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1、2. Price changes play a major role in a market economy. When demand for a product or service is greater than the supply available, buyers bid the price up. If costs remain the same per unit sold, the higher price leads to greater profits and an incentive to invest in resources to produce even greate

2、r quantities of the product.3. With direct aid, credit lines and reasonable contracts, China has helped African nations build infrastructure projects in record time bridges, roads, schools, hospitals, dams, legislative buildings, stadiums and airports. In many African nations, including Senegal, imp

3、rovements in infrastructure have played important roles in stimulating economic growth. 4. An epicWarm 2008praising disaster-relief efforts, was penned by leading poets to boost national morale. It was expressively recited and movingly performed by famous artists, TV anchors and entertainment stars.

4、 5. The need to produce goods and services at quality levels previously thought impossible to obtain in mass production and the spreading use of participatory management techniques will require a work force with much higher levels of education and skills.第一部分英译汉1由于贫穷国家的经济对形势变化的适应能力差一些,政府对这种经济的控制作用也小

5、一些,所以发展中国家所能采取的封册比起工业户国家来就有局限性。2在市场经济里, 价格的变动起着重要作用。当某一种产品或劳务的需求量大于可供量时,买主们会把价格抬高。如果售出产品的单位成本不变,价格越高则利润越大,同时对资源投资也会起刺激作用,使更多的产品能被制造出来。3通过直接援助、贷款及合理的合同,中国帮助非洲国家在极短的时间里建设了大量基础设施项目桥梁、公路、学校、医院、大坝、议会大楼、体育馆及飞机场。在包括塞内加尔在内的很多非洲国家,基础设施的改善在刺激经济增长方面起到了重要作用。4今年春节正值我国南方雪灾之际,因此“春晚”加入了抗雪赈灾环节。其中,由众多影视和娱乐明星表演的诗歌朗诵节目

6、温暖2008观众评价很高,为今年春晚最感人的节目。5. 过去人们认为在批量生产和参与性管理模式中无法保证产品和服务的质量,而提供优质 产品和服务的需求在客观上要求具有更高教育素质和专门技术的劳动者。Translate the following sentences into English. (10%)1. 随着中国经济实力的增强和对外开放水平的提高,我们将推动中国企业“走出去”,更好地利用国际国内两种资源、两个市场,使“引进来”和“走出去”实现相互统一、相互结合。2. 国内贸易通常不会有语言障碍、关税限制,不会因贸易法规的不同产生壁垒,而国际贸易往往会受到这些因素的极大制约。3. 国外客户既

7、是原料或零件的出口者,又是制成品的进口者;而中国企业则是原料零件的进口者,又是制成品的出口者。4. 如果以虚伪、不诚实的方式为人处世,也许能获得暂时的“成功”,但从长远看,他最终是个失败者。这种人就像山上的水,刚开始的时候,是高高在上,但逐渐逐渐地它就越来越下降,再没有一个上升的机会。5. 对最安全城市的评选,主要考虑社会、经济和生态的发展方面,香港在这项评选中以0.849分(总分1分)名列第一。 此外,城市的犯罪率、金融政策的稳定性、政府的权威、工伤事故发生率、食品安全及污染状况等因素也被考虑在内。汉译英1. With the strengthening of Chinas economic

8、 power and the deepening of its opening up, we will encourage Chinese enterprises to go global, better utilize international and domestic resources and markets, and realize the integration of “attracting foreign investment” and “going global”.2. Trade within a country is ordinarily free of the obstr

9、uctions of strange language, customs, and commercial laws, but these obstructions may be greatly involved in international trade. 3. The foreign client is both the exporter of materials or parts and the importer of finished products, and the Chinese enterprise is both the importer of materials or pa

10、rts and the exporter of finished products.4. If we bear ourselves in a deceptive and dishonest way, we may succeed temporarily. However, from the long-term view, we will be a loser. Such kind of people are just like the water on the mountain. It stands high above the masses at the beginning, but gra

11、dually it comes down inch by inch and loses the chance of going up.5. In the voting for the safest city, which assessed the social, economic and ecological development, Hong Kong came first with 0.849 points out of one. In this category, the cities crime rates, stability of financial policies, autho

12、rity of the government, industrial accident rate, food safety and pollution situation, were considered.Part II. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (40%)Passage 1Dear Sirs, We are pleased to announce that we intend to intensify our activities in your country. It is our serious and keen in

13、terest to realize such a development for our mutual benefit. We are a trading company involved in import and export business throughout the world. We belong to a group of companies established during the turn of 20th century. The attached statement will give you some more information which will sure

14、ly be helpful to open business relations between us. Within the activities of the company we have recently established a new department under the management of Mr. Wang Ping who has long experience in the Far East Trade since 1995. This department is mainly interested in the import of products from

15、your country especially in: native produce and animal by-products for the foodstuffs and chemical industry raw materials and semi-finished products chemicals/pharmaceutical raw materials minerals and essential oils However, we will be also active in export of chemicals and we invite your inquiries. We seriously hope that a voluminous and continuous

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