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1、招聘管理制度Title : Recruiting Management Policy初版日期: 2007.3.1Issue Date页 码 : 7 / 7Page(s)版次Ver修订日期Date修订内容Description of Revision修订人By审批人Approved012008.3.1Recruitment procedure revised招聘程序Apple DuanCherrie Zhu022009.8.316相关文件及记录 Relevant documents and recordsJewny Xie1. 目的 Purpose1.1 通过系统化的招聘管理保证公司招聘工作的质

2、量,为公司选拔出合格、优秀的人才。 Processing recruitment through systematic management, selecting qualified employees1.2 规范人员需求的申请、招聘渠道的评估、面试程序及录用程序,以保证招聘工作满足公司需要并有效控制成本。The company should regulate application, recruitment channel appraisal, interview procedure and hiring procedure, as well as cost controlling.2. 范

3、围 Scope本文件适用于*制造(中国)有限公司各涉及招聘工作的部门及人员。This policy is applicable for all departments & employees related with recruitment job of Hunter Douglas Manufacturing (China) Co., Ltd.3. 定义与简称 ( 有必要时 ) Definition and Shortened form ( When necessary)无None 4. 权责 Duty and Responsibility4.1 人事行政部负责统筹全司各部年度人力资源招聘计

4、划并在通过审核后执行。 HR and Administration department is in charge of annual HR program. The program will be carried out after gaining approval.4.2 各部门经理及时提交招聘需求及岗位说明,并配合面试过程。 Managers of each department should propose recruitment requisition and job description in time.4.3 总经理及董事长审核招聘计划并拥有人员录用最终决定权。 Finial

5、decision should be made by general manager and president.5. 程序 Procedure5.1 招聘原则Recruitment principle 5.1.1 公司招聘录用员工按照“公开、平等、竞争、择优”的原则。对公司内符合招聘职位要求及表现卓越的合适员工,将优先给予选拔、晋升。其次再考虑面向社会公开招聘。所有应聘者机会均等。Based on the principle of “open, equal, competitive”, the company will select the most qualified employees.

6、 Priority for selection and promotion will be given to the qualified employees with outstanding performance. Chances are equal for all the applicants.5.1.2 不因应聘者的性别、民族、宗教信仰和推荐人不同而给予不同的考虑。Different genders, nations, beliefs and references will exert no influence on recruitment.5.1.3 亲属回避原则:凡已在本司就职人员的

7、亲属一律不录用;如亲属关系于后期建立,则公司有权要求其中一方调离原职。Relative avoidance: relative of employees in HDMC cannot be hired. For those who establish relationship after enter the company, the company have the right to require one party to quit.5.2 招聘政策 Recruitment policy招聘工作应根据每年人力资源管理计划进行。如属计划外招聘应提出招聘理由,经公司总经理及董事长审批后方可进行。

8、Recruitment should be carried out according to annual HR program. Unscheduled recruitment should be approved by general manager and president. 5.3 流程 procedure5.3.1 各部门根据年度工作发展状况,核查本部门各职位,于每年年底根据公司下一年度的整体业务计划,拟定人力资源需求计划,报公司人事行政部。Recruitment requisition should be proposed by each department by the en

9、d of year, and reported to HR and Administration department. 5.3.2 人事行政部根据公司年度发展计划、编制情况及各部门的人力资源需求计划,制定公司的年度招聘计划报总经理及董事长审批。Annual HR program should be formulated by the HR and Administration department and approved by general manager and president.5.3.3 各部门根据实际业务需求,提出正式的员工需求申请。填写招聘申请表 及“岗位说书”,报人事行政部

10、审核。Each department proposes formal recruitment requisition; fills in Recruitment Application Form and Job Description; gets the approval from HR and Administration department. 5.3.4 人事行政部根据招聘计划执行招聘,并及时同有关招聘部门就人员招聘进展状况进行沟通和协调。HR and Administration department carries out the recruitment program, commu

11、nicating and cooperating with departments which present recruitment requisition. 5.4 招聘周期Recruitment period指从人事行政部收到起,到拟来人员确认到岗的周期。每一职位的招聘周期一般不超过8周。有特别要求的职位,将视实际情况经用人部门与人事行政部协商后适当延长或缩短招聘周期。Recruitment period refers to a period from the day when HR and Admin department receives Manpower Requisition F

12、orm to the day when employees start working. Recruitment period for each position is generally within 8 weeks. Any extension or reduction of the period can be set according to different situations.5.5 招聘步骤Recruitment procedure5.5.1 材料搜集渠道:人事行政部应根据岗位的具体需要对于待招募职位进行内部推荐、寻求人才中介机构或猎头公司的推荐、参加招聘会、在报纸杂志刊登招聘

13、广告或在有关网络信息发布与查询。如需刊登报纸广告,应先书面征总经理/董事长批准后方可进行。Sourcing channel: Internal recommendation; recommendation from HR agency and recruitment agency, job fair, and advertising recruitment information through newspaper, magazine and internet. Advertising should be conducted after obtaining approval of genera

14、l manager or president.5.5.2 人事行政部对应聘者资料进行收集、分类,按照所需岗位的职位描述做初步筛选。HR and Administration department collects and classifies the information of candidates, conducting primary selection.5.5.3 拟选人员因岗位不同将经历1-3次面试/测试。面试层次及步骤如下:Candidates are supposed to have one to three interview/test according to different positions. The interview procedure is stated as follow: 应聘职位经理或主管一般人员第一次面试人事行政部第二次面试用人部门经理/总监直接上司第三次面试总经理/董事长部门经理PositionManger or SupervisorOther EmployeesFirst interviewHR & Admin departmentSecond interviewDepartment manager/supervisorImmediate SupervisorThird interviewGeneral manager/board c

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