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本文(中美跨文化商务交流的对比分析contrastive analysis on intercultural business communicationWord文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

中美跨文化商务交流的对比分析contrastive analysis on intercultural business communicationWord文档格式.docx

1、AbstractThis thesis studies the factors which influence Intercultural Business Communication between China and America from the aspects of past Orientation vs. future Orientation, individualism vs. collectivism, large power distance vs. small power distance, strong uncertainty avoidance vs. weak unc

2、ertainty avoidance, high context cultures vs. low context cultures and monochromic time culture vs. polychromic time culture. The understanding of Communication culturally will make effective communication. In this paper, it will make a contractive analysis on intercultural business communication be

3、tween China and America. Although these six areas can only reflect the tip of the iceberg concerning the differences in cross- cultural business communication, the paper hopes to make people fully aware of the importance of these differences by continually discussing their impacts on business negoti

4、ation, business etiquette and some other.Key Words: intercultural business communication; contrastive analysis; cultural difference摘要本文将从六个方面对中美跨文化商务交际的影响因素作对比分析,包括过去取向和未来取向、个人主义和集体主义、大权距和小权距、对不确定强回避性和弱回避性、高语境和低语境文化模式以及多元时间模式和单一时间模式。理解文化交流的差异将使沟通更加有效。在这篇文章中,将对比分析中国和美国之间的跨文化商务交际。虽然这六个方面不能反映跨文化商务交际的全部

5、差异,但作者希望通过讨论这六个方面的差异对商务谈判、商务礼仪等所造成的影响来使得人们充分认识到这种差异的重要性。关键词:跨文化商务交际;对比分析;文化差异1. IntroductionThere exist so many differences among countries in cultures, way of thinking, value, and world views that makes cross-cultural business communication becomes complicated and difficult which may results in emb

6、arrass and failure. China and America are both big countries in the world. They are playing an important role on the political and economic stage of the world. The communication between the people from the two countries is to the world peace and the healthy development of international economy. The

7、understanding of body language culturally will make effective communication. Through study, it comes to the conclusion that the study of body language between cultures is an important way to promote the good communication between China and America (Xin, 2012).The fields of communications, journalism

8、, and media studies, however, have been slower in paying attention to the changing state, consumer, and citizen media landscapes of this booming nation (Parameswaran, 2010), even though it has taken a more important role in the global mediascape (Straubhaar, 2010). China and America are distinct in

9、languages, customs, behaviors, values and many other aspects. It is the many differences between Chinese and American that constitute their own distinct culture (Wang, 2013). People come to realize that how to start business with a partner of different cultural background and how to solve the commun

10、ication barriers caused by cultural differences will play a key role in future business.2. Literature Review2.1 CommunicationAs Edeani (1988) remarked, in mass communication research, as in other aspects of the scientific enterprise, occasional stock-taking is necessary as a means of evaluating prog

11、ress, detecting problems, and describing future directions. Since then, countless others have been added to their list. From the above analysis, we can see that the basic assumption is: Communication is a form of human behavior derived from a need to connect and interact with other human beings. The

12、refore, communication simply refers to the act and process of sending and receiving messages among people.2.2 Definition of Intercultural CommunicationIt is mostly refers to an academic field of study or research and in return those academic results are then applied to real life solutions. Thus, edu

13、cators have some new ideas. Wang (2008) points out that intercultural communication is quite comprehensive, in addition to understand the basic definition, different behavior, students should also accept course of corporate culture and intercultural training. Also, Wang (2011) adds that students sho

14、uld be encouraged to explore the nature of reasons for difference, such as the different origins of Western culture, a different mode of thinking, norms and values. However, even though the phenomenon of intercultural communication is as old as human society, the study of intercultural communication

15、 as a subject is fairly a short history which started in the U.S. from early 1950s and 80s in China (Mu, 2007).Therefore, there is still a long way to go concerning the researches in this field.2.3 Intercultural Business CommunicationBusiness Communication refers to purposeful exchange of informatio

16、n and resources, mutual support and contact between two or more parties to promote mutually beneficial relationship for personal and business success (Liu, 2008). Meanwhile; Cui (2007) defined intercultural business communication as exchanges among business individuals or social groups with different cultural backgrounds in order to achieve exchange of econo

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