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1、 Polymer*Composite Materials*Practical Application*Tech News & New TechMCanxixun Information and News ServiceContentsTech News & New Tech(技术前沿) 3Researchers predict material with record-setting melting point 3研究人员通过创纪录的熔点来预测材料 5Short wavelength plasmons observed in nanotubes 6纳米管中观察到的短波等离子体 7Metal A

2、lloy(金属合金) 9Cost-saving ultrasound degassing now possible in continuous processing of aluminum melt 9节约成本的超声排气目前可用于铝熔体的连续处理中 10Could stronger, tougher paper replace metal? 11更结实、更坚韧的纸张能够取代金属吗? 12Composite Materials(复合材料) 13CIMComp Funds Five Feasibility Studies to Develop Step-change Technologies 13

3、CIMComp资助五个可行性研究,研发阶跃变化技术 13DIAB Improves Divinycell F Core Production Output to Satisfy Forecast Demand 14DIAB提高Divinycell F芯材产量,满足预测需求 15Practical Application(实际应用) 15Sol-gel capacitor dielectric offers record-high energy storage 15溶胶-凝胶电容器介电质的能量储存创纪录新高 17Sticky tape the key to ultrathin solar cel

4、ls 18胶带是超薄太阳能电池的关键 19New material opens possibilities for super-long-acting pills 19新型材料有望制造出超长效药丸 21Organic & Polymer(有机高分子材料) 23Mighty Mussel Glue for Surgery 23用于手术的强有力的贻贝胶 23Smart hydrogel coating creates “stick-slip” control of capillary action 24智能水凝胶涂层对毛细作用的“粘滑”控制 26E-Material(电子材料) 27Boxfish

5、 shell inspires new materials for body armor, flexible electronics 27用于防弹衣及软性电子产品的新型材料 29Making the new silicon 30制造新型硅 32Breaking the terahertz barrier for graphene nanoelectronics 33打破石墨烯纳电子学兆赫障碍 34 New Tech(技术前沿)Researchers predict material with record-setting melting pointCompounds made from haf

6、nium and carbon have some of the highest known melting points. Using computer simulations, Brown Univ. engineers predict that a material made with hafnium, nitrogen and carbon will have a higher melting point than any known material. Image: Van de Walle lab/Brown Univ.Using powerful computer simulat

7、ions, researchers from Brown Univ. have identified a material with a higher melting point than any known substance.The computations, described in Physical Review B (Rapid Communications), showed that a material made with just the right amounts of hafnium, nitrogen and carbon would have a melting poi

8、nt of more than 4,400 K (7,460 F). Thats about two-thirds the temperature at the surface of the sun, and 200 K higher than the highest melting point ever recorded experimentally.The experimental record-holder is a substance made from the elements hafnium, tantalum and carbon (Hf-Ta-C). But these new

9、 calculations suggest that an optimal composition of hafnium, nitrogen and carbonHfN0.38C0.51is a promising candidate to set a new mark. The next step, which the researchers are undertaking now, is to synthesize material and corroborate the findings in the laboratory.“The advantage of starting with

10、the computational approach is we can try lots of different combinations very cheaply and find ones that might be worth experimenting with in the lab,” said Axel van de Walle, associate professor of engineering and co-author of the study with postdoctoral researcher Qijun Hong. “Otherwise wed just be

11、 shooting in the dark. Now we know we have something thats worth a try.”The researchers used a computational technique that infers melting points by simulating physical processes at the atomic level, following the law of quantum mechanics. The technique looks at the dynamics of melting as they occur

12、 at the nanoscale, in blocks of 100 or so atoms. Its more efficient than traditional methods, but still computationally demanding due to the large number of potential compounds to test. The work was done using the National Science Foundations XSEDE computer network and Browns “Oscar” high-performanc

13、e computer cluster.Van de Walle and Hong started by analyzing the Hf-Ta-C material for which the melting point had already been experimentally determined. The simulation was able to elucidate some of the factors that contribute to the materials remarkable heat tolerance.The work showed that Hf-Ta-C

14、combined a high heat of fusion (the energy released or absorbed when it transitions from solid to liquid) with a small difference between the entropies (disorder) of the solid and liquid phases. “What makes something melt is the entropy gained in the process of phase transformation,” van de Walle ex

15、plained. “So if the entropy of the solid is already very high, that tends to stabilize the solid and increase the melting point.”The researchers then used those findings to look for compounds that might maximize those properties. They found that a compound with hafnium, nitrogen and carbon would have a similarly high heat of fusion, but a smaller difference between the entropies of the solid and the liquid. When they calculated the melting point using their computational approach, it came out 200 K higher than the experimental record.Van

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