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小学英语《What time is itC Story time》优质教案教学设计Word文件下载.docx

1、学习困难的同学要求理解这些单词短语或句子的意思。2 能 够 在 情 境 中 运 用 句 型 What time is it ? Its oclockIt s time to for.3.学生能够理解故事大意并朗读、表演故事4.部分学生能够在理解的基础上复述故事过程与方法目标:1.学生能够借助图片获取故事信息,并合理想像故事情节。2.学生能够通过自然拼读法读会新单词: Wake up,want tosleep,April Fools Day,dear 以及 1ate。3.学生能运用自主、合作、探究式的学习,敢于表演、交流、评价。4.学会用问题、图画以及关键词的方法复述故事。情感态度与价值观: 让

2、学生养成遵守时间的好习惯。知道愚人节时开玩笑要适度。文化意识目标: 让学生了解愚人节文化。教学重难点:1 巩 固 本 单 元 的 语 言 点 : What time is it ?oclockIt s time forto2 会读并理解新单词意思: wake up, want to sleep, AprilFools Day, late for school 等 。3能借助读图策略了解故事的因果关系,并合作表演故事4.能根据图片想象故事内容教学准备: PPT 、单词卡 、故事图画、 动物头饰教学过程:一、Warm-up & Revision1.Sing a song together:What

3、 time is it?2.T: Look at the clock, What time is it?S1:Its time tofor二 、 Presentation 图画 1:1.T: What time does Zoom get up? Look at the picture.sT: But Zoom is sleeping. So zip says?老师边说边圈 wake up,让学生通过复习以前的单词总结出 a-e 组合的发音规律/ei/,再用自然拼读的方法读出新单词 wakewake up. Listen and imitate 让学生听录音跟读、模仿这一句话。 Zip wan

4、ts to wake up Zoom. But Zoom says?学生听录音,跟读模仿 I want to sleep.老师教读新单词、词组 sleepwant to sleepChantSleep, sleep ,want to sleep Want to sleep,want to sleep, I want to sleep.老师利用 chant 歌谣,以打节拍和做动作的方式帮助学生理解并读会新短语: want to sleep。3.学生听录音跟读模仿图画 1 的内容,学生戴头饰表演,教师根据实际情况纠正发音、语调等。图画 2-4: Zip wants to wake up Zoom,

5、 but Zoom wants tosleep. What will happen ? Can you guess? ( Will Zoom get up?)学生畅所欲言,猜猜故事接下来会发生什么! Look at the picture! Zoom gets up. Why? Now readand answer.学生自主阅读文本故事内容,找到答案。s 8:00.Oh dear! Im late for school.3.根据学生的答案,解决图画 4 的故事内容。 How to read these two new words? Dear, late?解决新词组: dear(让学生自己读出单

6、词 ear 接着尝试读新词dear),late for school(老师提问 a-e 组合发音,然后引导学生根据a-e 组合的发音规律读出依次读出 a-eatelatelate for school)4.情感教育: Look at the picture. The boy runs to school, Why?预设一 S1:s 9:00. Its time for English class.预设二 S2:他上学迟到了。预设三S3:Hes late for school. Yes. Because, hes late for school. Maybe the teacherwill be

7、 angry. So do you want to be late for school like this?No. We should be on time. Its a good habit to be on time. 5.学生跟读模仿故事图 3-4,老师检查学生读的情况并根据情况进行纠正读音或语调。图画 5-6: But, is it really 8:00? Now, let s watch and find theanswer.2.学生回答问题Ss: No. Its 7 oclock. Yes. Look at the clock on the wall! Its ? S: 8 o

8、 But look at the small clock .Its ? 7 o3.T: Different time? Why?预设一:学生用中文表述 zip 调了时间。(评价) Yes, zip changes the time. Why does zip change thetime?S1: Zip wants to wake up Zoom.S2:用中文表述今天是愚人节。教师根据学生的不同回答,再次追问其他学生: Who is right?Whats your idea?Now look at the pictures On the calendar, its April first.I

9、t s April Fools Day .教师教授: April Fool , April Fools Day What can we do on April Fools Day? Now lets watch avideo.(微视频嵌入,介绍愚人节文化) 预设二:学生用中文表述它是愚人节 Yes, On the calendar, its April first. It s April FoolsDay . Zoom is an April Fool.What can we do on April Fools Day?(微视频嵌入,介绍愚人节文化)4.学生看完视频后,教师再次追问:5.根据学

10、生的回答,教师总结并对学生进行文化渗透和情感教育: T:On April Fools Day , we can play some jokes, but nottoo much. In the story, Zip plays a joke on Zoom. Zoom is anApril Fool.三、Practice1.学生听整个故事的录音并跟读模仿在模仿过程中解决故事中剩下的新单词:wait。同时着重教读学生读的不熟练的句型。2.小组合作角色扮演各小组展示学生评价 Lets have a group work. Here are some tips for you.This is wha

11、t you can do.PPT 呈现评价标准:给学生一定的时间在小组内练习表演并展示。展示完之后,让其他小组学生进行评价,评价时先说优点再给出建议。如果表演者的读音有问题,评价者可自己充当小老师,对表演者进行纠错。 What about their performance? Whats youropinionidea? Great! Two stars. S2:发音有误,请跟我读3.学习策略渗透:学会用图画、问题以及关键词的方法帮助复述文本。 Who can retell the story? How to retell the story easily? Here are some way

12、s for you. Look, we can use questions and ?尝试让学生补充其他复述文本的方法。教师根据学生回答进行相应的点评。 Pictures.关键词。 Yes, good idea! We can use the pictures and the keywords. Look, these are the pictures of the story. Lets try to retell.教师呈现故事中最关键的三幅图,请学生尝试复述其中的内容。学生复述后将三幅图进行板贴。4.小组合作,在卡片上完成图画与关键词的配对。 Look , these are the key words of the story. Can you match the pictures with the key words? Work in yourgroup.Finish it on your card.5.小组合作复述故事。 Lets try to retell the story. Practice in your group.学生利用自己小组的卡片(上面有图画与

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