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1、每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AI was one of the young US soldiers in Saudi Arabia.At a time before the Internet,our only lifeline to friends and family was the mail we sent and received.One evening the mail soldier called my name and,instead of a letter,handed me a large box from my

2、 grandmother back in Oklahoma.One of the great hardships of the war for me was the absence of my grandmothers cookingher fried chicken and onion,corn bread,and,most of all,her desserts.But on that evening I was about to take a gastronomic(美食的) journey home:I opened the box to find two dozen my grand

3、mothers pies.A man from New York approached and asked me what I had received.I couldnt answer;my mouth was full of pie.So I just offered him one.“So nice!” he said.“What are they?” He had to wait a few moments for an answer,but eventually I explained.As insurance,I offered him another pie to keep qu

4、iet.Once a day for the next three weeks,I imagined returning home to my grandmothers kitchen,if only for a few sweet pies at a time.Some of my earliest memories are associated with my grandmothers pies.She had been baking pies since before the Great Depression.She would have astonished the judges on

5、 todays TV cooking challenges.I remember coming across a persimmon(柿子) tree once while out hiking.It was autumn,and the fruit was soft and sweet.I picked a few dozen and brought them to Grandma.Guess what!The next day I walked into her kitchen to find a persimmon pie waiting for me.语篇解读本文属于记叙文,主要讲述了

6、作者在沙特阿拉伯服兵役的某一天,收到自己奶奶从美国寄来的馅饼,吃着这些美味的馅饼,作者感觉仿佛回到了家里。同时,作者回忆了奶奶的心灵手巧,她总能够做出可口的食物。1What can we infer about the US soldiers?AThey were familiar with the pies.BThey were eager to get their mails.CThey were forbidden to use the Internet.DThey seldom got in touch with the outside.答案B解+析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“our

7、only lifeline to friends and family was the mail we sent and received”可知,在沙特阿拉伯的美国士兵与亲朋好友的唯一的联络就是他们所收发的邮件。由此可推知,远在异国他乡的美国士兵最想收到的当然是他们的邮件了。2Why did the author offer the soldier another pie?ATo prove it was made by Grandma.BTo make the soldier judge the taste.CTo indicate he was generous.DTo let himse

8、lf enjoy the pies.答案D由第三段尤其是最后一句“He had to wait a few moments for an answer,but eventually I explained.As insurance,I offered him another pie to keep quiet.”可知,作者为了继续享用馅饼,但又害怕战友继续问问题,就又递了一块馅饼给战友让战友保持安静。3Why did the author mention the persimmon pie?ATo look back on the hiking day.BTo appreciate Grand

9、mas devotion to him.CTo show Grandmas piemaking skills.DTo explain Grandmas piemaking history.答案C解+析写作意图题。作者在最后一段后半部分提到他以前外出徒步时无竟中看到一棵柿子树,他将一些柿子带回家给奶奶,没想到,第二天作者就在奶奶的厨房里看到了可口的柿子馅饼。这个回忆实际上是承接本段的前半部分,举例说明奶奶擅长做馅饼。BPeople often recommend planting trees to make cities greener and healthier.But during heat

10、 waves,city trees can actually increase air pollution.Indeed,a new study finds up to 60 percent of the ozone(臭氧) in a citys air on hot days may have its origin in chemicals released by trees.City trees offer lots of benefits.They provide cooling shade,absorb carbon dioxide,and also release oxygen in

11、to the air.But oxygen is far from the only gas that trees and certain other green plants release into the air.One of these chemicals is a hydrocarbon that can react with burning pollutants,such as nitrogen oxides.The result is the formation of ozone which can cause airway disease.Galina Churkina and

12、 her team wanted to explore how much chemicals released by trees could affect city air.To do this,the researchers turned to a computer.They asked it to model the likely reactions between plant chemicals and nitrogen oxides in air throughout the Berlin city area.An average daily high there in summer

13、tends to be at roughly 25.On such a day,chemicals released by area plants would likely have contributed to making about 6 to 20 percent of the ozone in the citys air.But during a heat wave,when temperatures are more than 30,treechemical emissions(排放物) are also high.Churkina says her team was not sur

14、prised to see the contrary relationship between plants and pollution.The results,Churkina says,suggest city treeplanting programs should not ignore the role plants may play in bad summer air pollution.Adding more trees will improve quality of life only if those cities also undertake plans to sharply

15、 cut vehicle pollution.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要说明了城市绿化除了有净化空气的优点之外,也存在着促进臭氧形成的缺点。4How does the ozone come about according to the passage?AIt results from a part of nitrogen oxides.BIt is released by trees and other green plants.CIt directly comes from the burning of oxygen.DIt is from reactions between hydrocarbons and burning pollutants.解+析细节理解题。根据第二段中的倒数第二句可知,树木还能释放出碳氢化合物,这种化学物质会和像氮氧化物这样燃烧着的污染物发生化学反应,从而导致臭氧的形成。5What can we infer from Churkinas finding?ATheres no emissions of chemicals in spring.BOzone is the main cause of city air pollution.CFurther

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