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高一Unit2 《Two geniuses》more reading教案 牛津上海版S1BWord格式.docx

1、启发学生对诺贝尔奖倡导的精神内涵有所了解。(三)重点和难点词汇学习核心词汇estate worth original present anniversaryhonouroccasion词组和短语be worth sth. leave a large estatebe honoured with教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Pre-reading 该阶段用一个课时完成:1. More Language Input后有一篇 ListeningWhen did they do their best work?(这些天才在出成绩时的年龄),将他作为本课的引

2、入,考虑的是能更好地调动和发挥学生的情感因素,并为后面的活动作必要的铺垫。While-reading 这是本课的主体部分,也是老师要处理的重点,在帮助学生理解课文的同时,培养阅读技巧;同时处理课文中的单词,词组和句型。 Skimming 要求学生快速略读,找出与小标题匹配的段落,知晓课文的轮廓。 Further understanding 在课堂交互活动中完成对课文的进一步理解。 Word study 通过上下文和创设情景,帮助学生理解词汇并学会运用。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1 教案 链接2 课件:The Nobel Prize。Post-reading 1. 完成一段与课文有关的sum

3、mary进一步巩固词汇,并加深对课文的理解。2. 课堂讨论:If you were present at the Award Ceremony, what question would you raise to the winners?3. 拓展阅读:具体文章见链接部分。链接1说明: 本部分建议采用任务型阅读教学的方法,提高学生阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读技巧,加强对课文中出现的诺贝尔奖的了解。提供一份教案。Teaching procedure:I Pre- reading Listening : When do they do their best work? (p38)Please tur

4、n to page 38. Are you familiar with them? Who are mentioned here? Lets listen and fill in when they did their best wok.Could you tell out why they did their best work at an early age?II While- readingSkimming: Find out which paragraph deals with the aspects.Please glance at the passage first. How ma

5、ny paragraphs are there?How many aspects are listed here?Then could you possibly read the passage briefly, that is, only read the title, the first and last sentences of each paragraph and find out which paragraph deals with the following aspects. _p2_ mentions what to honour and what fields the Nobe

6、l Prizes go to. _p1_ tells us the original source of the Nobel Prize._p3_ gives an account of the ceremony._ mentions some Nobel Prize winners.Understanding the passage1) Paragraph 1:Original source of the Nobel PrizeVocabulary: original source, estateIf someone founded a prize, what is the most imp

7、ortant matter?Read the 1st paragraph. Whats the original source of the Nobel Prize?Could you use your own words to explain what original source means?How much was the estate worth?So estate just refers to what he owned/ possessed. Was that a large sum of money? How large? Lets count the os. And this

8、 money became the origin of the Nobel Prize. Paragraph 2:What fields to go to will, outstandingCould you read the paragraph together and while reading, keep the two questions in your mind.Are you able to answer the two questions?What do the Nobel Prizes honor?Did Nobel tell his friends about it?He s

9、aid in his will. Here is will a verb or a noun?Then what fields do the Nobel Prizes go to?Physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine and the most outstanding works in literature.Could you name some geniuses who were once awarded the Nobel Prize?They are all outstanding people.Could you think of some

10、 words which mean the same as outstanding?Are all the fields covered here? What is missing?The Nobel Prize for peace. Nobel was a chemist, a scientist. Why did he found the Nobel Prize for peace? Think of dynamite. What else is not included?the Nobel Prize for economics was added in 1968. Paragraph

11、3:Introduction of the ceremony anniversary, award, honourNow, we are clear about the origin and the fields the Nobel Prizes go to. What else are you eager to know? Could you find out the key word of the third paragraph?_p3_ gives an introduction of the ceremony.Para 3 is written in the form of a par

12、agraph. Lets make a table, then. Please fill in the table in two minutes.The introduction of the ceremonyExact dateDec.10th.Frequency once a yearPlace the Stockholm Concert HallPrizes consist of a diploma, a medalActivity followingbanquetGuests of honourWinners(families), King& Queen, leaders1) What

13、s the exact date of the ceremony?2) Frequency of the ceremony How often is the ceremony held?Which word makes you think that the Nobel Prizes have been presented once every year?Then we say the Nobel Prizes have been presented on December 10th, the anniversary of Alfred Nobels death. Where is the aw

14、ard ceremony held?What is each winner awarded?In award ceremony, award is a noun while in what is each winner awarded, award is a v. What is followed?Who are the most important guests?Who else are also invited? Some lucky students are also invited to this grand occasion. ConsolidationNow, we have gone through the whole passage. Simon was assigned to write a summary of the passage. What aspects does he need to mention? What Simon needs to do is to combine these aspects into a par

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