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初中英语人教版七年级下册unit 12Word下载.docx

1、预习作业个体学习方案1. Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 会读。A-H八个字母教学,能认读。 2. A-H八个字母教学,能认读。3. 预习早上见面打招呼的用语Teaching Contents学生课堂练习单有效生成Section A(第一课时)Step 1:Greeting and Introduction1. Begin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning! Next introduce the words “teacher” and “class”by

2、using gesturesRepeat this several times and have the class repeat after me T: Good morning,class.S: Good morning,teacher. Class,please stand up. / Class,please sit down. 2. Point to myself and say Im MissHave them repeatRepeat this a few times with rows and individuals or try a “back-chain” drill:Mi

3、ss / Mr. (Ss repeat)Morning,MissM r (Ss repeat)Good morning,Miss / Mr (Ss repeat)Step 2:PracticeSay:Stand up,please! (Ss stand up) (Leave the classroom,return ) Good morning,class! Good morning,MissMr. Sit down,pleaseNow lets start the lessonStep3:Work on 2a.First present letters A-H,and get the stu

4、dents to repeat these lettersCall the students to attention the letter Csi:notsei:H /ei/ not /e/.Step4: Play a game.T gets ready for a list of English names for boys and girls.Play the game 2. Fill in the missing letters. e.g. C_E B_D E_G F_HStep5. Presentation.Show a picture of a girl and give the

5、name under the picture, teach Alice. In the same way teach the other seven names.Step6.GameShow the pictures of these eight children as quickly as possible. Let the Ss tell the names of these children. (The winner can have a chance to choose an English name.)Step7. Presentation.Show a picture with E

6、ric; let Ss guess what Eric wants to say to us. The answer is: Hello! or Good morning. Then help them to say: Hello, Eric! or Good morning, Eric.Step8. Work on 1a.Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording a second time. Ss repeat.Step9. Work on 1b.T moves around the c

7、lassroom when Ss are practicing. Give them some help if needed. Ask Ss to practice greeting each other. They can use their Chinese names if they wish. Encourage them to use their English names if they can. Ask them to practice using all the different greetings taught in Activity 1a.Step 10.Homework

8、1.Make a name card by themselves and learn how to read their own names.Section B(第二课时)Step1 Warming-upGreet all the Ss with: Hello, or Good morning, using their English names.(Ask all the students to wear their name cards ) At the same time let them repeat their names and try to remember their names

9、.Step2.Presentation1. Show different letters on the slide picture and see if they can read them. First big letters, then small letters.Step3. Learn the letters. (Work on A 2a2d)1. Teach them how to write these big and small letters. (2d)2. Find the big letters for these small letters. (2b)Step4. Gam

10、e.(Which letter is missing?)Show seven big letters (from A-H) on the slide picture; see who can find the missing letter. Then show seven small letters. Ss play the game in a group of four. Everyone should get ready for two pieces of paper with seven big letters and seven small letters.Step5. Present

11、ation Show some letters and ask them to read first, and then guess whatthey stand for. If they have difficulties, T can give them some hints.Step6. Work on Section A Step7. PresentationShow the eight names on the slide picture first and ask some to read. Then put them in order according to the first

12、 letter.Step8. Work on 4a.Step9. Practice.In groups of four, Ss introduce their English names first. Then practice “Good morning ”to each other like the dialogue they heard just now on the tape.Step10.Homework1. Listen and read about 10 minutes after the tape.2. Copy these eight big and small letter

13、s five times.第三课时Step 1 Warming up1. Free talk Class begins.Ss: Stand up. Hello, boys and girls. Hello, Miss Lu. Hello.S1: Hello, Im Miss Lu.S2: Hi, Im (手拿相关图片)Good morning/afternoon/eveningS3: Good morning/afternoon/evening! Miss Lu.(Repeat it several times)2. Sing a song : Good morning!1) 带领学生唱歌曲,

14、并配以动作。2) 采用轮唱、分男女生唱形式演唱歌曲。3) 引导学生改编歌词后演唱,如同学的名字。3. Read Part A and Part B.4.Act out the dialogue.(根据场景表演对话) Hello, Im . Good morning! .Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Listen and judge请同学把书翻到活动手册第4页。告诉学生图上1、2、3表示这是3 道题。2.Listen and tick1)引导学生仔细观察图片,认清正在对话的时间。2)听录音,勾出正确的一副图。3)再听一遍录音,校对答案,说出理由,请学生重复图片中的问候语。4)同桌交换书写互相检查。3Draw and say 1)明确题目要求,让学生在图中适当的位置添画太阳或月亮,以确定对话发生时间。 2)听录音,在图中适当的位置添画太阳或月亮 3)再听一遍录音,校对答案,说出理由。 4)根据场景,进行对话。 Step 3 Assign homework第四课时Step 1. Revision 1 表扬作业书写规范、漂亮的同学,同时指出作业中出现的问题,对共性问题加以强调。2 做字母接龙游戏。3 任意抽出字母中的一个,让学生说出这个字母的前一个和后一个字母。4

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