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1、数字在中西方文化中的差异本科学位论文分类号 密 级 编 号 本科生毕业论文题 目 数字在中西方文化中的差异 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英 语 作者姓名 杜 变 变 班 级 2009级二班 学 号 294010604 指导教师 马 金 海 提交日期 2013. 5. 23 The Cultural Differences of Numerals between China and West CulturesDu BianbianA thesisSubmitted to the School of Foreign Languages and Literature Tianshui Normal

2、University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree ofBACHELOR OF ARTSinENGLISH LANGUAGETianshui, GansuMay, 2013原创性声明本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的论文是在指导教师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。学位论文中凡是引用他人已经发表或未经发表的成果、数据、观点等均已明确注明出处。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。论文作者签名: 年 月 日 论文指导教师签名:目 录一、 论文正文117

3、二、 附录1 毕业论文成绩评定表2 答辩小组意见3 答辩成绩评分表4 论文指导记录5 开题报告CONTENTSAbstract i摘要 ii. Introduction 1 . The Analysis of Numerals Differences between China and West Cultures.2 2.1 The Relationship between Numeral and Religion 2 2.1.1 The Typical Numerals in Western Religion 3 2.1.2 The Typical Numerals in Chinese R

4、eligion 4 2.2 The Relationship between Numerals and National Psychology 5 2.2.1 Numerals and Chinese Psychology 6 2.2.2 Numerals and Western Psychology 8 2.2.3 Typical Taboo Numerals in Chinese and Western 9 2.3 The Relationship between Numerals and Language Aesthetics 10 2.3.1 Numerals and Chinese

5、Aesthetics 10 2.3.2 Numerals and English Aesthetics 12. The Cultural Differences of Numerals and Cross-Culture Communication 14. Conclusion 15References 17Acknowledgements iiiThe Cultural Differences of Numbers between Chinese and EnglishDu Bianbian【Abstract】The human languages convey profound histo

6、rical cultures and national features. And any language all over the world is rooted in a specific cultural background, reflecting the specific cultural contents. Numerals, being an extremely special language branch, have played crucial roles in the development of human society over thousand of years

7、. Numerals and human life are closely related to each other. The function of numeral in human culture is not only limited in the count of mathematics, but also is a mysterious cultural symbol, which forms a unique numeral culture phenomenon. Numeral plays an important role in human cultural exchange

8、s and development, reflecting the distinctive cultural characteristics. However, there are quite a few differences in religious beliefs, ethical psychology culture, and languages aesthetics in Chinese and westerners, so numerals have been given to the different cultural connotations in different cul

9、tural contexts, from the perspective of culture, this paper analyzes these factors to reduce misunderstandings in communication and promote the awareness of cross-cultural communication. Key Words: Numeral culture; Western culture and Chinese culture; Culture differences; Intercultural communication


11、IntroductionLanguage is an important constituent part of culture. The use of language gives an efficient expression to the culture connotation permeation, which makes the spread and expression of culture possible. In many cases, numeral is a kind of cultural symbol, which fully reflects a national m

12、ultifaceted cultural features. Chinese and English are respectively from different culture systems. As a cultural phenomenon exists in all ethnic groups, it is the “common core” part of the culture, while numerals reference in virtually meaning and expression function are quite different from each o

13、ther. In the consequence, it gradually formed the cultural differences of understanding between those two languages. World famous linguist John Taylor (Nida, 2001) discovered the earliest form of culture of the religious belief is “animism” in 1871. He pointed out the origins of the “animism are myt

14、hology and religion.” What is the most important is that to some extent numerals spirit can control peoples fate. The westerners are deeply influenced by religious beliefs, they think numeral language is not only the general symbol, but also has magical power operating some certain things. So people

15、 often closely involve the numerology in their daily lives. Numeral correspondently connects with peoples concepts and is endowed with positive or negative cultural connotations. These clearly reflect the different national psychology culture. Whats more, British famous linguist Jennifer Seidl (Hu Wenzhong & Du Xuezeng, 1989) thinks that “numeral and language can not be separated, you can not choose to use or not. Where there is number, there will be beauty”. Chinese scholar Wu Huiying (1990), wrote his excellent monograph about the development of culture and num

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