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1、For those who want to open up new markets overseas, an understanding of local culture is necessary. 2. In the Middle East you can hold an Arab mans hands as a gesture of friendship.我们为新同事举办了一个聚会,以示友善。We hold a party for our new colleagues as a gesture of friendship. 他送她一束花以示同情。He sent her a bunch of

2、 flowers as a gesture of sympathy. 3. Without an appreciation of international business etiquette, these things would never be known.没有有效的沟通,这件事情很难办成。Without effective communication, its hard to get this done.没有共同的文化背景,人们很容易产生误解。Without shared culture, its very easy for people to misunderstand each

3、other. 4. Some people would believe their way of behavior is fine, but hen transferred into an international context it no longer applies.在一个国家是良好的礼仪,在另一个国家也许就不适用了。Good manners in one country may not apply in another. 这项规则不是所有情况都适用。This rule cannot be applied to all cases. 5. Touch someone on the he

4、ad in Thailand or Indonesia and you would have aused great insul.如果你现在放弃,这桩生意就会泡汤。Give up now and youll lose the deal. 给中国人送钟,你就犯了大忌。Give a clock to a Chinese as a gift and youll make a serious mistake. Unit 3 Making a Presentation1.Even if youve been asked to share information, rarely is the mere t

5、ransfer of information a satisfactory objective form the point of view of the audience.即便顾客目前没有投诉,仅凭漂亮的外包装不是有效的营销策略。Even if there is no customer complaint at present, rarely is the mere beautiful packaging an effective maketing strategy.就算你很聪明,在这个高度竞争的社会里仅靠聪明是不够的。Even if you are clever, rarely is th

6、e mere cleverness enough in this highly competitive society.2.If your presentation is not based on solid content,you can no succeed.如果你的指控(accusation)不是以事实为依据,你就不可能打赢这场官司(lawsuit)。If your accusation is not based on facts you can not win the lawsuit.如果你的分析不是以真实数据为依据,你就不会有令人信服的结论。If the analysis is no

7、 based on the statistics, you can not make a convincing conclusion.3.At the very least, you need to answer the basic “W” questions.当你作报告时,至少你要了解听众。When you give a presentation, at the very least, you need to know your audience.作为一名公司的新员工,你至少应该熟悉公司的主要业务。As a new employee at the least, you should lear

8、n about the business of your company.4.You need to ask yourself many basic questions with an eye to becoming the best possible presenter.他的父亲买下那所乡间小屋以备退休后住在那里。His father bought the cottage with an eye to retiring there.为了获得更多的实际工作经验 他还在一家工厂找了份兼职。He found a part-time job in a factory, with an eye to

9、getting more practical experience.5.In your opnion, what are the most important parts of your topic for the audience to take away form you?根据你的看法,什么才是解决问题的最好办法?In your opinion, what is the best solution to the problem?依你的看法,什么是一个领导最好的品质?In your opinion, what are the best qualities of a ood leader?6.

10、Surveys continually show that people fear public speaking more than death.调查显示大多数女人害怕发胖比什么都厉害。Surveys show that most women fear becoming fat more than anything eles.调查表明老人害怕孤独比害怕死还厉害。Sureys show thaty old people fear loneliness more than death.Unit 4 Establishing Business Relations1.By comprehensive

11、 searching, we mean you can try searching for new customers and partners.网络营销是指通过使用万维网进行销售和促销。By internet making, we mean you can use the World Wide Web for sales and promotion.顾客满意度调查指的是对顾客他们所买物品的满意情况进行调查。By customer satisfaction surveys, we mean studies to find out if buyers are satisfied with wha

12、t they have bought.2.You can try reaching them by e-mails, paying a visit, posting business cards or company leaflets你可以尝试用一种不同的方法来完成这项任务。You can try using a different method to finish this task.我们可以尝试通过减员来削减生产成本。We can try cutting down our cost of production by reducing our staff.3.You can distribu

13、te advertisements to your target customers and attract them to your site of product promotion in a target region, where you can introduce and illustrate your products.你可以策划一个产品发布(release)会,人们可以得到更详细的产品信息。You can plan a product releast conference, where people can get more detailed imformation about

14、the product.你可以参加各种交易会,在那里你可能遇到潜在的合作伙伴。You can take part in various trade fairs, where you may meet some potential partners.4.Another effective approach to findingnew customers and business partners is to take good dvantage of trade fair opportunities.另一种有效的营销方式是创建一个产品的品牌形象。Another effective approach to maketing is to create a brand image of your product.另一种有效的保住你现有顾客的方法是使他们高兴。Another effective approach to retaining your existing cus

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