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摩登家庭第十季15-22集Modern Family 中英剧本.docx

1、摩登家庭第十季15-22集Modern Family 中英剧本 第十五集 超级碗 Oh, Super Bowl 精彩比赛 比赛精彩 万众期待 The plays, the plays, theyre calling 从一端到另一端 From end to end 还有啊 And 发生什么事了 What happened? 要我拨打9和1还再加一个1吗 Do I call the nine and the one and the other one? 为什么我的冰箱都是与橄榄球无关的食物 Why is my fridge filled with nonfootballrelated foods

2、今天可是有超级碗大赛的星期天 on Super Bowl Sunday? 都没地方放我的杰瑞赖斯布丁了 Theres no room for my Jerry Rice pudding. 美国职业橄榄球大联盟的知名选手 今天是海莉的迎婴派对 Haleys baby shower is today. 我大概一个月前就跟你说过了 I cleared it with you, like, a month ago. 你就不能把比赛录下来吗 Cant you just record the game? 然后呢 明早再看吗 And what? Watch it tomorrow morning? 为什么橄

3、榄球比赛和迎婴派对 Look. Theres no reason a football game and a baby shower 就不能同处一个屋檐下呢 cant coexist under the same roof. 你们应该也不会打扰到我 Maybe you wont get in my way. 迎婴派对挺平淡的 Baby showers are pretty tame. 迎婴派对啊啊的朋友们 你们好哇 Whos ready for a baby showahhh?! 我在为迎婴派对啊啊做白色俄罗斯人 Im making White Russians for the baby sh

4、owahhh. 有伏特加 咖啡香甜酒和鲜奶油调和的饮料 一点液体勇气能让坏坏游戏更好玩 A little liquid courage makes all the naughty games better. 我觉得你把迎婴派对和婚前派对搞混了 I think youre mixing up baby shower with bridal shower. 我的婚前派对就是在我怀孕的时候举行的 Well, my bridal shower did take place when I was pregnant. 警察舞男都来了 The cops even showed up. 当然了 他们不是真警察

5、 Of course, they werent real cops. 其中一个还用屁股蹭我的肚子 One of them rubbed his butt against my belly. 别跟海莉说 Dont tell Haley. 不如别跟艾丽克斯说 Or how about, Dont tell Alex? 超级碗投注站来啦 Super Bowl squares here! 快给你的超级碗下注吧 Get your Super Bowl squares! 别 别又来一次 No. Not this again. 其实我们做了一点改良 Uh, actually, weve made some

6、refinements. 去年的价格有点太高了 Last year, the price was a little high. 前年又太低了 The year before, too low. 所以今年 我们确定了一个完美的数额 So this year, weve landed on the perfect number. 每注3.75美元 $3.75 per square. 我会跟去年一样 Ill do what I did last year. 给我11注 行啊 容易得很 Give me 11 squares. Okay. Easy enough. 不要在迎婴派对这边搞什么超级碗的算术

7、No. No Super Bowl math on the baby shower side. 到那边去 Go over there. 我告诉你 你真的看起来很棒 Im telling you, you look cute. 你知道什么不棒吗 对我撒谎 You know whats not cute? Lying to me. 孩子出生后 脾气就会改了吧 This gets better once they come out, right? 怎么了 我的上一条牛仔裤穿不上了 What happened? Well, my last pair of jeans exploded 我不能穿裙子 因

8、为我的大腿长毛了 I cant wear skirts because my thighs are growing hair 剃都剃不及 faster than I can shave it 所以我只能穿着滑雪裤来参加自己的迎婴派对 so Im wearing ski pants to my own baby shower. 我告诉你 没人会注意到的 Im telling you, no ones even gonna notice. 那是什么声音 听起来好像 Whats that sound? Its like 进取号星舰舱门开启的声音 when the doors on the stars

9、hip Enterprise open. 你们想给超级碗下注吗 Hey, you guys want to buy a Super Bowl square? 每注只要3.75美元噢 Only $3.75. 酷 我能要三注吗 Cool. Can I take three squares? 是啊 我今天得有点好事 Yeah, I need something good today, too. 我们合买五注 Well split five squares. 你有零钱吗 you have quarters? 上次我被闪电打中之后 Oh, I dont carry change 我就不随身带

10、着零钱了 since the last time I got struck by lightning. 你好 菲利普 Hello, Phillip. 你好 曼尼尔 Hello, Manuel. 违背我明智的判断力 Against my better judgment 我在新电影里为菲尔写了一段戏 I wrote a part for Phil in my new movie. 后来事态有些剑拔弩张 两人间唇枪舌剑 Things got heated, words were exchanged 这点还挺令人意外 嘴这么利说台词却这么愚钝 which is surprising, consider

11、ing he had a mouthful of scenery. 演员啊 Actors. 编剧啊 他们自视甚高 Writers. They think theyre so great. 我写的词真是字字珠玑Oh, my words are so precious. 学着倾听一下吧 Try listening for once. 那样你或许会知道人究竟是怎么说话的 Maybe youll learn how humans actually talk. 等等 是说还是曰来着 Wait, is it is it talk or speak? 想起来了 Oh, thats right. 根本没人在意

12、 No one cares! 大家好 我来看超级碗大赛啦 Hello, hello. Im here for the Super Bowl. 我是来参加迎婴派对的 行 好 And I am here for the baby shower. Okay, yep. 我好像是来受什么刑的 Im here for some sort of punishment, I think. 莉莉和她朋友克里斯蒂娜大吵一架 Hmm. Lily and her friend, Christina, got into a huge fight. 我希望我们能够 And I was hoping we could 让

13、她们坐下来好好聊聊 have the girls sit down and talk it out. 但米奇尔说不 克里斯蒂娜是错的 But Mitchell said No, Christinas in the wrong. 很显然 米奇尔言出法随 And apparently, Mitchells the law. 他确实是 莉莉 你真幸运有个这样睿智的爸爸 He is. Lily, youre very lucky to have such a wise papa. 普里契特助理地检是个英雄 Mmhmm. Assistant District Attorney Pritchett is

14、a hero. 所以这人现在觉得你酷毙了 Huh. So this one thinks youre cool now? 歌洛莉亚喜欢犯罪故事 Okay, Gloria loves crime stories 特别是杀夫的女人那种 especially women who kill their husbands. 最近我起诉了贝艾尔市的黑寡妇 And I recently prosecuted the Bel Air Black Widow. 她每天都有来法庭 She came to court every single day. 我们认为被告有罪 We find the defendant

15、guilty. 太好了 Yes! Whoop, whoop! 律师 这事儿没完 Hey, Counselor. This isnt over. 女士 你就像高中的我一样 Lady, youre like me in high school 因为你17年内都别想出来出柜 cause you aint gonna be coming out for 17 years! 虐了一个外焦内嫩 Boom goes the dynamite! 小卡 来一碗我的知名辣椒酱 Cam, have a bowl of my famous chili. 我都不知道你做了这个 I didnt know you made chili. 我对杰该死的辣椒酱熟得很 I know all about Jays damn chili. 就在去年的同一天我们还聊过 We talked about it last year on this very day. 我们

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