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1、英语试题练习题教案学案课件护理专业英语(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)护理专业英语适用专业:护理专业适用层次:专 升 本Unit 1 Development of Nursing 护理学的发展【学习目标】1. 掌握南丁格尔对护理学发展的贡献;2. 掌握护理的四个基本概念;3. 简述护理的目标;4. 牢记课文中出现的日常护理口语. 【教学内容】1. 护理学的发展史;2. 南丁格尔简介;3. 护理的基本概念和目标;4. 护理日常英语 (见书第一章日常口语部分)重点:南丁格尔对护理学发展的贡献。难点:护理日常英语。【相关练习题】一、单选题: Choose the best answ

2、er from A,B,C and D according to the text.1. Which one of the following statements is right? (A)A. Nursing before 19th century was developed slowlyB. Nursing before 19th century was developed rapidlyC. Nursing before 19th century was developed smoothlyD. Nursing before 19th century was developed wit

3、h ease2. Which one of the following statements is right? (B)A. Florence Nightingale was born in 1825B. Florence Nightingale was born in a wealthy familyC. Florence Nightingale was born in GermanyD. Florence Nightingale was not well-educated3. How did Nurses Day come into being? (A)A. It came from th

4、e Birthday of Florence Nightingale B. It came from the Death date of Florence NightingaleC. It came from the date of outbreak of Crimean WarD. It could not be verified4. What is the theme of nursing? (C)A. Diagnosis B. Treatment C. Caring D. Physical examination二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from

5、 A,B,C,D,E and F according to the text.1. What major contributions the worldD. Publishing the First nursing Journal in the worldE. Establishing the First Doctorial nursing program in the world2. Choose the following correct concepts that dominate and shape the professional nursing practice in modern

6、 nursing? (A B E F)A. Person B. Environment C. EducationD. Practice E. Health F. Nursing3. What are the main goals of professional nursing? (A C E F)A. Health promotion B. Health education C. Health maintenance D. Disease diagnosis E. Health restoration F. Care of the dying三、牢记下面的单词或表达法: 恢复健康 care o

7、f the dying 临终关怀 四、简答题:1. Why is nursing called the oldest art and the youngest profession?2. What are the four main concepts of professional nursing practice? 五、正确理解课文含义。 Unit 2 Health and Illness 健康与疾病【学习目标】 1. 给健康和疾病定义. 2. 描述WHO对健康定义的特点. 3. 区别illness 与 disease 的含义. 4. 识别影响健康的因素. 【教学内容】 1. 给健康和疾病定

8、义. 2. 描述WHO对健康定义的特点. 3. 区别illness 与 disease 的含义. 4. 识别影响健康的因素.5. 护理日常英语 (见书第3章日常口语部分) 重点:健康促进的目的; 健康促进的护理程序难点:健康促进的护理程序 【相关练习题】一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text. 1. Which definition of of of of ANA D. the definition of WHO2. Which factor is not a social factor that

9、 influence your mind? You look so concerned! 你在想什么?看起来你好像有心事. 四、简答题:1. Whats the difference between the illness and disease?2. What are the factors that influence the 健康促进【学习目标】1. 描述健康促进的目的; 2. 理解护士在健康促进中的角色(作用);3. 运用护理程序于健康促进;4. 牢记课文中出现的日常护理口语. 【教学内容】 1. 健康促进的定义; 2. 健康促进的目的3. 护士在健康促进中的作用4. 健康促进的护理程

10、序5. 健康促进项目的类型6. 护理日常英语 (见书第3章日常口语部分) 重点:健康促进的目的; 健康促进的护理程序难点:健康促进的护理程序 【相关练习题】一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text. 1. Which of the following is not included in the nursing strategies of ? _ ( D )A. supporting behavior changes B. teaching C. coordinating D. giving inj

11、ections2. During the planning process a nurse acts as _. (B)A. an adviser B. a resource person C. a counselor D. a consumer二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D, and E according to the text.1. Positive is aimed primarily at _. ( A, C) A. improving 健康促进 self-care 自我护理potential problems 潜在的健康

12、问题四、简答题:1. What are the purposes of ?2. briefly state the role of nurses in .五、正确理解课文含义。Unit 4 Nursing Process 护理程序【学习目标】 1. 掌握护理程序的5个步骤. 2. 熟悉护理程序的目的. 3. 了解护理评估与护理评价的异同. 4. 掌握马斯洛人类需要层次论在护理实践中的应用. 【教学内容】 1. 护理程序的5个步骤. 2. 护理程序的目的. 3. 护理评估与护理评价的异同. 4. 马斯洛人类需要层次论在护理实践中的应用.5. 护理日常英语 重点:护理程序的5个步骤; 马斯洛人类需

13、要层次论难点:马斯洛人类需要层次论 【相关练习题】一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text. 1. Which level of the Maslows skills required by the nurse in nursing assessment include _. ( A,C, D, E )A. inspection B. interview C. palpationD. percussion E. auscultation 三、牢记下面的单词或表达法:nursing process护理

14、程序 nursing diagnosis护理诊断nursing assessment护理评估 nursing plan护理计划nursing evaluation 护理评价 nursing intervention护理措施a needs 人类需要层次论学说This patient in nursing 护理沟通【学习目标】1. 掌握沟通交流的主要作用;2. 掌握言语沟通与非言语沟通的不同点;3. 熟悉有效沟通交流的标准;4. 牢记课文中出现的日常护理口语. 【教学内容】1. 沟通交流的主要作用;2. 言语沟通与非言语沟通的不同点;3. 有效沟通交流的标准;4. 护理日常英语 (见书第5章日常口

15、语部分)重点:沟通交流的主要作用; 言语沟通与非言语沟通的不同点;难点:沟通交流的主要作用.【相关练习题】一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.1. _ is an example of verbal communication. ( D) A. touch B. eye contact C. facial expressions D. writing letters二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D,E and F according to the text.1. Communication serves four major functions, they are _. ( A, B, D, E)A. control B. motivation C. listeningD. emotional expres

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