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1、一、Presentation 1.Warming UpIntroduce yourself and ask some Ss to introduce himself.2.Leading inAsk Ss the greetings and possible responses,then summarize the greetings and responses.3.Summarize and complement the greetings and responsesa.Hello!/Hi!b.Good morning(afternoon,evening).-Good morning(afte

2、rnoon,evening).c.How do you do?-How do you do?d.How are you?-Fine,thank you.e.Glad to meet you.-Glad to meet you.f.Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you.g.Good-bye!-Good-bye!h.Bye-bye!-Bye-bye!i.See you later(tomorrow)!-See you!4.PracticeAsk Ss to practice the greetings and responses.二、Learning new wor

3、ds.Key Words:welcome vocational glad meet look class read study after class see let every love hard thank visit time English want desk chairUseful Expressions:Welcome to. Look at. Be glad to do. A lot of. Thank.for.Next to. This way,please. Here we are! How large it is!See you next time.3、ReadingRea

4、ding the new words.四、Sum UpSum Up the greetings and responses,key words,useful expressions.五、HomeworkPreview the text.教学过程设计:一、Presentation (20mins) Warming Up Lead In Practice2、Learning New Words (30mins)3、Reading (30mins)四、Sum Up (5mins)五、Homework (5mins)教学方法及手段(请标注):讲授()、讨论()、上机()、多媒体讲解()、模型、实物讲解

5、()、挂图讲解()、音像讲解()等。作业、讨论题、思考题:Preview the text课后小结:课堂气氛较为活跃掌握基本的单词和短语 Unit 1(二) 课程教案Reading Part and Grammar第4周3、4节掌握there be句型用法、熟悉课文内容、了解怎样用英语介绍我们的学校。主-系-表结构(S-V-P);There be.句型。一、Review1.Ask Ss to describe what we have learned last class.2.Summarize and complement what we have learned last class.3.

6、Let Ss to read the new words.二、Lead In以“Our school”为话题,让同学们尽可能多的谈论校园情况。三、Learning Reading Part词汇:welcome vocational glad meet look class read study after after class see let every love hard playground floor largestudent classroom library dormitory dinning-hall basketball短语:Next to. There be. .be gla

7、d to do. Do you see.?句子:1.Welcome to Xinhua Vocational School.2.I am very glad to meet you here today.3.This is the classroom building of our school.4.There are four reading rooms in the library.5.Do you see the red building next to the library?6.This way,please.7.Here we are.8.How large it is!9.Tha

8、nk you for your visit.10.See you next time.语法:1.主-系-表结构(S-V-P) Be(am,is,are,was,were)肯定形式:I am a new student.否定形式:I am not a new student.疑问形式:Are you a new student?-Yes,I am./No,I am not. Is this a book? -Yes, it is. /No, it is not.2.There be.句型There is(are)+主语+状语There is a book on the desk.There is

9、 a teacher and two students in the classroom.There are two students and a teacher in the classroom. 如果句中主语有两个以上的名词,be的单复数形式由靠近be的决定。There is(are)+no(not any)+主语+状语 There is no(not any) book on the desk.There are no(not any) students in the classroom.Be+there+主语+状语?Is there a book on the desk? -Yes,

10、there is. /No, there is not.Are there any students in the classroom? -Yes, there are./No,there are not.词汇、短语、句子、语法 1.Page3 Useful Words and Expressions 2.Page4 Grammar Focus一、Review (10mins)二、Lead In (10mins)三、Learning Reading Part (40mins)四、Sum Up (10mins)五、Homework (20mins)本节课以学习理论为主,用生动的图示引起大家学习的

11、兴趣课堂气氛一般 Unit 1(三) 课程教案Language Study; Vowels;Summarize第5周1、2节掌握短语和句型的用法、熟悉元音音标、了解国际音标。所学短语、句型的灵活运用。一、CheckCheck the homework.二、Review1.Review grammar.a.主-系-表结构(S-V-P)b.There be.句型There is(are)+no(not any)+主语+状语PS:如果句中主语有两个以上的名词,be的单复数形式由靠近be的决定。2.Review the text and write the Reading Comprehensive Part.3、讲习习题部分1.Page3 Useful Words and Expressions2.Page4 Grammar Focus四、International Phonetic System国际音标总共48个1.元音:气流由肺部发出,经过口腔能自由呼出不受阻碍,而且声带振动。元音一共有20个,其中单元音12个,双元音8个。2.辅音:气流从肺部发出,在口腔或者烟头受到阻碍而形成的不一定使声带振动的音。声带不振动的音叫清辅音,声带振动的音叫浊辅音。3.单元音 i: e u: : i a: : u 双元音 e i u i u ai au ei 五、S

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