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1、译言网 15部怪异而神秘的书8译言网 15部怪异而神秘的书(8 The Red Book 红书 Carl Jung was a famous 20th century psychologist, the founder of the Analytical Psychology movement. He was a student of Freuds, though he later diverged from Freuds theories. It was during this time that he began work on what was formally titled Liber

2、 Novus, but was known informally amongst Jungs followers and heirs and eventually published as The Red Book. 卡尔荣格是20世纪著名的心理学家,分析心理学的创始人。他是佛洛伊德的学生,但是后来他背离了佛洛伊德的思想理论。也正是因为这次“离经叛道”,他开始正式创作新书(红书),但其追随者和继承人直至该书最后出版,才知道他所创作的即为后来的红书。 The book had its beginnings in what seemed to be a psychotic breakdown fo

3、r Jung, starting in 1913. Jung himself referred to the period as a confrontation with his own unconscious. He worked on it for 16 years, while developing his own psychological theories. The contents in the book were produced by using a technique of Jungs own development that he called “active imagin

4、ation”, wherein he was visited by a male and female figure, whom he later identified as the prophet Elijah and Salome, who guided him through the process of delving into a collective unconscious. 这本书1913年开始创作,那时荣格的精神处于低迷的病态,他自己把那个时期描述为在和自己的精神交锋。他用16年的时间,创造了自己的心理理论。他用自己发明的方法编写这部书的内容,即他称之为“积极想象”的方法。依他

5、所写,曾有一个老人和一个美貌姑娘造访,他后来认定他们分别是以利亚(希伯来先知)和萨罗米(马太福音中的人物)。 Jungs heirs kept the Red Book from being accessed for nearly eighty years, until 2001. It was finally published in 2009. 荣格的后人一直收藏红书直至2001年,在之前近80年的时间里拒绝任何人接触这本书。最终这本书在2009年出版。 The Codex Seraphinianus 塞拉菲尼抄本 The Codex Seraphinianus is a book tha

6、t, according one review, “lies in the uneasy boundary between surrealism and fantasy.” Created by Italian artist Luigi Serafini, the book is supposed to be an encyclopedia of another world. It is written in a a language of Serafinis own creation, and illustrated throughout by bizarre, color illustra

7、tions. There are fish that resemble human eyeballs, complete with eyelashes; bleeding fruit shot through with safety pins; cities cradled in giant oyster shells, suspended about a sea. The language has also proven to be indecipherable, though according to its page on Abe Books, cryptologists have ma

8、naged to decipher the numbering system. 塞拉菲尼抄本被认为一部介于超现实主义与虚幻主义之间的作品。书的作者是意大利艺术家路易吉塞拉菲尼,该书被认为是另一个世界的百科全书。塞拉菲尼用自己创造的一种文字完成了这部书,并配以奇异的彩色插图贯穿整部作品。书中的鱼像人的眼球,连同睫毛也一样;城市建筑在巨大的牡蛎壳上,漂流在海面上。尽管密码专家根据其在Abe books上的书页,成功的破译了其文字编译体系,但仍无法解释这些文字的含义。 The Rongorongo 隆歌隆歌 Though stretching the definition of “books” ra

9、ther far, the Rongorongo deserve a place on this list. These pieces of wood some of which were shaped into staffs or statuettes contain a system of glyphs which have not been able to be deciphered since their discovery in the 19th century. 即使要改变一下书籍的定义,也应该给隆歌隆歌在这份列表中留一席之地。虽然这只是些碎木片(有些被做成了的法杖或雕像),但其上

10、刻有一套系统的字形符号,自从19世纪被发现以来一直未能解开。 The arrival of Chilean and Peruvian forces on the island had a devastating effect on the population: slave raiders struck a number of times, eventually abducting or killing about 1,500 people, roughly half the native population. Smallpox and tuberculosis epidemics, som

11、e of which were purposely introduced by traders. Others were forcibly emigrated to Tahiti as an enslaved work force. Within a decade, 97% of the population was lost, and there was no one left to translate the glyphs. 智利人和秘鲁人的到来,给这个小岛的居民带来了毁灭性的灾难:长时间的奴隶掠夺,最终导致岛上的居民几乎损失了一半的人口,他们或被杀害或被抓走,大约有1500人消失;商人恶

12、意地把天花、肺结核等流行病引入岛内,加剧了当地人口的死亡;剩下的一些人也被掠夺到塔希提岛成为奴隶。十年之间,97%的人口死亡,已经没有人能够读懂这些文字。 The Codex Mendoza 门多萨抄本 The Codex Mendoza is an extraordinary document with a strange history. It was most likely commissioned by the Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza in 1616, and was sent to Spain for the kings perusal. On its

13、way there, however, the fleet on which it traveled was attacked by French privateers, and the codex, along with other treasures that had been aboard, was taken to France. It lay in obscurity for a few hundred years, eventually making its way to the Bodeleian Library in Oxford. 门多萨抄本是一部不一般的文献,有着奇特的历史

14、。它可能是由门多萨总督安东尼奥在1616年委托编著的,欲送往西班牙供国王阅读。但是,在航行途中,西班牙舰队遭到了法国海盗的攻击,这部书稿和其它的财宝被装船带到了法国。就这样,它被遗忘了几百年,最后,被收藏在牛津大学图书管。 What makes this book extraordinary is that it was a book about the Aztec people, written by Aztec scribes and informants. It is what some scholars call the first “autoethnography”, a biogr

15、aphy of an entire people written by members of the group. 这本书的与众不同之处在于,它是一本关于阿芝特克人的书,由阿芝特克人提供的素材,由阿芝特克人所写。这就是为什么一些学者称该书为“第一部自传式人种志”的原因,这是一部由其中部分人撰写的全体人的传记。 Prophecies of Nostradamus 占卜者的预言 What list of mysterious and occult books would be complete without a mention of the famed Prophecies? This popu

16、lar book of predictions and prophecies has been a bestseller for over 400 years, rarely going out of print since its initial publication in 1555. At the time, collections of omens and predictions were in high demand. Nostradamus or Michel de Notredame, as he was known began his career as an apothecary and plague doctor. Perhaps it was his work in the midst of bubonic plague outbreaks that gave him his particular interest in apocalyptic visions of

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