配额使美国(国内)糖业生 产厂商占据了近一半国内市场。III. (P45) Find a suitable term to fill in each of the following blanks:1) Econo mic Un io n2)

10、 A free trade zone3) the average tax refunding4) total tariff exempti on5) Form A6) GSP7) en courage export product ion8) justifiableUnit ThreeI. (p51) Give the Chinese equivalents for the following English terms:1) 固有/内在属性2) 光泽、款式、结构3) 适销性4) 社会属性5) 适用性6) 耐用性7) 卫生8) 以消毒/杀菌II. Tran slate the follow i

11、ng, pay ing atte nti on to the un derl ined terms:1) Not only should we take in to con sideratio n the intrin sic quality and outer form or shape, but also in dividual con sumer tastes.2) To strengthen the competitiveness of China s export commodities, we must improve their quality.3) 日本质量管理方法称为 全面质

12、量管理”(TQM),是日本公司为达到质量要求所遵循的程序。4) 竞争力战略应优先考虑以下四方面:效率/成本、可靠性、质量和灵活性。5) 在日本,质量是指 产品上乘,顾客不会想到转向其它卖家”。III. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:to; in; of; withoutI. (p55) Give the Chin ese equivale nts and expla in them in simple En glish:1) 检验销售2) 代表性样品3) 参考样品4) 复样5) 产权6) 技术资源7) 对等样品8) 商检II. (P60

13、) Tran slate the followi ng into Chi nese:规格修改修订维修/保养保质期/质保期精选水产品补充仲裁示意图/图纸消费安装相关部门奢侈食品跨国公司III. Put the following into English:quality firstquality reliable productscustomer firstquality in spect ion systemquality in dicator superior qualitycorresp ond with samples not the same as the sampleintan gible assets famous brand productsstrong and pliable booklet/ma nualIV. Find a proper word for each blank:select; locati on; largest; northern; con scious; terms; attract; fast; afford; earningsI. (p64) Give the Chinese equivalents to the fol

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